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Unit Five,Language,抽象名词 anger and bitterness 作主语,表达突出,主题鲜明,震撼读者。,Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle. (Line 12),如本课另一句: Neither sorrow nor regret followed my passionate outburst. 在这种强烈的情感发泄之后,我没有一丝伤感或懊悔之情。,犯罪感不停地折磨着他。,多年来他一想到自己对她的死负有责任就心如刀割。,Feelings of guilt incessantly preyed upon his mind.,The thought that he was responsible for her death preyed on him for years.,Example,prey up(on): trouble greatly; torment 使持续苦恼;折磨,猫捕食鸟和老鼠。,过往船只受到海盗的抢劫。,Cats prey on birds and mice.,Passing ships were preyed upon by pirates.,Example,prey on: 2) take/hunt/catch as prey 捕食,杀害 3) steal from; attack; make sb. ones victim 掠夺,使某人成为某 人的牺牲品,他讲话之后接着是一阵沉默。,该公司正开发新一代的电脑,用以承接现有的系列。,A silence succeeded his words.,The company is developing a new generation of computers to succeed their existing range.,Example,succeed: follow after, replace 随之后; 接替;取代某人或某物,时钟鸣响声打破了寂静。,The silence was succeeded by the striking of a clock.,when it seemed as if 是 when 引导的非限定性定语从句,修饰 in a dense fog。其中as if happen 作seemed 的表语。,译 文,Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? (Line 16),你可曾在航海时遇上过浓雾?那时,你仿佛被困在了触手可及的一片白茫茫中,不见天日。你乘坐的巨轮,靠测深锤和测深线的指引,举步维艰地靠向海岸,既紧张又焦急不安;而你则心里怦怦直跳,等着什么事情发生。,Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? (Line 16),only to do sth. 不料(表意想不到的结果),In despair she had dropped the subject for the time, only to renew it at the first opportunity. (Line 47),请完成下面的句子。,Exercise,I arrived at the shop _ _.(结果却发现把钱放在家里了),only to find I had left all my,I returned back home from holidays _ _. (结果却发现有人闯进我家了),only to find,money at home,my house had been broken,On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken. (Line 71),on/upon doing sth; on/upon + N: on the occasion of or directly after(as soon as) 一就(此动作一发生,另一动作立即发生),译 文,Example,他一从出租车出来就被两个人抓住了。,校长进来时,孩子们都起立欢迎。,On his stepping out of the taxi he was seized by two men.,The boys stood up on the entrance of the headmaster.,On his return from Europe, he set to work in earnest.,One of the first things that Jane did on getting home was to have a good sleep.,他从欧洲一回来, 就开始认真工作。,简一回家首先做的事情之一就是好好地睡了一觉。,Translation,1.immeasurable (adj.) (Line 3, Para. 1) too big, great, etc. to be measured 无法计量的,构词法: measure measurable immeasurable immeasurableness,请完成下面的句子。,Exercise,这一调查显示,互联网给人类社会带来了巨大变化。 This survey indicates that the Internet _ _ to human society.,has brought,从朋友那他得到了巨大的勇气来说出事实的真相。 From his friends he _ to tell the truth.,gained immeasurable courage,immeasurable changes,2. penetrate (v.) (Line 8, Para. 2) 1) enter something and pass or spread through it 进入,渗入,刺入; 穿过,穿透 2) succeed in understanding something 洞察,了解,Exercise,他们希望用他们的最新产品渗入日本市场。 They are hoping to _ with their latest product.,她能看透我在想什么。,penetrate to the Japanese market,She could penetrate what I was thinking.,Mother told him not to linger on the way home.,The love story is over, but the memory lingers on.,爱情已逝,但记忆犹存。,妈妈告诉他不要在回家的路上逗留。,Translation,3. linger (v.) (Line 9, Para. 2) 1) stay for a long time, be unwilling to leave 逗留,徘徊 2) take a long time to leave or disappear 迟迟不消逝,4. be flushed with (Line 36, Para. 5) flush (v.) 1) (of a person, the skin, or the face) become red (指人、皮肤或 脸)面红耳赤;脸红 2) clean or drive out by a sudden flow of water 冲洗,The wine flushed her face and throat.,他在用热水冲堵住的水管。,He is flushing the blocked pipe with the hot water.,酒使她一直从脸红到脖子。,Translation,be flushed with: The face gets red because of sth. 因而脸红,激动,请分别用 (be) flushed with victory / happiness / embarrassment 完成句子。,Exercise,She _ when she realized her mistakes.,The parents _ _ at their sons first success.,_, the students knew no weariness.,Flushed with victory,was flushed with embarrassment,were flushed with,happiness,我父亲要我铭记努力工作的重要性。,The manager impressed on his office staff the importance of keeping accurate records.,经理让办公室职员认识到做精确记录的重要性。,My father impressed the value of hard work upon/on me.,Translation,5. impress sth. upon sb. (Line 46, Para. 6) fix sth. in sbs mind; make sb. keenly aware of sth. 使某人铭记某事;使某人深深意识到某事,6. consciousness (n.) (Line 63, Para. 7) conscious (adj.) 1) able to think, feel; aware 有知觉的;有意识的;神智清醒的 2) ( + that / of ) knowing; understanding 自己知道的; 自己察觉的,请完成下面的句子。,Exercise,他神志不够清醒,还不能回答问题。 He is _ to answer questions.,我没有意识到得罪了他。 I was _ having offended him.,not conscious of,not
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