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Brain-Based Learning 腦基礎學習何謂腦基礎學習?透過了解、分析腦神經科學對人腦研究而得出的最新科學理論,再配合解剖學、醫學、遺傳學、葯劑學、營養學及人類學等學科的研究,從而檢視及修正現時的教授或學習方法、教育措施,並設計或選擇最有效的學習策略以配合人腦發展,以提升學習動機及促進學習的成效。這是我們一向以心理學、行為學及社會學角度去了解教育的另一個嶄新角度。腦基礎學習關注範圍: 人腦如何建構記憶 情緒與學習的關係 如何提升學習動機 環境如何影響學習 如何推行小組協作學習 人際關係對學習的影響 如何營造熱烈互動的學習氣氛 如何透過課堂活動啓發思考 如何幫助學生穩定情緒 如何將人腦升級 賞罰對腦部發展的影響 兒童早期的家庭關係對腦部發育的影響 運動與學習的關係 兒童早期活動如何影響日後的學習 那些遊戲對兒童的腦部發展最有幫助 音樂如何幫助提升學生的學習能力 早期多元智能發展的重要 人類腦部發育與知能發展的關係 那些學習模式與人腦特性相違背 正面及安全氣氛對腦部發展的重要 電視及電腦對學生腦部發展的影響 如何幫助學生增加腦細胞及神經網絡 如何幫助學生發展最適合解難及接受挑戰的腦 與腦有關的行為問題 (hyperactive, conduct disorder, depression, ) 與腦有關的學習問題 (AD/HD, Dyslexia, Learned Helplessness, ) 與腦有關的創傷及病變 (自閉症、酗酒、吸毒、意外撞傷, ) 有關左右腦的最新理論 腦部生理週期與學習的關係 睡眠與學習的關係陳惠良 2005brainbasedrickyyahoo.com.hk 那些食物有助腦部發展等What and Who is Jensen Learning?Jensen Learning is a registered California training corporation.Originally named Turning Point, this organization began in 1985 and was incorporated in 1997 as Jensen Learning Corporation.The mission of Jensen Learning is to make a significant, positive and lasting impact on the way the world learns.The specialty of Jensen Learning is the integration and orchestration of brain research into practical, user-friendly training programs. We blend research on the brain with other related disciplines to insure a powerful, accurate message.We pride ourselves in excellent customer service and a certification program that allows participants to become highly skilled in the field of mind/brain research applied to teaching and training.Jensen Learning is a working partnership of Diane and Eric Jensen, our support staff (managed by the always capable DeeAnn Summers) and topflight training partner, Dr. Rich Allen.Eric Jensen is a member of the international Society for Neuroscience and New York Academy of Sciences. Hes a popular speaker at most major conferences, including ASTD, ASCD, NYRE, NAESP, SEAL, SALT, and IAL. He was named to Whos Who of the World and voted an Outstanding Young Man of America. He has designed and served as trainer with several international staff development projects.Jensen co-founded SuperCamp, The Brain Store and Jensen Learning Corporation. He has worked with many Fortune 500 Corporations as well as three branches of the military. Currently, his client list ranges from Australia to Asia and Europe. Considered one of the leaders in the field, hes probably trained more staff in brain-based learning than anyone else in North America.He was the designer and key trainer for the MetWest Initiative (Australia)-one of the worlds largest learning and training programs. Jensen authored over 22 books including Student Success Secrets, SuperTeaching, Brain-Based Learning, Learning with the Body in Mind, Different Brains, Different Learners, Brain Compatible Strategies, The Great Memory Book, Teaching with the Brain in Mind and Arts with the Brain in Mind. Mr. Chan Wai Leung, RickyHe is the Chairman of the Association of Brain-based Learning in Education and the Principal Trainer of the Brain-Based Training Center in Hong Kong. He was a former secondary school teacher who has taught Mathematics, Life Technology, Project Learning, Thinking and Learning Skills for 23 years and he also served as a Staff Development Coordinator in school administrative level. Hes the part-time tutor/lecturer of the Thinking Qualities Initiative of the Hong Kong Baptist University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong in teaching Thinking Skills and Brain-Based Learning. He was invited to be the consultant of the Discipline section of Hong Kong EMB and is the Honorary Advisor of the Creative Secondary School. During the years 2003 to 2005, he was invited to conduct more than 80 workshops and sharing sessions on Brain-Based Learning and thinking skills for different sections of EMB, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. Since July 2004, he and his wife have become the first teachers to be certified as Brain-Based Trainer in Hong Kong. He is also the first recognized “Habits of Mind” Trainer in Hong Kong by Professor Arthur L. Costa, the founder of “Habits of Mind” Training. He is the first Brain-Based trainer in Asia who co-authored and co-trained administrators and teachers with Mr. Eric Jensen in their first Brain-Based School Pilot Program in Hong Kong.陳惠良先生香港首位獲得國際認可腦基礎學習及心智習性培訓導師資格的教師,現任腦基礎教育學會會長、腦基礎教育培訓中心首席導師、中文大學教育研究所兼職講師及啟思中學專業顧問。在中學任教及擔任行政工作共23年、曾任香港大學、浸會大學兼職講師及教統局訓導組顧問。自2003年至今,獲邀於教統局訓輔組、資優教育組、心理輔導組、區域教育服務處、小班教學測試及研究組、國際教育會議、本港各中、小學及幼稚園舉行超過80多次講座及工作坊,更是全亞洲首位與國際腦基礎學習先導者Mr. Eric Jensen共同設計及開展腦基礎導師培訓先導計劃,並一起培訓本港教師及教育行政人員的腦基礎培訓導師。腦基礎教與學工作坊中參與者的回應(2005年3月12日) 第一次接觸Brain-Based Learning,令我了解到過往在課室內成功與失敗的背後原因,有所反思,得到啟發。多謝! Ricky,很多謝你落力積極地把你所認識的BBL帶給我們。跟你上課,為我帶來很多刺激,我亦為我的學生跟你說聲多謝!請你和你的幹事繼續努力,把這套有效的教學法發揚光大,造福更多莘莘學子。加油! 資料實用,應用於各級別的課室。感講者的教學熱誠,對我是一個很大的剌激! Lots of useful skills but I need to try to apply
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