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Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,Section B 1 - 2c,Learning aims: 1.New words and sentences scared climb jump shout rode While I was climbing the tree , a man shouted at me. 2.Talk about past events and learn to tell a story. 3.Learn to help others when theyre in trouble.,The boys_.,The cats are _a tree.,Hes_.,Theyre_.,scared,climbing,shouting,jumping down,New words,Match the sentences with the pictures. 1._ Hes scared. 2._ Its climbing a tree. 3._ Its jumping down. 4._ Shes shouting.,c,b,a,d,Practice,Practice,scared, shout, climb, jump,Make up a short story using these new words.,A: What a day I had! B: What happened? A: While I was climbing the mountains, I saw a snake. B: What did you do? A: I ran away.,presentation,walking in the park, saw two birds, took photos,shopping, saw a thief, called the police,1,2,Listen . Check () the six things you hear in the chart.,2a,the newspaper reporter b. the man c. the cat d. the woman e. John f. the police officer,John,the cat,the man,the police officer,the newspaper reporter,2b,the woman,Listen and repeat,1.When did you see a cat in a tree? 2. When did the man see you? 3.When did the woman call the newspaper? 4.When did the cat go up the tree again?,While I was walking to school.,While I was climbing the tree.,While the man was calling the police.,While the reporter was taking the photo.,read and answer,Role play the dialogue between John and the newspaper reporter.,walking to school, saw a cat,climbing the tree, shouted at,calling the police, called the newspaper,Retell the story,jumped down, said “good boy”, took a photo,taking the photo, went up the tree again,One day, John saw a cat in a tree while _to school. The cat was _. A man saw John while _,then he _ John. A woman called the newspaper while the man _. While the newspaper reporter_ the photo, the cat went up the tree again. I think John is a good boy because he likes helping others!,he was walking,very scared,shouted at,was taking,he was climbing the tree,was calling the police,Fill in the blanks.,Story time,1.Did you help others when they needed help? Or did you get any help from others? 2.When did it happen? 3.What did you do? 4.How do you feel when you help others or others help you? 5. Share your story.,Helping others makes me happy.,Time: 8:30-9:30pm this Saturday (March27) Purpose(目的):to save our earth. Activities: Turn off all the unnecessary lights and join us and enjoy the beautiful moon and stars in the open air!,Earth Hour 2010,1.Take part in the “Earth Hour” activity tomorrow evening. (AB) 2.Write a story about ”What did you do for Earth Hour2010?” (A) 3.Prepare for SectiionB3a(AB),Homework,Thanks for listening!,
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