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Welcome,I like,The apples are sweet,The potatoes are salty.,The grapes are sour.,The fish is fresh.,Theyre sweet.,Theyre salty.,Theyre sour.,Its fresh.,I like Theyre I like Its (用sweet, sour, salty, fresh, tasty,healthy等描述),I dont like Theyre I dont like Its,I like Theyre I dont like Theyre I like Its I dont like Its,tasty,salty,healthy,sweet,sour,fresh,sour,sweet,tasty,salty,Whats your favourite food? Me, too. Its I like I dont like Theyre,Fish.= I like fish. Me too.= I like fish, too.,Summary,Words: grapes favourite tasty sour fresh sweet salty healthy Sentences: Whats your favourite food? I like. Its / Theyre I dont like Its / Theyre,Homework,Listen to the tape ( P26-P32) three times. Copy the words ,each 1 line. Recite the text.,
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