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世界工厂网线上生态学院 7种询盘回复模板,帮你锁定客户的心!发邮件算是外贸人最普通,最常见的日常任务了,除了技巧掌握以外,你还需要学会分类,那么在不同的情况下该如何拉近与客户的距离呢?小编整理了一些实用有效的询盘回复模板分享给大家!一、回复一般询盘 Dear XX,Thanks for your inquiry of May 5. (注意到没有,提及时间点!这里是留给客户一个场景回顾,好让他记起之前来你产品那访问过。)We have these items in stock, our products are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price. Right now, we offer a 5 discount for bulk purchase.Thank you again for your interest in our products. If you would like to have more information, please let us know and feel free to contact us. We look forward to your early reply.Best regards,XXX要点:询盘特别注意的一点是,说明你要表达的信息,产品的特点优势,折扣,要找到客户的痛点,他最想看到什么。二、推广促销活动 Dear XX, Right now Christmas is coming, and there is a heavy demand for Christmas gifts.(节日将至,你有大礼待接收。) Here is our Christmas gifts link, please click to check them. All the products are now available from stock. Thank you for your consideration. Best Regards, XXX要点:类似的节日活动都可以套用这种模板,若要丰富一点,可以加上带有促销信息的产品图片,以及附上直达链接。三、在没有收到询盘时,可以主动发信推广自己的产品 Dear Sirs,We learned from your store on Alibaba.com that you are in the market for arts and crafts.We are ABC company, specialized in the export of arts and crafts.(公司主营产品介绍)We attach a list of products we are regularly exporting, you can also visit our store on Alibaba.com. Should you be interested in any of our products, please let US know and we shall be glad to give you our best quotation.(用词上,should很妙,让人感到亲切也不会像if那样频繁,best quotation这里展示自己公司实力的验证)We look forward to receiving your inquiry soon. Yours sincerely, XXX要点:要告知对方你的信息源,进行自我介绍,表达合作的意愿。四、回复具体询盘 Dear XX,Thank you for your inquiry of May 5 and we are pleased to send you our quotation for the goods you required as follows: Commodity: Mens T-Shirt in assorted colors. Item No.: AC-101 Quantity: 100 dozens Size: Large (L), Medium (M), Small(S) Price: at USS$60 per dozen CIF Kobe Shipment: in June, 2016 Payment: by irrevocable L/C at sight This offer is subject to our final confirmation. If you find it acceptable, please let us have your reply as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, XXX要点:文字版,还有图片版都是可以使用的。要求是,简洁明了,信息点一个不落。五、报价 Dear XX, Thank you for your inquiry of May 5, at your request, we are making you the following offer: “1000 sets of Color YV Sets, at USD500 per set CIF Hamburg. Other terms and conditiongs are same as usual.” The offer is subject to your acceptance reaching us not later than May 10. As we have been receiving a rush of orders now, we would advise you to place your order as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, XXX要点:回复询盘和报价,可以适当谈及市场和供应条件,催促对方下单。注意:报价分为实盘(Firm Offer)和虚盘(Non-firm Offer) 实盘对报盘人有约束力,在实盘规定的有限期限内,实盘一经接受,就可以达成交易,报盘人不得随意撤回或修改实盘的内容。实盘常用的表达方法如下:The offer is subject to your acceptance reaching us not later than May 10.The offer remains firm (valid) until May 10.Our offer will remain valid for ten days虚盘是报盘人有保留的愿意按一定条件达成交易的表示,虚盘对报盘人没有约束力,报盘人可以随时撤回或者修改虚盘的内容,虚盘常用的表达方法如下: The offer is subject to our final confirmation.The offer is subject to change without force.We offer, subject to goods being unsold.六、回应买家砍价 Dear XX, Thank you for your letter of May 17. As regards your counter-offer, we regret we cant accept it because we feel that the price list is reasonabIe and leaves us limited profit already.However, in order to meet you on this occasion, we are prepared to give you a special discount of 5 on condition that your order is not less than 1,000 pieces. We hope to receive your order at an early date.Best regards, XXX七、提供形式发票Dear XX,Thanks for your letter of May 25, we are sending you here with the required Proforma Invoice in triplicate. Please note that our offer remains valid until November 15. Please place your order as soon as possible, because we running out of our stock. Yours incerely, XXX世界工厂网线上生态学院:制造公司开展线上业务的加油站
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