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高考英语备考 知识篇,考试要求 考试内容,明确,语言知识考查内容与要求,考试大纲要求是掌握2000左右的词汇,即包括教学大纲两个词汇表中的所以词汇,也就是说对参加高考的考生来说,一定要能掌握2000词汇,而不是1200,即对这2000词汇要烂熟于心,做到“四会”,不是停留在“认读”的水平上,也就是说高考对词汇的要求高于教学大纲的要求。教学大纲词汇表2中的740个单词(基本为高中所学词汇,即中等难度词汇)是考生的薄弱点,所以也是影响考生获得高分的致命点!因此,最后冲刺的词汇复习应该重点压缩、整理、强化中级词汇,即教学大纲词汇表2中的740个,并且做到这些词汇能听得懂、说得出、认得快、写得准。,考生大纲要求考生能够适当运用12项基本的语法知识 考试大纲附录中的12项语法知识内容包括了初中高中所学的语法知识内容,比较全面。但是,高考英语最后冲刺的语法复习的重点应该落在主干知识上,例如动词时态、复合句和非谓语动词等这些中等难度语法项目上,并且要强调语法知识在特定语境中灵活运用能力的提高。如对动词的学习,不仅了解动词的形式,更重要的是理解它的功能和意义。这些项目可以说是高考中等难度试题考查的热点,也是考生的失分点。所以,对语法知识的最后整理要能够抓住重点,突破难点。,2、语言运用内容与要求,知识 2:12 技能 6:2,基本功实力,词汇质量低:表达平淡 My name is Zhang Bin. Im thirteen years old. There are three people in my family. I like math. I like drawing. I often go camping, draw some pictures of plants. I want to be a scientist when I grow up.,词汇质量高:表达丰富 Im very glad to introduce myself to you. I was born in 1993 in Beijing. I come from a happy and warm family, which includes mother, father, my sister and me. Full of colorful and challenge school life, I find that I have learned many things and bettered my personality. As for the classes, I like history and English very much. But I am not good at maths and physics. This is the reason I choose an English club as my spare time activity.,Im interested in collecting stamps, which help me learn a lot about history home and abroad. School life is still vivid in my mind. I think every student has one impression in common: we have too many numerous examinations, especially, during the last term. Well, thats part of the life.,高分第1关:提高认字用字能力,词汇 精选 中级词汇 常见短语 活跃小词 巧练 记得快 写得准 用得活 英语无难处, 词汇一通, 万事无忧.,认真解读高考词汇表 词汇表为什么不给出中文翻译? “词汇表是单个单词的集合,它只提供有关该单词的最简单的基本信息.单词的真正词义要在具体的语境中才能准确地体现.又由于两种语言的不同,简单的中文翻译并不能保证中英文单词之间的内涵和外延一致,也不能帮助学生理解该词的语用特征.,中文注释的英文单词会在学生与英文单词之间形成母语的信息过滤和导向,影响对英语单词的真正理解,甚至会误导学生.另外,依赖中文学习英文单词也会形成不良的学习习惯. 语言学习是两种语言的转换能力的提高,离不开比较和分析,但是应该通过语境对语言信息的组合和结构进行比较和分析.,单词学习要结合表达需求,话题范围和语境进行.简单地用中文对照方法学习和记忆单词或者孤立地死记硬背单词不利于对英语单词的理解,掌握与积累. 单词学习应和学习策略的培养和应用结合起来.学习单词要适当了解一些英语的构词法,它可以帮助学习者发现英语单词的构词法特点,词义与词形的关系,并能主动扩展单词量, 提高学习效率.,一篇要点完整,表达无误的文章并不意味着是一篇高分作文。文章的词汇亮点是拿高分的关键。亮点就是要充分发挥你的创造性,拿创意分。例如以下用“HOPE”一词概括“和谐社会”的表达就非常精彩: H means Honesty, which is to being honest to everyone. O means Love, that is to love country and our homeland. P means Protection, that is to protect animals and plants. E means energy, that is to save energy, resources.,文字能力: 对文字的了解与才智和成就有直接关系.英语中有60万个单词,但一般人日常交谈中仅用到1200个左右.85%的实用英语都涵盖在2000个单词以内,而95%的报刊杂志,电台,电视用语,都只用到60万个单词中的4000个而已.,运用文字的能力与知识有直接关系,与才智也有直接关系.文字代表思想和意识,了解而且能运用的文字愈多,愈能有比较复杂,准确的思考.拥有广泛词汇的人,运作能力会比较强,而且比文字知识有限的人更有胜出能力和胜出意识.,英语学习的基石:词汇+语法 英语学习词为纲。 “Without grammar little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.” 学好英语首先要突破词汇关。,词汇分级处理:提高词汇记忆的数量和质量 (重点突破500中级词汇) abroad absence accept accident according achieve actual address admire admit adult advance advantage adventure advertisement affect afford alarm alive although amaze analyze ancient announce anxious anyway apart apartment apologize appear apply appointment appreciate argue arrange ashamed aside assistant astonish athlete atmosphere attach attack attempt attitude attract audience author available average avoid award aware awful,baggage balance bargain behave belong besides beyond biology blame blouse bother brief button cabbage cause ceiling celebrate century character charge cigarette citizen coast combine commercial common communicate companion compare compete complex composition concern conclusion conduct congratulation connect consist construction consume content continent contribute control convenient cottage courage crime culture cure curious curtain custom,damage dangerous debt declare defeat defense defend degree delay delicious delight demand describe desert design desire destroy detect determine devote direct disappear disappoint disaster discussion disease distance district disturb divide double doubt dozen due duty edit education effect effort employ empty encourage engine entrance equal equipment escape especially exactly except exchange exhibition exist experience experiment expert explode exploit express extremely,fade failure faith familiar fault female fence festival fetch figure finance flash flame float flood focus forbid forecast fork fortnight fortunate fortune freedom frequent fridge (refrigerator) function furniture garage generally gesture gradually graduate guide guilty habit handle hesitate hire illegal immigrate include increase indicate influence inform injure insist inspire institute instruction instrument intelligence intend interrupt interview introduce invent invite instead,journalist journey junior justice keyboard kick lately lawyer lecture liquid literature local luggage major majority material measure medal media mental mention mercy merely method multiply narrow native nervous normal novel nuclear observe obtain obvious occupation occupy occur offer opinion opposite optimistic original,particular passive patient permit persuade plastic poison position positive precious predict prevent
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