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Drills and Guide to Techniques of Listening Comprehension (the first period) 听力训练与解题技巧指导 (第一课时),Where does the conversation most probably take place?08湖北1 A. In an office B. In a library C. In a bookstore 2. What are the two speakers talking about? A. A football player B. A football team C. A football match 3.What does the woman think of the mans English? A. Excellent B. Acceptable C. Strange,M: Is this dictionary available?W : Its sold out .,speak English like a native speaker,Michael Owen has won the France Footballs Golden Ball prize?,主要问题,有些词句感到听不清,每个词都听清楚了,但合在一起的意思却不明白。,听力理解时中间反应的环节过多,没有遵循解题步骤,攻破密匙:遵循解题步骤,勤加练习,熟悉题型,掌握答题技巧等。,题型分析,解题技巧,高考听力材料的选用非常重视语言真实性和交际性的原则,语言材料一般来源于实际生活对话的内容大都取材于日常生活,即衣、食、住、行、工作、学习、天气、生活环境等话题,可分为校园、公共场所、家庭等方面, 如:shopping, finding the way, doing ones homework, seeing a doctor, making a phone call, weather report, asking for different kinds of information等。,典型题型分析(part1),1. 场景方向题,2.人物关系及身份题,3.推理判断题,4.观点态度题,1. 场景方向题,常见提问形式有: Where does / did this conversation probably take place? Where are the two speakers? Where can you see such plants?,1.Where does the conversation most probably take place? 08全国5. A. In a restaurant B. In an office C. At home,题型特点:此类题的书面选项大都是表示地点或方向 的介词短语,主要考查分析推理能力,即根据对话所 提供的信息,推断出对话所发生的地点和场景。,In a restaurant,order, serve , change , tip , menu, bill, hamburger, soup, dish,beer,work,write, report, type,At home,watch TV, do chores(家务),In an office,1.Where does the conversation most probably take place? 08全国5. A. In a restaurant B. In an office C. At home,1. 场景方向题,W: OK, time to go home. M: I cant, because I havent finished the report about the newly opened restaurant. W: Well, if you carry on working like that, youll make yourself ill.,场景(scene)词汇,解题技巧: a. 仔细辨认对话中的语境相关词,特别是场景词汇及习惯用语.,W: OK, time to go home. M: I cant, because I havent finished the report about the newly opened restaurant. W: Well, if you carry on working like that, youll make yourself ill.,2.Where are the two speakers going to plant the tree? 09/1 A. By the front door B. At the back of the garage C. At the end of the garden,W: Where are you going to plant the tree? by the front door? M: No, that would be silly. Itll grow too big. Im going to put it at the back of the garage. W: I thought it better right at the end of the garden. M: OK.,W: Where are you going to plant the tree? by the front door? M: No, that would be silly. Itll grow too big. Im going to put it at the back of the garage. W: I thought it better right at the end of the garden. M: OK.,解题技巧: b. 注意对话中肯定与否定 回答. 例如常见的肯定回答: Yes/ Absolutely/ I agree with you ;否定回答: No/ Im not sure.,肯定与否定,Where does the conversation probably take place? 09北京5.,A. In a classroom,B. In a library,C. In a bookstore, M: If that is the only copy on the self, Ill give you a discount.,Where are the speakers? 09全国2.,A. In a restaurant,B. In a hotel,C. In a school,学科网,M: I like to stay two nights, please. W: Do you want full board or half board?. M: Whats the difference? W: Full board includes all meals and half board includes just breakfast and dinner.,Where will the swimming competition be held? 08天津83(独白) A. At the school swimming pool B. At the Jackson Sports Center C. At the New Town Swimming Pool,Boys and girls, can I have your attentions, please? This is a message for Grade Seven and Eight. Because of the rain, the swimming competition will not be held at the new town swimming pool as planed. It will be held at the Jackson Sports Center. Buses will be leaving school at ten to take you to the center. You will be returning to school this afternoon to catch your usual buses home,2.人物关系及身份题,常见提问形式有: Whats the relationship between the two speakers? Who is the man(woman)most probably speaking to? What is the man(woman)? What is the mans (womans)job/occupation/profession?,题型特点: 对话中不会直接提到职业或关系 ,只会用一些相关词作暗示。主要考查能否根据对话 内容、语气及说话者的态度判断,Who is Chris Paine? A. A computer engineer B. A book seller C. A writer,2.人物关系及身份题,解题技巧: a.仔细辨认对话中的职业相关词,抓住其相关的关键词进行答题。,职业相关词,1. Who is Chris Paine? A. A computer engineer B. A book seller C. A writer,W: I like to read Chris Paine. M: So do I. I hear he writes on his computer and his new book will come out next week. W: Great.,W: I like to read Chris Paine. M: So do I. I hear he writes on his computer and his new book will come out next week. W: Great.,2. Between whom did this dialogue probably take place? A. husband and wife B. teacher and student C. doctor and patient,M: Now tell me your trouble, Mrs. White. W: I havent been sleeping well recently. And last night, I had a terrible headache.,解题技巧: b.分析选项目,预测可能出现的词汇,短语,句子. 细听,捕捉关键消息判断人物的职业,身份及人物关系.,M: Now tell me your trouble, Mrs. White. W: I havent been sleeping well recently. And last night, I had a terrible headache.,doctor and patient,trouble、check、pain、sore、fever、heart、stomach、lungs、blood test、prescription、when did it start、open your mouth, whats wrong with you?.,shop assistant and customer,size、color、try on、price、disco
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