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Elements: Lithium, Beryllium, Sodium (Natrium), Magnesium, Calcium, Aluminum, Potassium (Kalium), Barium Chromium, Palladium, Platinum, Cadmium, titanium, Iron (Ferrum), Manganese, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper (Cuprum), Silver, Gold, Mercury Boron, Carbon, Silicon Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine Phosphorus, Sulfur,Inorganic compounds Oxide: CO (Carbon monoxide) NO (Nitrogen oxide) NO2 (Nitrogen dioxide) N2O3 (Nitrogen trioxide) N2O5 (pentoxide) N2O (nitrous oxide) Fe2O3 (Ferric oxide), FeO (Ferrous oxide); MnO (Manganous oxide) Mn2O3 (Manganic oxide), H2MnO4 (Manganic acid) MnO2 (Manganese dioxide),Halide: NH4Cl (Ammonium Chloride), CaF2 (Calcium fluoride), NaBr (Potassium bromide), KI (Potassium Iodide) PCl3 (Phosphorus trichloride),The Name of Cation + Halide,HCl (Hydrochloric acid); HF (Hydrofluoric acid); H2S (Hydrosulfuric acid);,Acid:,HCN (Hydro acid) HBr (Hydro acid),(一)Non-oxygen acid,Hydro_+ acid,Exercise:,(二)Acid containing-oxygen,H2SO4 (+6) Sulfuric acid (正),H2SO3 (+4) sulfurous acid; (亚),H2SO5 Peroxy sulfuric,(过),H2SO7 (+6) Pyro sulfuric, acid) (焦),H2S2O3 (Thiosulfuric acid) e.g. Na2S2O3(硫代),-H2O,-O-O-,-O,S O,HPO3 (偏) (Meta phosphoric, ),H3PO4 (正) (Phosphoric, ),H3PO3 (亚)(Phosphorous, ),H3PO2 (次) (Hypo-phosphorous, ),H4P2O7 (焦) (Pyro phosphoric, ),分子间 -H2O,分子内 -H2O,-O,-O,+ 5,+ 3,+ 1,H3BO3 (Ortho boric, ) (原);,HClO (Hypochlorous acid ) (次),HClO3 (Chloric acid) (正),HClO4 (Perchloric acid) (高),KMnO4 (Potassium _ manganate),HClO2 (Chlorous acid) (亚),-O,-O,-O,+ 5,+ 7,+ 3,+ 1,Alkali: Ba(OH)2 Barium hydroxide Al(OH)3 Aluminum hydroxide NaOH Sodium hydroxide,The Name of Cation + hydroxide,Exercise: 1) NH4 OH; 2) Fe (OH)2 ; 3) Fe (OH)3,Salt:,NaCl Sodium chloride; KBr Potassium bromide; CaF2 Calcium fluoride,ZnS Zinc sulfide,NaCN Sodium cyanide,Ca2C Calcium carbide,KI ?,MgSO4 Magnesium sulfate; Na2SO3 Sodium sulfite; (NH4)2SO5 ammonium peroxysulfate; KNO3 (Potassium nitrate); NaNO2 (Sodium nitrite); Na3PO4 (Sodium phosphate); K3PO3 (Potassium phosphite);,Na2HPO4 (Sodium hydrogen phosphate); NaH2PO4 (Sodium biphosphate); NaHCO3 (Sodium bicarbonate); NaHSO3 (Sodium bisulfite);,Organic compounds 1. Hydrocarbon a) Saturated Methane (C1); Ethane(C2); Propane (C3); Butane (C4); Pentane (C5); Hexane (C6); Heptane (C7); Octane (C8); Nonane (C9); Decane(C10); Undecane (C11); Dodecane (C12); Tri+decane(C13); Tetra+decane(C14) Nona+decane(C19) CH4 (Methane) -CH3 (Methyl) C2H6 (Ethane) -C2H5 (Ethyl),-C=C-C(Propenyl propene); C=C-C- (allyl); -CC (Ethynyl Ethyne); C=C- (Vinyl ),b) Unsaturated,2,4,5-trimethylheptane,2,2-dimethylpropane,4-methyl,5-isopropyloctane or,4-methyl,5-(2-methylethyl)octane,c) Aromatic,Cyclo-Octadecane,cyclohexane,cyclopenta,-1,3-diene,2. Halogenated Hydrocarbon,3. Hydrocarbon Containing O,*As a substituted group, it is called “hydroxy ” e.g. Hydroxy-cellulose; 7-hydroxy-choleterol,a),b),*As a substituted group, it is called “alkoxy ”,c),d),e) Carboxylic acid,f ) Carboxylic acid derivative,4. Hydrocarbon Containing N,5. Hydrocarbon Containing S,Exercise:,
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