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.单词识记 1_adj.being unusually sensitive to particular foods,kinds of pollen,insect stings,etc. 2_nemotional condition in which there is fear and uncertainty about the future 3_vi.stare angrily or fiercely 4_vi.take a quick look 5_vto show that something is definitely true,Unit 13 People Period Four Lesson 4 First Impressions 课时精练(北师大版必修5,课标通用),allergic anxiety glare glance confirm,6_nan act or sound of sighing 7_adj.feeling or showing thanks 8_adj.having done wrong 9_adj.similar,like one another 10_na fault in someones character or ability,sigh grateful guilty alike shortcoming,.短语天地 1_怒目而视 2_拾起 3_多亏了 4_匆忙 5_禁不住 6to be honest_ 7figure out_ 8have the chance to do sth _ 9learn about_ 10come off_,glare at pick up thanks to in a hurry cant help doing,说实话 计算出;弄明白 有机会做某事 获悉,了解 脱落,.句型搜索 1The first time I met Tom,he seemed to be allergic to everything. 信息提取the first time从句,译为“第一次做时候”,the first time 充当了连词。 例句仿写我第一次见到他时,就爱上他了。 _,I fell in love with him.,The first time I saw him,2The fact that she looked like a sensitive friendly girl didnt matter. 信息提取句中that引导了一个同位语从句。 例句仿写信息传来了说他会晚到的。 _he would come late. 3I was getting more and more annoyed and of course,the more upset I got,the less I was able to concentrate. 信息提取the比较级,the比较级,译为“越越”。 例句仿写你工作越努力,就会取得更大进步。 _you work,_youll make.,Word came that,The harder,the greater progress,.预读理解 1Fast Reading:Scan the text and choose the best answers according to the text. (1)What was Jane doing in the library the first time she met with Jenny? AShe was looking up some information in the books. BShe was studying for an important oral exam. CShe was waiting for her best friend. DShe was reading some magazines there.,(2)What was Janes last straw? AMore and more people were in the library. BJenny was also in the library. CShe heard someone singing behind her. DShe had to study for the science exam. (3)What did Jane think of Jenny when she left the library? AShe thought the girl was inconsiderate and selfish. BShe thought the girl was just the friend she liked. CShe thought the girl was sensitive and friendly. DShe thought the girl liked Tennysons poems.,(4)From the story,what do you think of Jenny? AShe is an inconsiderate and sensitive girl. BShe is a girl who likes music very much. CShe is a girl who thinks much of herself. DShe is a helpful and warmhearted girl. (5)What conclusion can we draw from this story? AWe cannot judge a person only by first impression. BWhat a person is like depends on first impression. CFirst impression is enough to judge a person. DFirst impression isnt as important as we think. 答案 (1)B (2)C (3)A (4)D (5)A,2CarefulReading:Read the text carefully and number these events in the order that they happened. _Because I left the library in such a hurry,I left my textbook behind. _I was trying to do some revision for an oral exam in a library. _I picked up my books,glared at the girl who was singing. _We got along well and ever since then weve been best friends. _Jane phoned me and told me she got my phone number and could bring the textbook for me.,3,1,2,6,4,_We met at a convenience store and I apologized to her for my rude behaviour in the library.,5,.课文缩写 The day that I met my best friend for the_1_time,I was full of_2_.I was trying to do some_3_for an important oral exam in the local_4_and people kept_5_me.The last_6_was when I heard someone who was a tall girl about the same age as me_7_behind me.At that moment, I thought she was inconsiderate and _8_. Only when I got home did I realize that I left my most important textbook behind because I left the library in such a hurry.I was so_9_that I almost cried.Just then,a girl called Jenny phoned me and told me she could_10_it around for me.It was a surprise that the girl who I met was the one I had shouted at for singing.I felt so _11_and _12_several times for my rude_13_.,We got along really well and ever since then weve been_14_friends.From the experience I know that_15_impression is untrue sometimes and we cant judge a person only by first impression. 1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5_ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9_ 10._ 11._ 12._ 13_ 14._ 15._,first,anxiety,revision,library,disturbing,straw,singing,selfish,upset,bring,hameful,apologised,behaviour,best,first,1anxiety n. (1)焦急的情绪(不可数) He waited in anxiety for Marys report. 他焦急地等待着玛丽的报告。现代英语 (2)烦恼,忧虑,令人着急的事(可数) After listening to his advice she had no more anxieties. 听了他的建议,她不再有那么多烦恼了。 (3)急于(想做某事),渴望 Nells anxiety
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