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,Module 9 unit 3 The meaning of colour,Reading,National flags, colours and cultures,LiDan,Module 9 unit 3 The meaning of colour,Reading,National flags, colours and cultures,LiDan,A national flag can tell us the _,_,_ and _ of the country.,origin,values,beliefs,culture,The national flag of France, colors and culture,What do the three colours on French national flag symbolize? Are the colors associated with culture?, shows (which) stands for represents (while),Red bravery, revolution, strength and blood of the French Blue liberty and justice White peace and honesty,nfluence,Three colours-_, _ and _,liberty equality fraternity,the motto of the French Revolution,i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,one of the most influential nation flags in history,The national flag of the USA , colors and culture,Why is the American national flag designed like the one on the right?,A national flag can tell us the _ of the country.,origin,values,beliefs,and culture,The Indonesian flag,A red band over a white one.,the physical,the spiritual,sugar,rice,purity,the brave and considerate nature fire the equator,Lets talk about the three national flags.,origin and history,similarities or differences,colors and cultures,values and beliefs,National Flag of China,China,Viet Nam,Cuba,North Korean,The national flags, colors and culture,Turkey,Pakistan,the UK,Australia,New Zealand,Homework:,Think about the significance of national flags. 2. Read the article “National flags, colours and cultures” again, and underline the difficult sentences. 3. Finish Ex. C1, C2 on P36,Thank you,
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