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Unit6 Tell me when the pain started,Lead-in,Lead-in,Humor,病人:医生,我想我快要死了。 医生:您哪里不舒服? 病人:我一看到别人有钱,我就不舒服。 医生:噢,那您还真是快要死了,你现在还欠着医院很多钱。,Whats the matter with her?,Lead-in,_,She has a headache,.,Whats wrong with him?,Lead-in,_,cough,Whats his trouble?,Lead-in,_,stomachache,Whats wrong with her?,Lead-in,_,toothache,Whats the matter with the girl?,Lead-in,_,fever,Whats his trouble?,Lead-in,_,back pain,General procedure,头疼喉咙痛咳嗽流鼻涕感冒发烧 She has a headache/sore throat/cough/runny nose/cold/fever. She should take some pills/medicine twice a day/three times a day; drink more water; stay in bed warm; have a rest,Read aloud after me and underline the sentences about illness. (dialogue 5 on page 100),Read aloud after the tape and underline.,Nurse: Betty: Nurse: Betty: Nurse: Betty:,Good morning, Dr. Kings office. Good morning, my name is Betty and I would like to make an appointment. Whats wrong with you? I have a runny nose. And I cough all the time. How long have you felt this way? For about one day.,Listening and speaking,Read aloud after the tape and underline.,Nurse: Betty: Nurse: Betty: Nurse: Betty: Nurse: Betty:,I see. Do you feel cold? Yes, I feel very cold. I think I have a fever. Well, Dr. King is free at 2 this afternoon. Will this be OK for you? Can you make it earlier? Well, let me see. What about 11 this morning? 11 is fine. OK, see you then. Thank you very much.,Listening and speaking,Key phrases and sentences in dialogue,I would like to make an appointment. 我想预约看病。 make an appointment: 预约 eg: Can I make an appointment to see your boss.,date,appointment,B. Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?(多用于询问疾病或遇到麻烦时) = Whats the matter with you? = Whats your trouble? I have got a bad cold.,C. -How long have you felt this way? (你这种感觉多久了?) = How long have you been like this? -For two weeks. (for + 一段时间),D. Dr. King is free at 2 this afternoon. be free: 有空 eg: Are you free this weekend? 你这周末有空吗?,E. How/What about 11 this morning? 11点钟可以吗? =Will 11 be OK for you?,Work in pairs to make dialogues about appointment.,Listening and speaking,Work in pairs to make dialogues about appointment.,Listening and speaking,Role play a patients meeting with the doctor.,Listening and speaking,Homework: 1. Memorize new words and phrases; 2. Making an appointment dialogue with your partners; 3. Preview reading and writing on page103,Thank you for your attention!,Thank you for your attention!,
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