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Word Revision,主教练 总是,一直 换句话说 bring up 本性如此. 一夜成名、一下火了 在全国的球迷中 巨人 如果必要的话 对他的队友粗鲁 主导比赛 习惯于 (不)礼貌的 攻击性的 自私的 无私的,the head coach all the time Lets put it this way. 抚养sb.;提出.(供讨论);呕吐出. It is in ones nature to do an instant hit among basketball fans nationwide giant if (it is)necessary be rude to his teammates dominate the game be/ get used to sth/doing sth (im)polite aggressive selfish selfless,Words recently learned related to basketball,球场 篮圈 篮 大前锋 小前锋 中锋 得分后卫 控球后卫,court,裁判 进攻 防守 灌篮 跳投 定投 三分球 罚球,hoop,basket,power forward,small forward,centre,shooting guard,point guard,referee,attack,attend,slam dunk,jump shot,set shot,a 3-point shot,free throws,Get to learn more words about basketball,If players have a collision in a game, it may cause serious .,collision n.,injuries,play for the same team while play against each other.,teammate(s), opponent(s),Teammates,opponents,slim adj.,stout adj.,1. What people are slim? Whats the best to way to become slim? 2. What people are stout?,commit a foul,If you commit a foul, who will stop the game?,And during the suspension of play, what does the fouled player do?,The fouled player will shoot the penalty during the suspension of play.,a bandage around the head,She is covered with a blanket,bandage, blanket, collision, injury teammate, opponent, slim, stout, commit a foul, suspension, shoot the penalty,绷带,毛毯,碰撞,受伤,队友,对手,瘦高、苗条,肥壮,犯规,暂停,罚球,What do you think we are going to learn about?,Dizzy Heights of School Basketball,Module 1 Reading practice,Discussion: Do you think basketball is safe or dangerous sport? Why?,Dizzy Heights of School Basketball,a. Basketball is one of the safest sports. b. The players energy is partly directed upwards, so theres less risk of a collision between two players. c. Although basketball players wear socks and sneakers which are specially designed to absorb the energy when they bound into the air, they wear no other protection. d. If there is an abrupt change of direction in their energy, theres a real danger of personal injury.,Activity1: Read the entire passage and choose the sentence which best describes the writers conclusion.,1. Why is basketball the safest sport?,Because the players energy is partly directed upwards, at a 90-degree angle to the ground, and over the heads of the others. So this is less risk of a collision between two players.,2.When is basketball also dangerous?,When there is an abrupt change of direction in their energy, from vertical to horizontal, there is a real danger of personal injury.,Activity2: Scan for details to answer the questions.,3. Which sports are dangerous? wrestling B. boxing C. baseball D. American football,Activity3: Scan for details to finish exe.3-4,3. Choose the best description of the writer.,He/She is probably _. a novelist a basketball journalist for a national paper. a basketball journalist for a local newspaper a basketball fan who is writing in a basketball team magazine,4. Choose the best answers.,Basketball is one of the safest sports because_. the direction of the players energy means there is less chance of a collision B. the players are well-protected C. the players make abrupt changes of direction D. the players accelerate across the court, bouncing the ball,2. According to the writer, a typical basketball player would be _. A. able to accelerate and bounce the ball at the same time B. fast and weighing about 80 kilos C. tall and slim D. short and stout,3. The foul was caused by _. the referee interrupting the match B. Sackler passing the ball over Joes head C. Joe lowering his head D. Sackler falling over Joe,B,4. The referee thought Sackler was seriously injured because _. A. Joe ran into him B. Sacklers nose was bleeding and he lay very still C. Sackler was dizzy when he stood up D. They put a bandage on his head, a blanket round his shoulders and called an ambulance.,Scan the entire passage for the following words and underline them as quickly as possible.,risk, adequate, sneaker(s), absorb, abrupt, accelerate, interval, appoint, howl, bleed, still, considerate, confirm,risk adequate sneaker(s) absorb abrupt accelerate interval appoint howl bleed still considerate confirm,Now, match them with their definitions.,5,1.sports shoes 2.speed up 3.a break in a game 4.not moving 5.a possibility of danger 6.take in(gas, light, heat, etc.) 7.(good) enough 8.lose blood from injuries 9.check and make sure 10.sudden and unexpected 11.choose sb. for a position 12.always thinking of other peoples feelings 13.make a long, loud cry,7,1,6,10,2,3,11,13,8,4,12,9,risk, adequate, sneaker(s), absorb, abrupt, accelerate, interval, appoint, howl, bleed, still, considerate, confirm,1.In sports, a pair of strong can well protect your ankles. 2.A black T-shirt more heat than a white one. 3.Seeing him breaking the invaluable vase, his father in anger. 4.She was badly injured an
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