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Pass Cambridge BEC higher,高级经贸英语,English Department, Huzhou Teachers College,Cultural Diversity,Objectives,To enable students to talk about Cultural Diversity. To practise reading and listening for specific information.,Task and Plan,Discuss with your group members and show the solutions for Caferoma. Reading on page 94. The texts relevant speaking.,Reading on page 94 Relevant Background Knowledge Styles of interview面谈方式: Interview 是一种在特定的场景下,经过组织者精心设计,通过主考官和应聘者双方面对面(包括网络方式)交谈、观察等双向沟通方式,由表及里地了解应聘者的知识、能力、经验及求职动机等的人员甄选方式。其主要形式如下: Structured interview: 又称结构化面谈,它指面谈前,就面试所设计的内容、试题评分的标准、评分方法等一系列问题进行了系统的结构化设计的面谈方式。即向所有应聘者提问事先拟定的同样问题,包括behavioural description interview and situational interview,前者是问应征者有关以往经验,后者是提出一些情景,询问应征者会怎么做。结构性面谈严格遵循一定的程序进行,如考官、考场的选择,监督机制与记分程序的设立等。,Non-structured interview非结构性面谈,指采取不直接提问的方式(a non-directive style),让应征者自由讲述个人的经历和爱好。 Semi-structured interview 半结构性面谈,即向所有应聘者或接受面谈者提问事先拟定的相同的主要问题,次要问题则按个别面谈情况而定。,The sentences for selection: This relationship is based on shared expectations which are common to employees of the same nationality. 这种关系是建立在共同的期望值基础上,而这种期望值在来自同一民族的员工中具有共性。 Typical of this is the belief that individuals should receive salary gains without having to share them with lower-performance colleagues. 它的突出特点是,认为个人所得到的薪酬收入,无须将其与业绩低下的员工分享。,These take the form of one-page problem scenarios, each one centred on a specific issue. 采取在一页纸上假设各种情景的形式,每个情景针对一个具体情况。 However, without this awareness, employees from diverse nationalities cannot appreciate their differences and build mutual understanding. 可是,一旦缺少对这点的认识,来自不同民族的员工就无法体会相互之间的差异,因而也就无法达到相互理解。 Most international human resources managers will have experienced these expectation differences at first hand. 大多全球人力资源部经理在一开始将会感受到这种期望值差异。,A description of a possible course of action or events 计划书(本来涵义),现在是一个出现频率很高的词,常用来替换或代替situation,表示(未来可能发生的)局面、情况、趋势等。There are two possible scenarios for the process of economic globalization and trade liberalization.,These sensitive areas touch directly upon cultural norms and peoples sense of well-being and order. 这些敏感领域直接涉及文化规范和人们的安乐感及次序感。 Decisions taken with the welfare of more than the individual in mind are characteristic of this value system. 这一价值体系的特点是决策时考虑大家的共同利益。 There is also the more complicated question: what reasons do they give to explain their choices? 复杂的问题也有:他们如何解释各自的选择?,The explanation of the text: In todays hyper-competitive global markets, any Hyper- (prefix, its opposite is hypo-) abovebeyond sth or too much /excessive. hypo-:Below; beneath; under; Less than normal; deficient: Methodology refers to a system of methods and principles for doing something, for example, for teaching or for carrying out research . 指的是教学或开展研究等使用的一整套方法原则。 Method: a particular way of doing something指做某事的具体方法。 The behaviours that intrigue the research team most are Intrigue: to interest greatly,Decisions about finance and marketing, on the other hand, are far less emotive and less likely to reveal underlying values. Emotive: that may cause strong feelings. 另一方面,围绕财务和营销的决定,情感因素就少得多,不太容易显现深藏其中的价值观。 The responses are then plotted between two opposing logics. Plot: to divide into small parts The second logic is an economic rationale Rationale: the reasons on which a system or practice is based. 基本原理,理论基础 第二种逻辑是出于经济上的理由。 Although these seminars can be entertaining, they ultimately fail because they do not require managers to examine their own values first. Seminar: a small class of usu. Advanced students meeting to study some subject with a teacher.研究班/讨论会,虽然这些研讨会可能趣味横生,最终却收效甚微,原因就在于他们并未要求经理们首先对自己的价值观进行审视 Choose the best sentence to fill each gap. 1-6: F, A, C, G. B. D Relevant speaking Discuss with your group members: what factors affect decision making in these area in China? Recruiting new employees招聘新员工 Promoting staff员工晋升 Fixing salary levels制定工资级别 Making staff redundant裁减员工 In China, recruitment is based mainly on college graduates.在中国,招聘公司员工主要以大学毕业生为主 Sometimes based on nepotism or networking. 有时以裙带关系或关系网为基础,Recruit family or friends even if they arent the right people for the job.聘用亲戚或熟人,虽然他们并非某个职位的最佳人选 Often promote on the basis of seniority rather than merit.往往根据资力而不是不是主要业绩做出晋升 Based mainly on appraisal from management team meetings and subjective judgment.以管理层小组讨论、主观判断得出的评估为主 Salary levels are fixed out of egalitarian consideration with small salary gap between staff.定薪考虑因素主要是相对平等,差距小( egalitarian:平等主义的) Pay according to hierarchical levels以职务等级制定新酬标准 Seldom lay off staff unless someone seriously violates regulations.除非严重违规,很少裁减员工 The more senior an employee is , the less likely he is made redundant.资力越高,越不容易被裁减 Being a mediocre employee with average performance is not a major factor to consider when making staff redundancy.业绩平平通常不作为影响裁员的因素,Are decisions affecting each of the four areas based on group or market logic in China? In China, belonging to eastern culture, decisions affecting each of the four areas are based on group logic. The decision makers care more about the common benefit of t
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