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1,GOM3,Operations Management Layout,2,4,Basic Production Layouts,Process Layout Product Layout Group Technology (Cellular) Layout Fixed-Position Layout,3,Layout Types,Foundry,Milling,machines,Lathes,Grinding,Painting,Drills,Office,Welding,Forging,(a) Layout of a job shop,4,Process Layout,Advantages: general purpose and less capital intensive less vulnerable to changes equipment utilization employee supervision Disadvantages: slower processing rates lost production time for setups more capital and space for inventory longer manufacturing lead times materials handling requires variable path devices production planning and control more difficult,5,Layout Types,6,Product Layout,Advantages: faster processing rates lower inventories infrequent setups Disadvantages: risk of layout redesign less flexibility for low volume, dedicated resources have low utilization,7,Group Technology,(a) Jumbled flows in a job shop without GT cells,8,Group Technology,(b) Line flows in a job shop with three GT cells,Cell 3,L,M,G,G,Cell 1,Cell 2,Assembly area,A,A,L,M,D,L,L,M,Shipping,D,Receiving,G,9,Group Technology,(b) Line flows in a job shop with three GT cells,Cell 3,L,M,G,G,Cell 1,Cell 2,Assembly area,A,A,L,M,D,L,L,M,Shipping,D,Receiving,G,10,34,Group Technology Benefits,1. Better human relations 2. Improved operator expertise 3. Less in-process inventory and material handling 4. Faster production setup,11,35,Group Technology Transition from Process Layout,1. Grouping parts into families that follow a common sequence of steps. 2. Identifying dominant flow patterns of parts families as a basis for location or relocation of processes. 3. Physically grouping machines and processes into cells.,12,Example: Process Flow Analysis,Assume that King Sports Products produces a variety of tennis rackets sequentially on four machines, and the times required on each machine for one typical racket are shown as follows:,Raw Materials,Machine A Framer 4 minutes,Machine B Handler 3 minutes,Machine C Stringer 10 minutes,Machine D Finisher 2 minutes,Racket,13,Example: Process Flow Analysis,Throughput time: 4 + 3 + 10 + 2 = 19 minutes Cycle time of the process: 10 minutes,If King is willing to invest in another machine, which type should it purchase?,How much more can you improve if you have more resources?,14,Example: Process Flow Analysis,Raw materials 2-ton capacity 1 load/day,Truck A,Parts 300 cap.,1.5 Tons/ day,240 Parts/ day,Storage 3500 lb. cap.,Storage 500 cap.,Fabrication 25 lb/component 25 component/hr,Assembly 20 units/hr,Packaging A 5 min. process time,30 Parts/hr,375 Lb/hr,15 Components/hr,15 Units/ hr,120 Units/ day,80 Units/ day,Packaging B 10 min. process time,40 Units/ day,Truck B,The bottleneck shifts around the facility How?,15,16,Example-Line Balancing,Youve just been assigned the job of setting up an electric fan assembly line with the following tasks:,16,17,Precedence Diagram,Which process step defines the maximum rate of production?,17,18,The bottleneck,18,19,We want to assembly 100 fans per day,What does this figure represent?,19,Why should we always round up?,20,The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1998,Irwin/McGraw-Hill,20,21,Some Rules Well Follow for Loading Workstations,Primary: Assign tasks in order of the largest number of following tasks. Secondary (tie-breaking): Assign tasks in order of the longest operating time,21,Station 3,23,The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1998,Irwin/McGraw-Hill,22,33,Efficiency of the Assembly Line,
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