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Unit 9 the first period,movies,Lets go to a movie!,What kind of movies do you know? I know,action movie,s,What kind of movie is it?,It is a comedy.,comedy,comedy,What kind of movies are they?,They are comedies,comedies,comedies,What kind of movie is it?,It is an action movie.,action movies,action movies,What kind of movies are they?,They are action movies,action movies,action movies,What kind of movie is it?,Its a documentary.,documentary,documentary,What kind of movies are they?,Theyre documentaries.,documentaries,documentaries,What kind of movie is it?,What kind of movies are they?,Its a thriller.,thriller,thriller,Theyre thrillers.,thrillers,thrillers,Its a cartoon.,cartoon,cartoon,Theyre cartoons.,cartoons,cartoons,What other kind of movies do you know? I know,science fiction,s,What kind of movies do you know? I know,Beijing Opera,(tragedy),tragedies,What kind of movies do you know? I know,detective movie,s,comedy- action movie- thriller- cartoon- science fiction- documentary- Beijing Opera- detective movie- tragedy- romance-,comedies (喜剧片) action movies (动作片) thrillers (恐怖片) cartoons (动画片) science fictions (科幻片) documentaries(纪录片) Beijing Opera (京剧) detective movies (侦探) tragedies (悲剧片) romances (爱情片),( ) comedy,( ) action movie,( ) documentary,( ) thriller,( ) cartoon,( ) science fiction,A,B,C,D,E,F,A,B,C,E,D,F,G,( )opera,( )detective movie,H,H,G,a documentary,a science fiction,a thriller,an action movie,Test your memory!,考考你的记忆力!,a comedy,a cartoon,a thriller,an opera,-Do you want to go to a movie?,-Yes, I do.,I like ,-What kind of movieS do you like?,=I want to see a (an),exciting,scary,boring,funny,interesting,sad,What do you think of them?,Comedies are funny.,Documentaries are boring.,Thrillers are scary.,Action movies are exciting.,Beijing Opera is interesting.,Tragedies are sad.,A: What kind of movies do you like? B: I like A: Why do you like them? B: Because I think they are But I dont like A: Why? B: Because they are,Pair work,What kind of movies does he/she like? Why?,2a Listen to Ben and Sallys conversation. Number the kinds of movies in the order you hear them.,_ comedies _ action movies _ documentaries _ thrillers,3,1,2,4,2b Listen and fill in,?,?,?,?,1. kind用法,Key points,2. want用法,A: Hi! _ you want to go to a movie, Mary? B: Sorry, I_. But Jane wants to. A: What kind of movies _ she like? B: She_ thrillers and action movies but she _ _ documentaries. A: Well, thank you! B: You are welcome!,选用do、like 的正确形式填空,does,likes,Do,doesnt,dont,like,1. The two _ are very interesting (comedy) 2. Her brother wants _ a documentary (see). 3. Mary _ thrillers (not like).,comedies,to see,doesnt like,用所给词的正确形式填空:,二、英汉词组互译:,1. _ 2. What kind of _ 3. 动作片_,去看电影,什么种类,action movie(s),三.句型转换 1. Mary wants to go home.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯否定回答) 2. I like comedies.(划线提问),go to a movie,- What kind of movies do you like?,- I like and I like , but I dont like or,Ask and answer,Write sentences after the according to the table. (根据表格模仿示范说句子),Karen science fictions thrillers,He/She likes science fictions, but he/she doesnt like thrillers,Do you want to go to a movie? What kind of movies do you like?,Make an interview,thrillers,action movies,cartoons,comedies,documentaries,Grammar(语法),movies, hamburgers, oranges, bananas, eggs, apples, carrots, thrillers,可数名词单、复数变化:,一般 在名 词后 加-s,fries, strawberries, families, comedies, documentaries,boxes, watches,Give out the plural forms:,comedies,documentaries,strawberries,families,dictionaries,days,keys,boys,辅音字母加y, 变y为i, 再加es. 元音字母加y, 直接加s,Give out the plural forms:,classes,glasses,boxes,watches,fishes,以s, x, ch, sh 结尾的名词,加es,Give out the plural forms:,tomatoes,potatoes,zoos,photos,“谈论喜好、制订计划”是本单元的语 言目标。你掌握了吗?一起来检测一 下吧。 1. 你喜欢哪种电影? What _ do you like? 2. 我喜欢恐怖片但是不喜欢喜剧片。 I like thrillers _ I dont like comedies.,kind of movies,but,3. 但我认为它很无聊。 . but _ its boring. 4. 迈克的父亲也喜欢它! Mikes father likes it, _!,I think,too,练习 请根据句意,用and或but填空。 1. She likes white, red_ green. 2. I like comedies_ my sister doesnt like them. 3. She is only eight_ she knows a lot. 4. Im a student, _he is a student, too. 5. I like chicken_ my brother doesnt.,and,but,but,and,but,Fill in the blanks with or .,and,but.,My father likes apples, _ my mother doesnt. I like my father _ my mother. The boy likes thrillers _ action movies,_ he doesnt like comedies.,but,and,and,but,I think my notebook is in the drawer, _ I cant find it. She buys a dictionary, _ she doesnt need it. Thanks for your yellow shirt _ the white socks. Sally wants to go to a movie, _ Ben doesnt.,but,but,and,but,比一比谁最聪明,1. Do you _ ( want ) to go to a movie? 2. _ your father _( want ) to go to a movie? 3. What kind of _(movie) do you like? 4. Maria likes t
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