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从应用文到原有模板的改进,原有模板的问题,应用文,1.格式 传统式 非传统式,Dear Wang little girl: From see you one eye, I shit love you.your eyes close,I die;your eyes open ,I come back to live.Your eyes close and open again and again ,I die again and again. Maybe you do not know me ,no matter.one see clock emotion is pop. I think I should introduce myself to you I call Li old big. Toyear 25. My home four mouth people:papa,mama,I and DD.I beat letter very fast,because I am a computer high hand. I even act as black guest. I do early fuck every day, so that I can have strong body to protect you. Please come to eat and sleep with me, or I will cut my hair to be a monk, and find a place where many monks live in to over my life. your old big,Dear Wang little girl: From see you one eye, I shit love you.your eyes close,I die;your eyes open ,I come back to live.Your eyes close and open again and again ,I die again and again. Maybe you do not know me ,no matter.one see clock emotion is pop. I think I should introduce myself to youI call Li old big. Toyear 25. My home four mouth people:papa,mama,I and DD.I beat letter very fast,because I am a computer high hand. I even act as black guest. I do early fuck every day, so that I can have strong body to protect you. Please come to eat and sleep with me, or I will cut my hair to be a monk, and find aplace where many monks live in to over my life. your old big,注意,当LiMing出现在右下角时,推荐采用传统式 当LiMing出现在左下角时,推荐采用现代式,每段缩进开头,落款在右下方,每段靠左顶格,段与段之间空行,结束语,如 Jim Green 同学常写的 Best wishes,Yours sincerely,上级或长者 : Yours respectfully,亲属或挚友 : Yours affectionately,正文的内容 投诉信,提出抱怨 表示遗憾,阐述问题 发生经过,分析后果,建议措施,正文的内容 求职信,申请岗位,自我介绍,申请以及 适合原因,希望考虑,正文的内容 感谢信,表示感谢,感谢的事由,再次表达 感谢,有什么共同点吗?,提出问题,分析问题,解决问题,介绍我是谁,我干什么写这封信,描述写信的具体事件,或因果,或利弊,针对第二部分内容提出相应的解决方案,信件要生活化一些,1.格式上的套话 2.事件分析的生活化,例如:学校食堂不利于和谐社会的建设? 可以是可以,正文,Dear XXXX: I am LiMing, a freshman from _ department.I am writing to _.(The main problem involves 名词 如:the cashiers attitude.) _ (介绍问题并且分析) _ (提出解决方案) Thank you for your time and consideration, and I am looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely LiMing,消极事件,在分析问题时,理由生活化 经济 环境 方便 健康 信息,在遇见食堂的问题时,怎样进行思考?,5选2,经济 环境 方便 健康 信息 1.方便 2.健康 (心理健康) 3.经济,总分思维下的中文模板,这一问题对同学们的生活带来了积极/消极影响。 从经济的角度看,它对同学们的经济生活产生了不好的影响。_ ; 从方便的角度看,它也影响了同学们的日常生活._. 综上所述,这是一个亟待解决的问题/令人满意的趋势,这一问题对同学们的生活带来了积极/消极影响。 这句话你觉得眼熟吗? This exerts positive/negative to the daily lives of students.,从经济的角度看,它对同学们的经济生活产生了不好的影响。_ ;,From the aspect of economic, it does not provide an ideal condition for students.,一句话举例?,学生们吃饭需要花更多的钱了,从方便的角度看,它也影响了同学们的日常生活._.,In terms of 从的角度(方面)说,It is not, meanwhile, good news in terms of convenience.,at the same time,思考: 一句话举例?,综上所述,这是一个亟待解决的问题/令人满意的趋势,To sum up As has been noted, this is an issue calling for immediate attention. a satisfying trend for (对象),除了利弊外,另一大逻辑重点,原因与目的 He failed because he had not worked hard.,但是because用法过于普遍,Rise from His failure rose from _,The winner ascribed his success to hard work.,往自己会写的东西上引,灵活写出原因或目的语句,1.原因,Attribute to He attributed his success to hard work.,stem from Success usually stems from hard work.,原因 :四大天王,Rise from Stem from Ascribe to Attribute to,目的性语句,We should work hard to gain success.,so as to,for the purpose that,为什么要学习目的性语句呢? Relevant measures should be taken so as to control _ regulations should be carried out,建议措施,只要将上节课的几点进行名词替换即可,条件句 高分句型,原始句: If you work hard, you will success.,NB 1: Given that 表示真实的条件 Given that you work hard, you will success.,NB 3:Assuming that 表示假设的条件 Assuming that you work hard, you will success.,NB 2:on condition that 表示真实的条件 You will success on condition that you work hard.,条件句的经典应用,It is not, meanwhile, good news in terms of convenience . _ 在面临这种一句话举例时,你是否一筹莫展? If so,(典型低分) 套用这样的逻辑:,主体变化法,Esp: 主体取反 如果这一趋势继续,将有什么消极后果,Assuming that this trend continues,建议句,如果你想给出建议,却不想满篇都是we should, we must怎么办? 如果你希望换词,却又碍于词汇有限,怎样最简单地进行变换?,正话反说,主动句不行是不是可以考虑被动句?,肯定句不行是不是可以考虑否定句?,舒缓一下,刚刚主要通过应用文型的文章完善了原有模板 回忆:哪四种重点结构是你写作主体时必须用到的?,总结 :书信类总模板,Dear XXXX: I am LiMing, a freshman from XX department.I am writing to _.(The main problem involves 名词 如:the cashiers attitude.) This exerts positive/negative to the daily lives of students. From the aspect of economic, it does not provide an ideal condition for students. _ It is not, meanwhile, good news in terms of convenience. _ As has been noted,this is an issue calling for immediate attention. _ (提出解决方案) Thank you for your time and consideration, and I am looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely LiMing,应用文思考题,P34 本次志愿者活动的目的,怎样把你的作文写得真正的好看,长短句原则,满篇的长句反而让你的作文显得重点不突出,短句修辞1 顶真,1.什么叫顶真 归来见天子,天子坐明堂 2.顶真的优势 3.英语顶真的写法 A,B,C三个简单句能够构成连续的因果/并列关系时,写成A,B, and C的形式,短句修辞2 强调性倒装,NCE 3 46 So great is our passion for doing things ourselves, that we are becoming increasingly less dependent on specialized labor.,The problem is so serious.,A is B,B is A,常用词汇的替换 实词,numerous,Many people take this for granted.,inc
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