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,Text Study,Idea Sharing,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Writing,Understanding,Reproduction,Structure Analysis,Summary,I. Understanding,Text StudyUnderstanding,Answer the following questions:,1. What are the two things Americans try to save?,Time and labor (Para. 1),Time is regarded as _. (Para. 2),2. What does time mean to Americans?,Text StudyUnderstanding,precious resources,They do everything _. They start talking business _. They work hard at the task of saving time by _ _ .,3. How do Americans do everything? 4. When do Americans start talking business? 5. How do Americans save time?,Text StudyUnderstanding,(Para. 3-7),in a rush,quickly,producing a steady flow of labor-,saving devices,6. Whats the conclusion?,Text StudyUnderstanding,The foreigners _ from those of American. (Para. 8),have different ideas,To successfully solve a problem and to fulfill a job with speed is taken by _ as a sign of,skillfulness,being competent,The _ consider it proper to _ .,foreigners,take time doing things,Americans,Text StudyUnderstanding,II. Structure Analysis,General Statement + Illustration + Emphasis,A. The Writing Model of the Passage:,Text StudyStructure Analysis,What is the General Statement ?,What is the illustration?,What does the writer emphasize?,The general statement (Para.12),Text StudyStructure Analysis,What does the writer want to tell us ?,time-conscious,Americans are _ .,Illustration: (Para.37) the foreigners first impression of the U.S,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Para.3: Everyone in the U.S. is in a rush. Para.4: Americans start talking business quickly. Para.5-7: Americans work hard to save time.,Emphasis by contrast (Para.8),Americans take it as a sign of skillfulness to do things quickly, while the foreigners consider it proper to take time doing things.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,B. The way to develop paragraphs:,The writer presents the general statement by giving specific details, then telling the reasons.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,General Statement + Specific Details + Reason,Work with your partner and find out the General Statement, the specific details and the related reason in Paragraph 3:,Tips,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Text StudyStructure Analysis,General statement:,Specific details :,_ _ _,city people, hurrying to ,working time, precious ,drivers, abrupt, people, push past ,The reason:,_.,This is because people value time highly,_.,Everyone is in a rush often under pressure,Paragraph 7 is also developed in this way. Now pick out the general statement, specific details and the reason in it.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Text StudyStructure Analysis,General statement:,Specific details :,_ _ _,_,everyone, telephone, conduct business ,telephones, save, feet, time ,Telephone service, superb, postal service,The reason :,_.,The U.S. is definitely a telephone country,efficient ,III. Summary,Americans are _ people. They value time and save it carefully. Time is a real, _ resource to them so every minute must _. Foreigners may think Americans are always _ _ and under pressure. Smiles, short conversations, and small exchanges with strangers dont exist because Americans dislike “_” too much time. Americans assess others _ rather than socially, so they,count,in a,precious,wasting,time-conscious,professionally,Text StudySummary,(to be continued),hurry,start talking business immediately since they are always _ of time. Americans work hard at _ time by producing a steady flow of labor- saving devices. They may have meetings using equipment like television screens and telephones rather than _ . Solving a problem or doing a job successfully _ is taken as a sign of _. The more important the job, the more time and effort Americans will _ it.,in person,with speed,saving,skillfulness,conscious,pour into,Text StudySummary,IV. Reproduction,Work in pairs and make a dialogue on the topic “How do Americans treat time?”. Use as many words & phrases learnt in Section A as possible.,Text StudyReproduction,Tips: Americans believe Americans have an acute sense of Americans are always Americans treat time as Its taken as a sign of to quickly, rush, hurry to, restlessly, race through, under pressure, anxious, ,Idea Sharing,Active Expressions,Focus Study,In English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they are active and powerful.,Whats on at the cinema tonight? 今晚电影院上演什么? Whats he
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