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Food,1.Food restriction 2. The characteristics of Chinese food 3. A good eating habits 4. Chinese food,Food restriction,The characteristics of Chinese food.,1.风味多样。由于我国幅员辽阔,地大物博,各地气候、物产、风俗习惯都存在着差异,我国一直就有南米北面的说法,口味上有南甜北咸东酸西辣之分,主要是巴蜀、齐鲁、淮扬、粤闽四大风味。,2.四季有别。一年四季,按季节而吃,是中国烹饪又一大特征。自古以来,我国一直按季节变化来调味、配菜,冬天味醇浓厚,夏天清淡凉爽;冬天多炖焖煨,夏天多凉拌冷冻。,3.讲究美感。中国的烹饪,不仅技术精湛,而且有讲究菜肴美感的传统,注意食物的色、香、味、形、器的协调一致。对菜肴美感的表现是多方面的,可以达到色、香、味、形、美的和谐统一,给人以精神和物质高度统一的特殊享受。,4.注重情趣。我国烹饪很 早就注重品味情趣,不仅对饭菜点心的色、香、味有严格的要求,而且对它们的命名、品味的方式、进餐时的节奏、娱乐的穿插等都有一定的要求。,5.食医结合。我国的烹饪技术,与医疗保健有密切的联系,在几千年前有医食同源和药膳同功的说法,利用食物原料的药用价值,做成各种美味佳肴,达到对某些疾病防治的目的。”,A good eating habits,1) three meals a day three meals a reasonable distribution of the food distribution to adapt to physiological conditions and work requirements. 2) meat, prime with an appropriate in protein, calcium, phosphorus and fat-soluble vitamins is superior to vegetarian; and vegetarian in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and cellulose is superior to another meat. 3) not being choosy food and eclipse the body of nutrients needed by all kinds of food supply, and there is no any kind of natural foods can contain all of the human body needed nutrients. 4) does not overeating the saying goes: “To physically good enough to eat, however,“ This is a grain of truth.,1.一日三餐合理分配三餐的食物分布适应生理状况和工作需要。2.肉,主要以一种适当的荤食蛋白质、钙、磷及脂溶性维生素优于素食;和素食者在不饱和脂肪酸、维生素和纤维素是优于其他肉类。3.不挑剔食物和eclipse身体所需的营养,各种各样的食物供应,没有任何一种天然食品能包含人体所需的所有营养素。4.不暴饮暴食俗话说:“身体好足够的食物,然而,“这是一个真理的种子。,Chinese Food,不同地区的粽子,Southeren Food,Questions:,1.What is the characteristics of Chinese food? 2.what is your eating hobit? 小组成员:3.陈金凤 17.金 玲 19.林广依 31.陶雅楠,
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