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成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,外研版 必修4,Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World,Module 6,1.1.1 集合的概念,第一课时 Introduction & Reading,1.1.1 集合的概念,Module 6,.速记单词 1_(vt.)袭击;攻击 2_(adj.)灰色的 3_(n.)动物;生物 4_(adj.)神秘的 5_(vt.)声称 6_(n.)表面;水面 7_(vi.)潜水 8_(adj.)怀疑的;不相信的 9_(vt.)占地(多大面积),attack,grey,creature,mysterious,claim,surface,dive,sceptical,cover,10_(n.)杂志;学报;期刊 11_(n.)足迹;脚印fingerprint(n.)指纹,指印 12_(adj.)毛的;多毛的hair(n.)头发 13_ (adj.)吓人的_(adj.)害怕的frighten(vt.)使惊恐_(n.)恐怖;惊吓;可怕的东西 14_(vi.)存在existence(n.)存在 15_(adj.)锋利的;尖的sharpen(vt.)使变锋利 16_(n.)(珍奇动物等的)目击;发现sight(n.)视力 17_(adj.)不可能的likely(adj.),footprint,journal,hairy,frightening,frightened,fright,exist,sharp,sighting,unlikely,.短语互译 1(用)代替 _ 2再次被新闻关注 _ 3声称要做某事 _ 4在的表面 _ 5不可能做某事 _ 6dive into _ 7stick out _ 8close up _ 9be sceptical of/about _,instead of,be back in the news,claim to do sth.,on the surface of,be unlikely to do sth.,潜入,突出;伸出,靠近,对怀疑,.完成句子 1据当地的旅游办公室任孟凡迎介绍,最后有人看见怪兽就在离湖边十米的地方,怪物的颜色似乎是黑色的。 The director of a local tourist office,Meng Fanying,said the monster,_in colour,was the metres from the edge of the lake during the most recent sighting.(非限制性定语从句及seem的用法) 2另一个消息来自李小和,当时他正和他的家人在湖边游玩。 _Li Xiaohe,_ with his family.(a/an序数词表示“又一,再一”),which seemed to be black,A third report came from,who was visiting the lake,3他声称看见一个黑黑的、圆圆的动物在水中快速游动。 He_quickly through the water.(不定式的完成式) 4他们说,水温这样低的湖泊不可能生存有体形如此巨大的动物。 They say that the lowtemperature lake _. (be unlikely to do sth.的用法),claims to have seen a round black creature moving,is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures,.语篇理解 Step 1 Introduction Read the following pictures and match them with the given names.,AThe Bigfoot BThe Yeti CThe Loch Ness Monster DThe UFO EThe Dinosaur FThe Pyramid,Step 2 Fastreading .Read the passage fast and match the paragraphs with their main ideas. 1.Para.1 A.The story of monsters in Lake Tianchi 2.Para.2 B.Information about Lake Tianchi 3.Para.3 C.The sighting of the monster by soldiers 4.Para.4 D.The sighting of the monster by Li Xiaohe 5.Para.5 E.Two descriptions of the monster of Lake Tianchi,.True(T) or False (F) 1A foreign photographer claimed that the monsters head looked like a horse.( ) 2A group of soldiers watched the monster swimming for about two minutes.( ) 3. Li Xiaohe and his family couldnt see the monster clearly because of the bad weather.( ) 4There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the end of the last century.( ) 5Few people think that the monster must be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland.( ),Step 3 Carefulreading Choose the best answers according to the passage. 1Where does the beginning the passage come from? AA tourist guide. BA newspaper. CA dictionary. DA scientific journal.,2. What were the soldiers doing when they saw the animal? AThey were swimming in the lake. BThey were walking along the lake. CThey were visiting the lake with Li Xiaohe. DThey were fighting with the monster. 3Why could Li Xiaohe see the monster according to himself? AHe was told by his family. BHe had a pair of eyes with good sight. CThe weather was fine and the lake was calm. DThe monster jumped out of the water and said hello.,4. What is special about Lake Tianchi? AIt is the highest volcanic lake in the world. BIt is the deepest volcanic lake in the world. CIt is the biggest volcanic lake in the world. DIts average depth is 370 meters.,5. From the passage, we can conclude that the writer_. Abelieves the monster really exists in Lake Tianchi Bbelieves the monster doesnt actually exist in Lake Tianchi Cintroduces to us some reports of the sightings of the monster of Lake Tianchi Dproves that the story of the monster or Lake Tianchi is only made up,Step 4 Summary Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Lake Tianchi is the highest volcanic lake in the world and 1._an area of about ten square kilometers.The “Monster of Lake Tianchi” attracts peoples attention again after several recent 2._. Though there was no one getting a clear look at the 3._creature, a local photographer 4._that its head looked like a horse. And some soldiers had ever seen it moving on the 5._of the water and found that it had a round head with 10centimetre horns. Someone else had also noticed that the,creature moved quickly through the water and then 6._into it. Several minutes time later, it appeared again and could be seen clearly because of the 7._lake. There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last cent
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