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英汉翻译理论与实践,第一部分 翻译概论,1 翻译的定义 2 翻译的目的 3 翻译的意义 4 翻译的标准 5 翻译的条件 6 翻译的分类 7 翻译的方法 8 翻译的步骤,1 翻译的定义,辞海:把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来 一种语言符号解释另一种语言符号 Oxford: to turn from one language into another Webster: to turn into ones own or another language,Definitions of translation,Translating is the art of recomposing a work in another language without losing its original flavor. Columbia Encyclopedia Translating is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). J. C. Carford,Definitions of translation,Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.( 翻译是指从语义到文体在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原文的信息。) Eugene A. Nida To translate is to change into another language, retaining as much of the sense as one can. Samuel Johnson,Definitions of translation,(Translating ) is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way the author intended the text. Peter Newmark Translation is an art that involves the re-creation of a work in another language for readers with a different background. Malcolm Cowley,Definitions of translation,A translation is taken to be any target-language utterance which is presented or regarded as such within the target culture, on whatever grounds. Gideon Toury Translation is the production of a functional target text maintaining a relationship with a given source text that is specified according to the intended or demanded function of the target text. Christiane Nord,Definitions of translation,Translation is an externally motivated industrial activity, supported by information technology, which is diversified in response to the particular needs of this form of communication. Jean Sager,Elements involved in the process of translating,Author of STSTTranslatorTTReaders of TT,Elements involved in the process of translating,Intermediate information receiver Author of STSTTranslatorTTReaders of TT Secondary information dispatcher,Definitions of translation,翻译是一种跨文化的信息交流与交换活动,其本质是传播,是传播学中一个有特殊性质的领域。 吕俊 翻译是把具有某一种文化背景的发送者用某种语言(文字)所表述的内容尽可能充分地、有效地传达给使用另一种语言(文字)、具有另一种文化背景的接受者。 沈苏儒,Definitions of translation,翻译是两个语言社会之间的交际过程和交际工具,它的目的是要促进本语言社会的政治、经济和文化进步,它的任务是要把原作中包含的现实世界的逻辑映像或艺术映像,完好无损地从一种语言译注到另一种语言中去。 张今,是一种语言活动,是“把一种语言表达的思维内容忠实地用另一种语言表达出来的语言活动”。 是一种语言活动,是“把一种语言表达的思维内容忠实地用另一种语言表达出来的语言活动”,它包含着一个对原文含义的理解逐步深入,对原文含义的表达逐步完善的过程。(古今明,P4),翻译是科学。 翻译是艺术。 翻译是技能、技艺。 翻译是跨文化交际。,翻译工作作为一种脑力劳动,其目的是将文学、科学方面的材料从一种语言译成另一种语言,从事这一工作的人承担着由该工作性质产生的特殊义务。,(Translation,being an intellectual activity, the object of which is the transfer of literary, scientific and technical texts from one language into another,imposes on those who practice it specific obligations inherent in its very nature) 国际翻译工作者联合会翻译工作者宪章 (THE TRANSLATORS CHARTER of The International Federation of Translators),What is translation?,Translation is a science. Translation is an art. Translation is a craft. Translation is a skill. Translation is an operation. Translation is a language activity. Translation is communicating. -刘重德 文学翻译十讲,1998,2 翻译的目的,交流信息,克服语言障碍 学习其他语言的文化和文明,帮助向更高的文明发展 帮助经济、政治等各方面的交流和发展 其他 特定文本的翻译具有其特定的目的,有其预设的读者群,3 翻译的意义,尤金奈达Eugene Nida:翻译是“人们所能从事的最复杂的脑力劳动”。 Richards:翻译是开天辟地以来最为复杂的事件。,语言和文化的障碍(Language / Cultural Barriers) Translatability is lower when (1) the work to be translated is quite distant both in time and space; (2) its form is very much unique; (3) the content is not shared in the two cultures. Betrayal: Loss / Distortion,西欧之所以有今天的文明,要“归功于翻译者”。Kelly,1979 季羡林:中华文化之所以能常葆青春,万灵之药就是翻译。翻译之为用大矣哉!(林煌天,1997序),国际译联主席Betty Cohen:Never in history have we been so indispensable to trade, culture, peace, and humanityJust imagine one day in the world without translationwould all be mute. We are like the electricity in the wires and the water in the tap. 贸易、文化、和平、人道等都离不开翻译,翻译在历史上从未如此不可或缺请大家试想一下,世上一日无翻译会怎样都将鸦雀无声。翻译工作者就象电线中的电流,水管中的水流。,4 翻译的标准,严复:信、达、雅 Faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance 信:忠实于原文 达:文笔流畅 雅:文风典雅 (士大夫) -保持原文的风格,Criteria of translation,“译”事三难:信、达、雅。求其信,已大难矣。顾信矣不达,虽译犹不译也,则达尚焉。译文取明深意,故词句之间,时有所颠倒附益,斤斤于字比句次,而意义则不倍本文。至原文词理本深,难于共喻,则当前思后衬,以显其意。凡此经营,皆以为达:为达,即以为信也。易曰:“修辞立诚”。子曰“辞达而已!”又曰:“言之无文,行之不远”。三者乃文章正轨,亦即为译事楷模。故信达而外,求其尔雅。 严复(18541921,天演论译例言),Translation has to do three difficult things: to be faithful, expressive and elegant. For a translation to be faithful to the original is difficult enough, and yet if it is not expressive, it is tantamount to having no translation. Hence expressiveness should also be required.,The Book of Changes says that rhetoric should uphold truthfulness. Confucius says that expressiveness is all that matters in language. He adds that if ones language lacks grace, it will not travel far. These qualities, then, are the criterion of good writing and, I believe, of good translation too. Hence besides faithfulness and expressiveness, a translator should also
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