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Subjunctive Mood in If-clauses,Learning aims: 1. To have a good command of subjunctive mood in if-clause. 2. To use it properly in context . 3.To arouse interests and strengthen confidence in English grammar learning through competition and cooperation.,If you were a teardrop in my eye, For fear of losing you, I would never cry. And if the golden sun, Should cease (停止) to shine its light, Just one smile from you, Would make the whole world bright.,Read the poem and try to translate it,如果你是我眼中的一滴泪水, 为了不失去你,我将永不哭泣.,如果金色的阳光,停止了它耀眼的光芒 你的一个微笑, 将 照亮我的整个世界.,Subjunctive mood is used to talk about situations that are not true or not likely to become true.,Step2. Explore& Improve,Liu Wei, an armless pianist, achieved his dreams by great efforts.,If 从句的谓语形式,主句的谓语形式,与过去事实相反,与现在事实相反,与将来事实相反,did(were),had done,would/could/ should/might +do,would/could/should/ might +have done,1.did,would/could/ should/might +do,一般条件句中虚拟语气的用法,2. were to do,3. should do,难点突破:错综时间句,If he hadnt been determined, he would not be so successful now.,Your discovery: 本句中条件从句所表示的动作和主句表示的动作发生的时间_,这时动词的形式要根据它所表示的 _作出相应的调整,与过去相反,与现在相反,不一致,时间,各自为准,如果他昨晚没有熬夜,他现在就不会如此疲倦。(stay up),If he had not stayed up last night, he would not be so sleepy now.,与过去相反,与现在相反,各自为准,If 从句出现了 真实虚拟得考虑 真实主将从是现 虚拟时态要前移 主, 从时间不统一 各自为准需谨记,What would have happened if the farmer hadnt seen the snake?,If the famer _(not see) the snake, he _ (not put) it under his coat; if he _ (not put)it under his coat ,the snake _ (not bite)him;if the snake_ (not bite)him,he _(not die).,hadnt seen,wouldnt have put,hadnt put,wouldnt have bitten,hadnt bitten,wouldnt have died.,The farmer and the snake,如果我现在成为了一名百万富翁,我会给实验中学建一座更大的图书馆。如果有一天我有足够的钱,我会为一中的每一位学生提供免费的三餐。,If I _ a millionaire, I _ build a larger library for our school . If I _ enough money some day, I _ (supply) free food to all the students in our school.,became / were to become / should become,would,had / were to have / should have,would supply,Relay in sentence making !(造句接龙),Student A: “If I were a bird, I would fly high into the sky.”,Student B: “If I could fly, I would try to touch the cloud.”,Student C: “If I could touch the cloud, I would have a sleep on it. ”,Student D: “If I have a sleep on the cloud, I would Student E: Student F: ,Group Work,Discussion,If the alarm clock had rung this morning, I.,If I won the lottery, I would,One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, “Whats the meaning of the word Drunk, dad?“ “Well, my son,“ his father replied, “Look, there are two policemen standing over there. If I regarded the two policemen as four, I would be drunk.“ “But, dad,“ the boy said, “ theres only ONE policeman!“ What can we infer from the dialogue? A. The father must have been drunk. B. The son was rather stupid. C. The son was good at finding others mistakes. D. The father was a policeman.,Happy Moment,A,Customer: Waiter, this lobster(龙虾) has only one claw(钳). Waiter: Im sorry. It must have been a loser in a fight, or it would have two claws now. Customer: Well, bring me the winner then.,What can we learn from this dialogue? A. The lobster lost one claw in a fight. B. The lobster will get two claws in a fight. C. The waiter wants to find an excuse for the mistake. D. The lobster has two claws now.,B,Step3. consolidation,1. If I am as tall as Yao Ming, I would become a famous basketball player. 2. If our classmate Liang kang became chairman of our country in the future, I will be chairmans teacher. 3. If you came to school yesterday , you would have seen her. 4.If I had taken your advice then, I would have been better now .,were,would,had come,be,Task1:一起来找“茬”,Task2: Retell story,Jack,Rose,Scene1: Jack wanted to go to America, but he didnt have money so he couldnt buy a ticket. In a poker game, Jack won a third-class ticket.,ticket,Scene2: He boarded Titanic and met a beautiful girl called Rose. they fell in love.,meet,Suddenly, the ship hit an iceberg and it sank There werent enough lifeboats. So many people died,iceberg , sink,At the end of this story, Jack died and Rose was alive.,dead & alive,Because of the freezing water, Jack died.,self-assessment,What have I learnt today?,Homework: 1. Rewrite the story of Titanic(you must use what we have learnt). 2. Finish the essay and enjoy it.,
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