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Unit Five Fame and Success,Text A Fame,Contents,1. What qualities do you think successful people possess? 2. Some people say, “Fame is like a double edged sword.” Whats your opinion? Work in pairs or groups and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being famous? 3. If you could choose, would you prefer to be a famous or ordinary?,clear goals compassion modesty team spirit great talents extraordinary skill confidence honesty adaptability self-awareness,professional knowledge patience perseverance/persistence ability to take on responsibility integrity believability empathy reliability passion diligence never give up,Fame is but a vapor, and the only thing that endures is ones character or virtue,Fame can assure one of a high social status, high regard, great admiration, etc. Fame can also bring one wealth as a celebrity has more chances to earn big money. Besides, the applauses and flowers from the fans may boost ones self-confidence and increase ones sense of fulfillment.,Fame is but a vapor, and the only thing that endures is ones character or virtue,However, the other side of the coin is that fame can be a destructive force. It can be a burden that hinders you from progressing further. It may deprive you of your freedom, privacy and even your own identity. It may even drive you insane and bring you lots of pain, as can be seen from the life stories of some world famous pop singers and movie stars. As a public figure, he is often chased by fans and journalists, and his private life never escapes the medias attention or public curiosity. Fame also places one under great pressure. He has to work in line with public expectations and thus becomes the slave of his own success.,When faced with fame, some people chase them at any cost , use any kind of means to get it and lose themselves in the end. Hype(炒作) was familiar to everyone in recent years. Almost everyone is hyping, whether common people or stars.,Film stars, singers, writers all kinds of stars are hyping to attract more attention and get higher fame. Fame brings them self-confidence and happiness,but also can pushes them into trouble .Are all the things they get from hype really good for them ? How long will this kind of fame keep?,Internet hype (互联网炒作) springs up and becomes a popular way for common people to get their so-called fame. Its ridiculous to chase fame in this way.,People are crazy,This is a paragraph said by one of the heroine of the film Fame in the final,There are some things success is not. Its not fame. Its not money or power. Success is, waking up in the morning, so excited about what you have to do, that you literally fly out the door. Its getting to work with people you love. Success is connecting with the world and making people feel. Its finding a way to bind together people who have nothing in common but dream. Its falling asleep at night knowing you did the best job you could. Success is joy and freedom and friendship. And success is love. 成功并不像大家想象的那样,它不是名望,不是金钱或权利。 成功是早晨起来对自己要做的事情感觉无比兴奋,于是你禁不住飞奔出门。 它是和你爱的人一起工作。 成功是拥抱全世界,并让其他人也感觉到。 它是寻找一种方式,将完全不同却有着共同梦想的人们连接起来。 它是夜晚睡觉前相信自己应经全力以赴。 成功是快乐、自由和友谊。 成功是爱。,Structure Analysis,Part 1: (Para. 1-2),Fame enslaves the person who pursues it because when he/she becomes famous, he/she will not only attract the publics attention, but also has to work and live in line with the publics expectations. He/she then becomes the slave of his/her own success.,Part 2: (Para. 3-4),For those who look for fame, failure is not necessarily a bad thing, especially for those who fail to perform well enough, because people tend to be more tolerant towards and sympathetic with them.,Global Reading,Part 3: (Para.5),Though fame brings disadvantages to those who achieve it, people still seek fame for various reasons.,Part 4: (Para. 6),It is better to take a critical attitude towards fame.,Global Reading,True or False: Which of the following sentences are right?,A. It is easy for a performer to believe that they are as perfect as what the media describe. B. People usually have lower expectations of performers. C. When people fail, they can always find excuses and explanations for their inability to succeed. D. Thomas Wolfe was an American novelist, whose first novel was rejected 39 times. E. It is quite common that people who failed many times may find ways to be successful and famous. Correct: A D E,Global Reading,1. When you are famous, it is very obvious that you are _. . 2. Fame and it takes the you_ . You cant be_. 3. The reasons of wanting fame are: 1) to excellence in some fields; 2) to the admiration and love of many others; 3) to the one everyone talks about; 4) to family and friends you are more than they thought you were.,the target of everyone,turns all the lights on,out of you,what you want to be,demonstrate,gain,be,show,Blank Filling,Text A,We may all desi
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