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肖梅 (Mayshaw),完形填空(cloze test),原则:先完意,后完形 用约30个单词概括文章大意。,The author puts some time into learning how to cook through trial and error, and he succeeds, which tells us building confidence is important in whatever we do.,意,It is important to build confidence in whatever we try to do. Lets just say that cooking has not _36_ been my thing. Many of my friends know that I _ a lot of meals. When we invited people over they wanted to know if I would be near the kitchen before they would _38_.,always(与not连用“不总是”),accept( an invitation),秘籍:第一句话;上下文(context),Beginning: 36,38,ruined,context,Process: 40; 42-43; 46-48,I began visiting cooking websites but was discouraged by their lack of pictures and felt _40_.,40. A. aimless B. hopeless C. bored D. worried,42-43,_ 42 _, I did something that most would think is common sense. I started to read and follow the _43_ that most foods provide on the package.,42. A. Confused B. Disappointed C. Relaxed D. Delighted 43. A. directions B. examples C. schedules D. descriptions,B. Disappointed,承接上文,A. directions,46-48,Just like learning anything it took a lot of _46 _. At first I undercooked the baked chicken. Then I _47_ the chicken. Finally, after three attempts, it was edible (可吃的) but I forgot to season(调味) it _48 _.,46. A. courage B. practice C. energy D. effort 47. A. boiled B. tasted C. abandoned D. burned 48. A. gradually B. eventually C. appropriately D. particularly,B. practice,undercooked,D. burned,B. eventually,Result: 51-54,I added the meat and sauce blend to the noodles and was _51 by how watery everything came out. Oops, I forgot to _52 the noodles. Spaghetti only took_53_ tries to get it right.,51. A. upset B. calmed C. shocked D. bothered 52. A. dry B. fry C. cool D. mix 53. A. two B. several C. casual D. simple,Oops,C. shocked,watery,A. dry,only,A. two,When it comes to building confidence there is a(n) _54_ that one should follow.,54. A. tendency B. arrangement C. agenda D. recipe,D. recipe,wealth accumulation (财富积累),1. food materials 2. common sense 3. follow the directions 4. from on 从时候起 5. get right 彻底搞清 6. trial and error 反复试验, 试错法 7. when it comes to,B(59),阅读理解(reading comprehension),Not necessarily. “I dont think that well ever see child-free zones on US carriers, any more than well see the return of smoking zones. In the politically correct United States, it would be considered discriminatory to exclude passengers with kids from certain cabin sections,”,Are child-free zones(无童区) popular in Asia?,The trend seems to be catching on quickly in Asia.,catching on,What about the case in the USA?,unfair,D. The value of fairness in other countries,C(62),该题考查学生猜测生词的能力。 根据第四段的最后一句话President Snow plans to use this years Games to kill off Katniss and Peeta and in turn dampen the fires of rebellion.可知:dampen的宾语the fires of rebellion是“叛乱的火焰”,能与之搭配的动词有B.light点燃的火焰和C.reduce,减弱的气焰。,杀死某人的目的显然不是为了点燃叛乱的火焰,而是为了镇压叛乱、减弱气焰。故选择C。,D (69),The irony is that, as time progresses, humanity should learn from experiences and mistakes, but as our life is made easier all the time with new technology, I get the notion that somehow, we are going backwards. One would think that with such powerful means as the Internet, for example, communication between people as well as education in general would improve. Is it the case? Im not sure.,irony,backwards,A. Communication and education benefit little from powerful means such as the Internet.,任务型阅读(task-based reading) 73; 76; 79,一般规律,78,72、73、74、76、80,71、77、79,75,create more jobs,job creation,the restructuring of the Chinese economy,an upgraded economic structure,倒数第三段,rely more on and less on ,单项选择(multiple choice) 28; 33; 34,28. Michael was _the experiment a month ago, but he changed his mind at the last minute. A. to start B. to be starting C. to have started D. to have been starting,【分析】一月前原本打算开始实验的,但最后一刻改变主意了。was to have done表示与过去相反的事实,表示 “(过去)原本要做某事而实际未做“。再如: was to have helped her, but I had an unexpected friend. 我原本想去帮她, 但来了个朋友。,C. to have started,be to do 表示 (1)_ (2)_,33. The proportion of elderly people increases in Britain and medical advances make it possible to keep alive patients who _ previously. A. would die B. had died C. should have died D. would have died,【分析】句意:医学进步使病人的存活成为可能。以前没有先进的医学,这些病人也许就已经死了。,previously,D. would have died,should have done 表示 _,34. Discrimination is a problem thats been troubling Americas social _ for years. A. construction B. conscience C. awareness D. framework,考查名词辨析 【分析】句意:歧视是一个问题,困扰了美国社会良知很多年。 A. construction 建设、建造 B. conscience 良心、良知 C. awareness 意识、察觉 D. framework 框架,构架,B. conscience,
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