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Chapter One Introduction to International Payments and Settlements,本章内容,Definition of International Settlements 何谓国际结算 The reason of I.S.国际结算产生的原因 Evolution of I.S. 国际结算的演变历程 Characteristics of modern I.S. 现代国际结算的特点 The research object of I.S. 国际结算的研究对象 Correspondent Banking Relationship 代理行关系,1.1 Definition of I.S.,I.S. is a financial activity conducted among different countries in which payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another in order to settle ac-counts, debts, claims which emerged in the course of political, economic or cultural contacts among them.,1.1 何谓国际结算,国际结算是各个国家之间进行的一项金融活动,它涉及到一个国家向另一个国家支付款项或者转移资金,以结清、了结、清偿各国在政治、经济、文化往来过程中的欠账、债务和债权。,1.2 The reason of I.S. 国际结算产生的原因,1)International sales of goods 2)International trade in service 3)International technology trade,Trade area,Non_Trade area,4)International borrowing 5)International aids and grants 6)International Investment 7)Personal remittance 8)Payment from different country,1.3 The evolution of I.S. 国际结算的演化,From cash settlement to Non-cash settlement 由现金结算向非现金结算转变 From direct payment to payment effected through a financial intermediary 由直接支付转变为通过金融中介完成结算 From settle with goods to settle with documents. 由凭货交易转变为凭单交易 From payments under simple price term to payment under very complex price term 由简单贸易术语下的结算转向复杂贸易术语的结算 From real settlement (based on paper) to E.D.I(without paper). 由有纸结算转向无纸结算,1.4Characteristics of modern I.S.,Transfer of foreign exchange funds and convey of messages are very much facilitated. Vehicle currencies are more diversified . Great importance is attached to high efficiency on the part of the foreign exchange banks. International lending is often combined with international payment.,1.5 The research object of I.S.,Credit instrument Terms and methods of payment in international trade Documents Some laws on I.S.,1.5.4 Some laws & Customs on I.S.,British Bills of Exchange Act,1882 英国1882年票据法 Uniform law of Geneva 日内瓦统一法 1) Convention Providing a Uniform law of Bills of exchange and Promissory Notes 1930年汇票和本票统一法公约 2) Convention Providing a Uniform Law of Check 1931年支票统一法公约 中华人民共和国票据法1995年颁布,1.5.4 Some laws & Customs on I.S.,Uniform Rules for Collection-ICC Publication NO.522 URC522 托收统一规则国际商会第522号出版物 Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits ICC Publication NO.500 UCP500 跟单信用证统一惯例国际商会第500号出版物 Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantee, ICC Publication NO.458 见索即付保函统一规则国际商会第458号出版物,1.6 Correspondent Banking Relationship,Some basic knowledge.基本知识 How to establish correspondent banking relationship 如何建立代理行关系 3. The advantages of foreign correspondents 国外代理银行的优点,1.6.1Some basic knowledge,Correspondent Bank代理行 Branch Bank 支行 Banking subsidiary 子银行 Affiliate bank 附属银行 Representative office .代表处 Agency 经理处,Correspondent Bank,A bank having Direct connection or friendly service relations with another bank. 两间有直接联系或友好服务关系的银行称为代理行。,Branch Bank,A foreign branch bank is a legal and operational part as well as a subordinate institution of its head office,conducting banking business in its domiciled place with its full resources backed up by the latter. 国外的支行是一个法定的独立运作的机构,作为总行的一个从属机构在东道国开展银行业务,其全部资源均来自于总行的支持。,Subsidiary bank,A subsidiary bank is a separately incorporated bank,owned entirely or in large part by a parent bank abroad. 子银行是一个独立的银行,由其海外的总行控制全部或者部分股权。,Affiliate bank,This is also locally incorporated bank owned in part but not necessarily controlled by a parent bank abroad. The banking affiliate itself may be a newly formed one or a local bank with a part of its equity by the foreign bank. 附属银行同样是一个独立的银行,但不一定被其海外的母银行控制。附属银行可能是一个新成立的银行也可能是被海外母银行控制部分股权的东道国银行。,Representative office,A representative office is established in a foreign country primarily to keep contact with the clients on behalf of its head office when the latter is doing business in that country or possibly in neighboring countries. 代表处主要是在东道国以其母银行的身份与客户保持联系,在客户在东道国或其邻国做生意时给与银行服务,Agency,An agency resembles a branch bank except that it is not allowed to accept deposit from the public. 经理处基本上和一个支行相同,除了不能从公众接受存款。,1.6.2How to establish correspondent banking relationship,经过调查,确定对象 交换服务种类费率表,签订代理协议 交换控制文件,电报密押 控制文件包括 有权签字人签字 密押 费率表 SWIFT证实押,1.6.3The advantages of foreign correspondents,为客户提供更好的服务 便利清算过程,加速资金周转 在处理银行业务方面获得大量的合作 获得大量最新信息 落实有关业务的人才培养 建立良好的国际信用,获得国际信贷,
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