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南昌航空大学外国语学院 “Intoxicating Melody Shining Youth” “醉人旋律 闪耀青春” 卡拉OK大赛决赛暨 第四届外语文化节闭幕式,第四届外语文化节 简介及回顾 我们今年很happy! Enjoyable moments!,评分要求criterions 表演创新Innovative level-15% 团队合作Teamwork- 15% 仪态Manners10% 音调Rhythm- 20% 音色Tone color- 20% 外语发音Pronunciation- 20%,本次比赛设团队表演及个人表演两个环节,分两项进行打分,每项满分一百分。选手最后得分=串烧环节得分*30%+演唱环节得分*70% Singing contest includes 2 parts, team performance and individual performance. Total score of each performance is 100. And the final score of each contestant equals 30%*the score of team performance plus 70%*the score of individual performance.,串烧环节 Team Performance 第一组(Group 1)la Isla Bonite -徐慧 孙兰娇 黄丹丹 第二组(Group 2)way back into love -林奖 郑心甜 蒋玉颜 第三组(Group 3)Cry on My Shoulder -魏之凯 肖茜 黄碧云,个人演唱环节(Individual Performance) 一号 (contestant NO.1) 徐慧 -Bad Romance 二号 (contestant NO.2)孙兰娇 -Eyes on Me 三号(contestant NO.3)黄丹丹 -There were Roses,颁奖环节 颁发职业生涯规划 及英文辩论赛奖项 Presentation of awards of “Furture in My Mind” Career Designing Contest English Debating Contest,戏剧之夜二等奖汇报演出 White Birch Wood Class 090514,个人演唱环节(individual performance) 四号(contestant NO.4)林奖 -Seasons in the Sun 五号(contestant NO.5)郑心甜 - Why Not You 六号(contestant NO.6)蒋玉颜 -Every Time,颁奖环节 颁发越野赛及CCTV英文辩论比赛 Presentation of awards of “Adventure” Racing competition & CCTV CUP English Speaking Contest,戏剧之夜一等奖汇报演出 One Dream, A Life Class 080514,个人演唱环节(individual performance) 七号(Contestant NO.7)魏之凯 -Nothings Gonna Change My Love for You 八号(Contestant NO.8)肖茜 -White Horse 九号(Contestant NO.9)黄碧云 -To Be Love &oh,戏剧之夜二等奖获奖队伍汇报演出 kungfu panda Class 080513,大众评审团投票 红腕带:最佳人气奖 蓝腕带:最佳台风奖 请慎重交出您手中的腕带,期待您雪亮的眼睛为我们带来公正、合理的评审结果!,互动环节 之 “你对外语文化节知多少”,谢谢欣赏! 请同学们有序退场 期待明年更精彩!,
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