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高考英语作文评分标准(总分:25分),内容(10分):观点明确,内容充实, 理由充分 语言(10分):表达正确,语言流畅, 用词恰当,句式多样化 组织结构(5分):结构正确,上下文 连贯一致,Guided writing(2006) 下表提供了你所心仪的南,北两所大学的招生信息。通过比较作出选择,并结合个人情况说明理由。,How to analyze the directions (审题),Read the directions for the following information:,title if possible (标题) tense and voice (时态和语态) person (人称) style (文章题材) the important points (list them out or underline them to make sure you wont leave out one)(要点要全),Where to go to university?,Para 1: general introduction which university should I apply to?,Para 2. the main idea Part 1. their advantages and disadvantages; the tuition; the number of students enrolled; the additional score Part 2. your choice after the above analysis and the reasons. Your choice: first. second,Para 3. the concluding,How to avoid the grammar mistakes (避免语法错误),To pay attention to the tense and voice To notice the agreement of subject and verb To use the part of speech correctly To avoid the spelling mistake To avoid double predicate verbs To avoid Chinglish,(时态和语态),(主谓一致),(词性),(拼写),(双谓语),(中文式英语),How to beautify your passages (美化文章),to avoid too much repetition to use good transitions to choose advanced phrases to use some complex sentences to have a good handwriting and keep your paper neat,(避免重复),(使用过渡连接),(选取高级词汇),(字迹清楚,卷面整洁),(如从句,非谓语,倒装句,强调句等),Please turn to page 13 and ,
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