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Module 3 Period Two Listening and Speaking;Function;Pronunciation;Writing and Everyday English 同步精练(外研版必修4,课标通用)时间:40分钟.短语填空 1He entered the house,_coat and sat down in his usual sofa comfortably.2As a child,I was told not to_others,because it was impolite.3The boy liked the game when he played it_.4My parents always brings me a lot of fresh vegetables_they come to see me.5After lunch,he_the radio and began to listen to his favorite programme.6The box was too heavy for me to_it_.7He_to his friends and drove away.8I met two of my college friends_the other day.9Suddenly I saw Mary_me at the gate.10His mind_during the exam,so he failed.答案1.took off2.stare at3.for the first time4.every time5.switched on6.lift,up7.said goodbye to8.by accident9.waving to10.went blank.完成句子1不要盯着他看,要不然他会生气的。Dont_,or he will get angry.2我向他问好,但他只是向我点了点头。I_him,but he just_me.3每次他来晚了的时候,他总是编一个借口。_,he always makes up an excuse.4听到爆炸声,人群陷入恐慌中。Hearing the explosion,the crowd_.5他太累了以至于没有脱鞋子就睡了。He was too tired to go to bed without_.答案1.stare at him2.said hello to ;nodded at3.Every time he comes late4.got into a panic5.taking off his shoes.单项填空1“We must keep a secret of the things_here,” the manager said,_at the men in his office.Adiscussed;stared seriouslyBbeing discussed;seriously staringCto be discussed;seriously stared Ddiscussed;to stare seriously解析discussed 为过去分词,表示动作的完成;to be discussed 为不定式,表示动作还未发生,两者均与语境不符;being discussed 为分词的被动形式,表示动作正在进行。第二空为现在分词短语作状语。句意为:“我们必须对这儿正讨论的一切进行保密,”经理说着,很严肃的盯着他办公室里的人。答案B2He requested that all the soldiers_the news secret.Akeep Bkept Ckeeping Dto keep解析request 后接宾语从句,谓语动词用虚拟语气,即should 动词原形,should可以省略。句意为:他要求所有的士兵对这一消息保密。答案A3Although they just met_,they talked as if they had been friends for many years.Aevery time Blast timeCthe first time Dfor the first time解析由句子结构可知,空格处在句子中作状语,而A、B、C三项均为连词,故D项正确。句意为:尽管他们是第一次见面,但他们交谈起来却像多年的老朋友一样。答案D4Internet shopping will really_when people make sure that it is safe.Atake off Btake upCtake over Dtake on解析take off 突然的受欢迎;迅速流行;take up 占(空间、时间);开始从事;take over 接管;掌管;take on呈现。句意为:当人们确定网上购物很安全的时候,它一定会流行起来。答案A5Dont respond to any emails_personal information, no matter how official they look.Asearching BrequestingCasking Dquestioning解析request要求。句意为:不要答复任何要求个人信息的邮件,不管它们看起来是多么的正式。 答案B6The old man insisted that the window was broken_purpose,but the little boy said it was broken_accident.Aon;with Bby;for Con;by Dby;on解析on purpose故意的; by accident偶然的,两者均为短语搭配形式。句意为:老人认为窗户是故意打破的,而小男孩却说是不小心打破的。答案C7Unfortunately,the thunder_the horses and they ran away in all directions.Awoke B.stroke C .panicked D. delighted解析panic 使恐慌。句意为:不幸的是,雷声吓坏了马群,它们四散跑去。答案C8Would you like to do me a_and carry the box for me?No problem.Ahelp Bhand Cassist Dfavour解析do sb a favour 帮某人一个忙。A、C两项为不可数名词;hand常用于短语give sb a hand。句意为:你能帮我一个忙替我搬那个箱子吗?没问题。答案D9Some students always find_hard to study English well.Athat Bit Cthis Dthem解析it 做形式宾语,代替to study English well。句意为:有的学生总是觉得学好英语很难。答案B10She has the habit of_the TV set as soon as she gets home.Akeeping on Bgoing onCdeciding on Dswitching on解析switch on打开;句意为:她习惯于一到家就打开电视。 keep on 继续;go on继续; decide on 决定。答案D11Im making_progress with the help of my teachers.Great! I hope you can go to_college next year.A/;a Bthe;/ Cthe;a D/;/解析make progress取得进步; go to college去上大学,两者均为短语搭配形式。句意为:在老师的帮助下,我的成绩在进步。太好了!我希望明年你能上大学。答案D12Just call me whenever you are in trouble_Ill come to help you immediately.Abut Bso Cor Dand解析考查句型“祈使句and/or简单句”。句意为:不管什么时候你遇到麻烦了都要给我打电话,我会立刻来帮助你的。答案D13He bent_to lift the box_. Aover;over Bover;upCdown;up Ddown;over解析bend down“弯下腰”;lift up“举起”,都是固定短语。答案C14You must_the bowls and dishes properly before they are put away.Awipe up Bwipe overCwipe off Dwipe out解析wipe up“擦干净”;无wipe over短语;wipe off“擦掉”;wipe out“清洁的内部”。根据句意,D项最佳。答案D15After the death of her daughter she_mad.Awent Bbecame Cgot Dturned解析go用做系动词,后接形容词作表语,可表示由好向坏或由正常向不正常的转变。答案A.阅读理解Everybody knows that words can carry message.People communicate with words.Books,magazines,TV and radio and films all help us to communicate with others.They all help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.Do you think you can communicate wi
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