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七年级上册期末测试一、 语音(5分)在下列各组单词中,有一个单词划线部分的读音与其他三个不同,请选出。1. A. must B. music C. lunch D. subject2. A. box B. sofa C. photo D. those3. A. chicken B. China C. find D. library4. A. sweater B. health C. head D. great5. A. three B. those C. think D. Thursday二、 单项选择(10分)1. -Whats this in English?- It is _ eraser.A. / B. a C. an D. the2. -Whats your favorite subject?-Science. Its difficult _ interesting.A. so B. or C. and D. but3. -Is this red pen _ ? - No, _ is black.A. you; my B. your; mine C. yours; my D. yours; mine4. My shoes are too old. I want to buy a _ one. A. young B. big C. new D. short5. - Lets watch the tennis game on TV.- That _ good.A. looks B. spells C. likes D. sounds6. Bettys birthday party is _ 7:00 this evening.A. of B. at C. in D. on7. -Your skirt is very nice.-_.A. You are right B. Thats right C. You are welcome D. Thank you8. - Your T-shirt is very nice. _ is it?- Its twenty dollars.A. What time B. What price C. How much D. What color9. That store is on sale. They sell clothes at very good _.A. prices B. colors C. styles D. sizes10. They like playing computer games. They think it is _.A. boring B. difficult C. late D. fun三、 完形填空(15分)Do you know many students arent healthy today?Now many students know sports are good for _1_ health. But they dont like _2_. Some of them only watch them _3_ TV. Whats more(而且), many of them only like watching TV and _4_ computer games. They often say, “ Play soccer? Oh, it sounds _5_. Play basketball? Oh, it sounds difficult.”And many boys and girls dont like _6_. They dont have carrots for _7_ and they dont have broccoli for dinner. But vegetables and fruits are _8_ food. They need to eat lots of them every day. _9_ they like junk food (垃圾食品). They like _10_ French fries, hamburgers, fast foodSo if (如果)you want to be healthy, eat vegetables and play sports every day!1. A. their B. her C. his D. your2. A. play sport B. playing sports C. play sports D. playing sports3. A. in B. on C. at D. to4. A. player B. play C. playing D. plays5. A. interesting B. boring C. fun D. nice6. A. meat B. vegetables C. fruits D. dessert7. A. drink B. dinner C. play D. lunch8. A. healthy B. health C. first D. last9. A. And B. So C. But D. Then10. A. doing B. eating C. watching D. playing四、 阅读理解(20分)ADear Lily, When you go to Huaxing Store, could you please return(退)my new soccer ball shoes? They are black. I dont like the color. Please get another one in blue. Theyre on sale and cost $40. The receipt(收据)is in the box with the shoes. Thanks, Mike 1. What does Mike buy in Huaxing Store?A. Pants. B. Shoes. C. T-shirts. D. Sweaters.2. Why doesnt Mike like his new shoes? Because _.A. he doesnt like the color B. they are too smallC. they are too cheap D. they cost too much3. What color does Mike like now? A. Black B. White C. Yellow D. Blue4. How much are the shoes? A. $40 B. $60 C. $70 D. $305. Where is the receipt? A. In the shoes. B. In the shoe box. C. Mike lost it. D. In Huaxing Store.BHello! Boys and girls. I am Jack. This is my grandfather and this is my grandmother. Those are my parents. And the girl is my sister. Her name is Kelly. They are with me in China.My grandfather likes brown, and my grandmothers favorite color is black. My father is a teacher; he likes his school and his students. My mom isnt a teacher. She plays sports every day. She doesnt like watching TV. I like sports, too. I play basketball with my classmates after school. My sister is not a student. She is at home with my grandparents. She likes strawberries and oranges. She doesnt like pears. She is in red today.I am busy every day. I have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. I have to do my homework and do some housework. I am busy but I am happy.6. How many people are there in Jacks family? A. Four. B. Six. C. Seven.7. What does Jacks mom do every day? A. She plays sports. B. She eats oranges. C. She watches TV.8. What d
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