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No. ZP002,Date:2009-07-14,The roles of Peking Opera.,Peking Opera costumes,Peking Opera types of facial makeup in Operas.,The four legend of Peking Opera.,京剧服饰,生,旦,净,丑,four main types of roles: sheng(male) dan (young female) jing( painted-face male) chou (clown, male or female) The characters may be loyal or treacherous, beautiful or ugly, good or bad, their images being vividly manifested.,生,旦,Sheng main male role a leading one falls into four groups:laosheng ,xiaosheng,wusheng ,hongsheng,Dan young female roles. the Dan roles are subdivided into Qingyi, Huadan,Wudan, Laodan.,净,丑,Jing painted-face male known popularly as Hualian.,Chou clown,a male or female role The eyes and nose are surrounded by a white patch, so Chou is also known as Xiao Hualian,Facial Makeup of peking Opera 京 剧 脸 谱,Different color facial makeup has different means. 不 同 色 彩 的 脸 谱 有 不 同 的 含 义。,Redbe loyal and brave,Guan YU 关羽,Jing Ke 荆柯,Hou Yi 后羿,White treacherous,insidious. ( 阴 险 ,奸诈 ),Cao Cao,Cao Cao 曹操,张 飞 Zhang Fei,Bao Zheng,Blackcriticized(刚烈 ) people, integrity(正直 ), bravery and even reckless(鲁莽 ),宇文成都 Yuwen Chengdu,典 韦 Dian wei,Yellow vicious brutality (凶狠残暴 ),Green or Blue,irritable (粗豪暴躁 ),Golden Immortal or superior (神仙高人),京剧服饰,Peking Opera costumes,蟒 boa bu,Peking Opera costumes,京剧服饰,衣 clothes,帔 short embroidered cape imbridd,褶 casual clothes,靠 armoura:m,蟒 boa,Character: Noble dress 帝王将相等穿的衣服 With a dragon or pythonpain 有龙纹或蟒纹,蟒 boa,Four different types 四种不同的类型,帔 short embroidered cape,Character: a seam(缝隙) in chest (对襟长袍) with wide sleeves(袖子),黄帔,帔 short embroidered cape,红对帔,Cape of the child 对儿帔 The same colour and texture 相同的颜色和纹理,靠 armour,character: Usually generals dress 通常是将军穿的 Round neck, tight cuffs 圆领、紧袖口 Main pattern: fish scale-shaped(鱼鳞纹) T-shaped(丁字纹),Extreme exaggeration and distortion 极度夸张与变形 Most with a flag 大多数有靠旗,褶 casual clothes,character: Inclined collar and long gown 斜领长衫 Usually dress by common people 普通老百姓穿的衣服 Simple and versatile style clothing 造型简单的多功能服饰,衣 clothes,The remaining 除了上面四种以外的衣服 All kinds of style 各种各样的类型,象形衣,红囚衣,Monkey king,Su san wearing a red dress she is s prisoner,Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang Mei Lanfang (1894-1961),Peking Opera master. Form their own artistic style, the Bank said, “Mei school” ,Peking Opera on behalf of the “Drunken Beaty” , ”Farewell my Concubine”.,京剧大师梅兰芳先生 梅兰芳先生(1894年-1961年),京剧名旦。形成了自己的艺术风格,世称之为“梅派”,代表戏京剧有:”贵妃醉酒“和“霸王别姬”。,This a story about susan. Ming Dynasy, susan is a very famous courtesan, she is fall in love with wang Jinglong. But when wang run out of all his money in brothels, he have to leave .,苏三起解,苏三离开了洪洞县, 将身来到大街前。 未曾开言我心内惨, 过往的君子听我言; 哪一位过往南京转, 与我那三郎把信传, 就说苏三把命断, 来生变犬马我当报还。,苏三起解,Susan left hongtong county,and she is coming to the street. Angry before I speak Oh listen to me gentleman, who is going to nan jing , please give my lover this message , that susan is died, in the next life , she will repay his kindness.,Thank you very much,
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