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“4Q” 教学理念 -句章中的应用,“4Q”的诠释,激发潜能,坚定信念(EQ) 冲出逆境,勇于挑战 (AQ) 收获新知,量增质变 (IQ) 用于实战,模拟童年 (DQ),目的:激发学生学习兴趣,英语,我们培养孩子什么?,_ _ ,英语能力,语音(四位一体),音素-音标-语音-语句 b d m,bd dd md, b d m,bd dd s md,拼读能力,词汇(三位一体),字母-字母组-单词 b o y,oy,boy,识读、拼写能力,句章(四位一体),单词-词组-句子-文章 dog a dog I have a dog ,阅读、背诵能力,I have a dog . The dog is white. It is ,句章教学,-少儿篇,教学模式,T:Who can do? S: I can do. T: Come on T: Are you ready? S: Yes, I am/We are T: I say. S: I/ We do T: Good? Ss: Good! T: Clap our hands T: Take a bow and say “Thank you!” S: Thank you T: Good. Go back your seat,教学流程(内容),One day a mother mouse was carrying food for her babies. A big lion was sleeping on the grass. The mother mouse did not see the lion. And she walked onto his head.,教学流程(1),我看到了,我明白了,教学流程(2),How many animals are there? What are they?,mother mouse,lion,教学流程(3),词汇动作示范,句子动作示范 文章动作示范,教学流程(四),教学模式的应用,教学流程(五),Game Time,教学流程(六),Read and point,练习任务,There is a desk The desk is white There is a chair near it The chair is white,too. It is on the right,注意:教学有方、教无定方,舞台的应变 请各位同仁兄弟姐们提出宝贵意见 QQ:36685211(短信群发业务) 电话:13333682110 Thank you!,更多专项,更多期待,4Q教学理念 -词汇教学运用及操做模版,短信平台,短信招生,暑期亮剑 价钱比彩页低,直接准确到位,4Q教学理念 -语音教学运用及操做模版,短信平台,短信招生,暑期亮剑 价钱比彩页低,直接准确到位,4Q语法教学及操作模版,短信平台,短信招生,暑期亮剑 价钱比彩页低,直接准确到位,4Q教学理念的认识,QQ:36685211 13333682110 交流无限好,实惠你我他,
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