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人教版小学英语Unit 6 Meet my family展示课教学设计Unit 6Meet my family教学设计白沙县刘世林I. Teaching GoalIntroduce family members and their careers.II. Target LanguageHow many people are there in your family?-My family has five members.Whats your father?-He is a farmer.III. StructuresHow many, whats qustionsIV. Vacabularyfamilyparentsuncleaunt brother driverdoctorfarmernurseV. Learning StrategiesRole playingGamesVI. Teaching Aids:PicturescoursewareVII. Teaching ProceduresStep1. GreetingT: How are you, today?Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you?T: I am great. Are you happy, today?Ss: Yes, we are.Step2. Warm-up / RevisionT: What do you have for your breakfast?S1: I have a hamburger.T: Who takes you come to school today? (In Chinese)S1: My mother/fatherT: Do you love your father and your mother? Now lets sing a song for our parents.I Love My FamilyI love my family, I love my father and my motherI love my family, I love my dad and my mom.Oh, I love everyone.Yes, I love you.And I know you love me, too.Step3. Introduction T: Our parents are working hard everyday. Today lets learn about the career in a new unit. Unit 3 Meet my family. First, I would like to introduce my family to you. Now, come to meet my family.(T introduces oneself family to the class.) T: How many people are there in my family? Can you guess? S1: Five? S2: Four?(Turns on the family photo and introduces family members to Ss. Then teaches the new words, aunt and uncle. After introduction, asks some Ss to introduce their families.)T: How many people are there in your family?S1: Three.T: Who are they?S1: My father, my mother, and me.Step4. PresentationPresent the target language to Ss. Turns on the pictures to introduce the careers and let Ss introduce their families members career.T: Class, I have a big family. From this picture, can you guess what they are?Conversation 1:T: Whats my father? Guess.Ss: Is he a teacher?T: No, he isnt.(Presents the new words and asks Ss to repeat. Practices the conversations with the Ss for asking each member of their famliy as present each career.)Conversation 2:T: Whats your father? Is he a singer?S: No, he isnt.T: Is he a teacher?S: Yes, he is.Step5. Game & ChantFlashes the new word cards and let Ss guess what it is. Asks Ss to repeat it. Then goes to the chant.Lets ChantHes a farmer, hei qiu qiu, hei qiu qiuHes a doctor, ah ah ahShes a dancer, beng qia qia, beng qia qiaShes a nurse, ( Do the action of interjection.)Step6. Target Langguage PresentationTurns on the pictures again to check the Ss for the new words of careers. Then presents the target language.T: Now I would like to check who could remember all my family members and what they are.Conversation 1T: Thiss myS1: Father.T: Whats my father?S2: he is a farmer.T check some Ss by asking them to introduce their family members careers.Conversation 2T: Whats your father/mother? Let me guess. Is he/she a?S1: No, he/she isnt. He/she is aS2: Yes, he she is.Step7. PractiseSs are asked to draw a picture of their family, then introduce to the class. As Ss work, walk around the room in order to provides surports if needed.Thiss my family.Thiss my father. Hes a farmer.Thiss my mother. Shes a doctor.Step 8 Sing a songThis song is for enhancing the Ss to master the target language. And it is one of the Chinese pupple songs. How many people are there in your family?There are five, there are five.Whats your father? Whats your father?Hes a farmer. Hes a farmer?
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