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电子备课格式(最新)课 题8A Unit6 Revision主 备武传虎主核赵玉宇使用者武传虎课 型Revision使用日期2015.1【学习目标】1.To master and use the important words, phrases and sentences .2.To master the grammar.3 .To write an application letter. 第一次集体备课(通案)第二次备课(个案)【导入新课】Today we will have a revision about Unit6【板书课题】8A Unit6 Revision【学习目标】.1.To master and use the important words, phrases and sentences .2.To master the grammar.3 .To write an application letter. 【自学指导】Task 11. Name the birds correctly. 2. know the parts of birds 3. Play a guessing game.Task 21. Read the text quickly.2. Fill in the blanks3. Show the answers to the class.Task 3Read and say the words.Task 41. Read and say the phrases.2. Complete the exercises.Task 5Read and understand the sentencesTask 61. Say and understand the grammar.2. Complete the sentences.Task 7Write about your own application form.【堂清知识】Words ,phrases and grammar.【当堂检测】PPTRead and understand.Read and say.学生活动指导:1. 独立完成。2. 小组合作,核对答案。3. 学生展示。(答对一题得一分。)Read and say.Disscuss then write学生活动指导:4. 独立完成。5. 小组合作,核对答案。6. 学生展示。Discuss and say.日清内容练习册单元测试第三次备课(反思)得:学生对本单元的单词短语语法掌握很好,小组合作很好。失:个别学生不会分析题目,错误较多。改:多做练习巩固。
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