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,基础写作,Basic Writing,Kaiping No.1 Middle School Mr Huang,1.写作题材贴近考生的学习和生活。 2.信息点多,必须用5句话表达。 3.信息呈现方式多为表格、图表等。 4.以翻译为基础、注重考察表达能力,一、题型特点:,二、能力要求:,1. 审题能力 2. 处理信息的能力:信息组合、合理排列信息的能力 3. 表达能力 语法正确 句式灵活 信息内容表达准确、完整 语篇连贯,三、表达能力训练,1.写好简单句 五种基本句型: 1)主语+不及物动词 (S+V) 2)主语+及物动词+宾语 (S+V+O) 3)主语+系动词+表语 (S+V+P) 4)主语+及物动词+双宾语 (S+V+O+O) 5)主语+及物动词+宾语+宾补 (S+V+O+C),2. 做到句式灵活运用,I followed your advice. I went to the supermarket. There I found four chairs. They were in good shape. They were reasonably priced.,Is this a good paragraph?,1)并列句 2)复合句 (定语从句,状语从句,名词 性从句) 3)非谓语动词 4)强调句型 5)倒装句 6)其他句型及结构,要做到句式灵活,就要学会适当地使用:,按要求改写下列句子。 1) He made a promise. He kept the promise. (合并为并列句) He made a promise and he kept it. 2) Here are so many experienced teachers. Mr Huang doesnt feel nervous. (合并为并列句) Here are so many experienced teachers but Mr Huang doesnt feel nervous.,3) I suggest that you visit the Great Wall. It has a history of more than two thousand years. (合并为定语从句) I suggest that you visit the Great Wall, which has a history of more than two thousand years. 4) There is a room. The window of the room faces the sea. (合并为定语从句) There is a room whose window faces the sea.,5) I will not be able to meet you at the airport. I have some homework to do that day.(合并为状语从句) I will not be able to meet you at the airport because I have some homework to do that day. 6) The problem was difficult. He solved it in only two hours. (合并为状语从句) Though the problem is difficult, he solved it in only two hours.,7) In the past five years, there have been changes in our city. It is a fact. (合并为名词性从句) It is a fact that in the past five years, there have been changes in our city. 8)When a man and a woman meet, the woman first offers her hand. (改为强调句) When a man and a woman meet, it is the woman who first offers her hand.,9) 众所周知, 吸烟危害健康。 (一句多译) a. It is known to all that smoking does harm to peoples health. b. As is known to all, smoking harms peoples health. c. Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to peoples health. d. As we all know that smoking is bad for peoples health.,I followed your advice. I went to the supermarket. There I found four chairs. They were in good shape. They were reasonably priced.,Is this a good paragraph?,I followed your advice and went to the supermarket, where I found four reasonably-priced chairs which were in good shape.,Following your advice, I went to the supermarket where I found four reasonably priced chairs in good shape.,四.如何使文章连贯? (过渡词的使用) 时间 空间 列举 比较 逻辑关系,五、基础写作的推荐步骤:,1、认真审题 2、归纳、排列信息点 3、确定短语和句型、连词成句 4、组句成篇 5、检查修改,请根据以下内容提示,写一篇英文日记。,写作要求 只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。 评分标准 句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性和连贯性。,第1步 审题,记叙文,一次野餐活动,第一人称/一般过去时,?,写作步骤,昨天和同学去西山野炊。 2. 早上七点在校门口集合出发。(我们) 骑 车到达山底。 3. (我们)一小时后爬到山顶,领略美景。 4.(我们)照相,唱歌,做游戏,下棋,午餐,玩得开心。 5. 3点午餐后,(我们)感到筋疲力尽。(我们)下山回家。,第2步 整合信息,找出关键字词。,昨天和同学去西山野炊。 picnic 2. 早上七点在校门口集合出发。(我们) 骑 车到达山底。 Set off, got together, rode, the foot of the mountain, 3. (我们)一小时后爬到山顶,领略美景。 climb, reached, enjoyed, scenery,5.,4.(我们)照相,唱歌,做游戏,下棋,午餐,玩得开心。 take photos, run, singing, jumping, playing chess 5. 3点午餐后,(我们)感到筋疲力尽。(我们)下山回家。 lunch, felt tired; went down, came home,第3步:连词成句,1. 昨天和同学去西山野炊。 Yesterday my classmates and I went to West Mountain and had a picnic. 2. 早上七点在校门口集合出发。(我们) 骑车到达山底。 We got together and set off at seven oclock from our school gate. We rode to the foot of the mountain.,3. 一小时后爬到山顶,领略美景。 After an hours climbing, we reached the top of the mountain and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.,4.(我们)照相,唱歌,做游戏,下棋,午餐,玩得开心。 Running, singing, jumping, playing chess and taking photos, we had a wonderful time there.,5. 3点午餐后,感到筋疲力尽。 (我们)下山回家。 After the picnic lunch at three oclock, we felt very tired. we went down the mountain and came home.,第4步:连句成篇,把所有信息用五句话表达; 使用多种句型; 用上相应的连接词;,May 20th , Wednesday Cloudy and drizzle Yesterday my classmates and I went to West Mountain and had a picnic. /All of us set off at seven oclock from our school gate and rode to the foot of the mountain. /After an hours climbing, we reached the top of the mountain and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. / Running, singing, jumping, playing chess and taking photos, we had a wonderful time there. / After the picnic lunch at three oclock, we felt very tired, so we went down the mountain and came home.,May 20th , Wednesday Cloudy and drizzle Yesterday my classmates and I went to West Mountain and had a picnic. /All of us set off at seven oclock from our school gate and rode to the foot of the mountain. /After an hours climbing, we reached the top of the mountain and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. / Running, singing, jumping, playing chess and taking photos, we had a wonderful time there. / After the picnic lunch at three oclock, we felt very tired, so we went down the mountain and came home.,Homework,【写作内容】,远足是一项很好的运动,你可以在 锻炼身体的同时欣赏自然之美。根据以下 要点,写一个远足新手提示。 秋季的天气最适合远足; 作为新手,最好集体行动; 要选择舒适的鞋和衣服。,【写作要求】 只用5个句子表达全部内容。,(双语报第31期单元测试基础写作),Thanks for your presence!,
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