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2019/1/16,1,Unit 5 General Information on Documentation,The Chicago Manual of Style APA Style MLA Style,2019/1/16,2,Documentation,either through notes or through parenthetical references an accompanying bibliography or list of works cited or references,2019/1/16,3,Purposes of documentation,1 to acknowledge indebtedness 2 to establish the validity of evidence 3 to indicate cross-references within the paper 4 to amplify ideas in the text 5 to provide additional bibliographical information,2019/1/16,4,The two basic types of systems for documenting materials from other sources:,the note-bibliography system (bibliographical information in footnotes or endnotes and in a bibliography. The list of Works cited entitled “Bibliography”) the parenthetical-reference system,2019/1/16,5,Two Styles in the parenthetical-reference system:,MLA Style: authors name and page number in parentheses. The list of Works cited entitled “Works Cited” APA Style: authors name and date of the work cited in parentheses. The list of Works cited entitled “References”,2019/1/16,6,Your choice among these systems of documentation,the conventions of your field of study, the suggestions of your adviser, the requirements of your university, your personal taste.,2019/1/16,7,5.1 APA Style (American Psychological Association Style),Citation of documentation: within the text. The authors last name, the date of publication, any other information necessary for locating the material cited,2019/1/16,8,References,An alphabetical reference list at the end of the research paper provides complete information about each source cited in the text. The list should be confined to those works actually cited within the article, report, or dissertation, and it must include all of the cited works.,2019/1/16,9,5.1 Parenthetical Reference Citation in Text,1. Author named in your text Gould (1989) attributes Darwins success to his gift for making the appropriate metaphor.,2019/1/16,10,Subsequent citation in the same paragraph:,When another sentence in the same paragraph refers to the same author, the parenthetical material, if it remains the same, need not be repeated.,2019/1/16,11,Author not named in your text,As metaphors for the workings of nature, Darwin used the tangled bank, the tree of life, and the face of nature (Gould, 1989).,2019/1/16,12,Direct quotation with name of author,Gould (1989) explains that Darwin used the metaphor of the tree of life “to express the other form of interconnectednessgenealogical rather than ecologicaland to illustrate both success and failure in the history of life” (p.14).The publication date follows the name of the author; the page number follows the end of the quotation.,2019/1/16,13,Direct quotation without name of author,Darwin used the metaphor of the tree of life “to express the other form of interconnectednessgenealogical rather than ecological” (Gould, 1989, p.14). The name of the author, date of publication, and page number appear in parentheses at the end of the sentence, followed by the period for the sentence.,2019/1/16,14,Works by two authors,Sexual-selection theory has been used to explore patterns of insect mating (Alcock & Thornhill, 1983). Alcock and Thornhill (1983) also demonstrate (Within the parentheses use an ampersand(&) , but within your text spell out the word and.),2019/1/16,15,Reference to more than one work,List two or more works by the same author in order of date of publication: (Gould, 1987, 1989). Differentiate works by the same author with the same publication date by adding an identifying letter to each date: ( Bloom, 1987a, 1987b). List works by different authors in alphabetical order by last name and use semicolons to separate the references: (Alcock Gould 1989).,2019/1/16,16, 若所引用的多位作者中有同姓氏者,则分别用大写标出各自名字的首字母。如:D. Willis and J. Willis (1996) list some of the characteristics of C-R.,2019/1/16,17,若所引用的资料是第二手资料,即从另一作者的论文论著中获得而不是直接从原作者的原著中获得,则在夹注内容里要注明资料引自何处。如:In considering approaches to teacher education, it is helpful to make a distinction between what Leinhardt and Smith (1984, as cited in Good and Brophy, 1987) call subject-matter knowledge and action-system knowledge.,2019/1/16,18,Reference Forms,For journal papers: 1. the last name of the author 2. the year of publication encased in parentheses 3. the article title (only the first letter of the first word in each sentence of the article title is capitalized.),2019/1/16,19,4. the name of the journal, volume number of journal and page numbers of the article within that journal 5. the name of the journal and the volume number is either underlined or set in italics (The beginning letters of the journal title are capitalized.),2019/1/16,20,Example 1,Yi, S. (1977). Some implications of Jeffreys serial habituation hypothesis: A theoretical basis of resolving one-book versus multiple-look attentional account of discrimination learning. Journal of General Psychology, 97, 89-99. Journal article, one author,2019/1/16,21,Example 2,
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