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Unit 2 Our daily life,by szmaozhy163.com,Reading Listening Language Speaking Writing,Contents,Reading,A Look at these pictures, and think about your daily life. Which of the things do you A do every day? B do once or twice a week? C never do?,Reading,A How often do you do this?,brush my teeth,I brush my teeth every day.,A How often do you do this?,I go to school on foot / by car,go to school,A How often do you do this?,I often watch television.,watch television,A How often do you do this?,play table tennis,I play table tennis,I play table tennis.,A How often do you do this?,use the telephone,A How often do you do this?,eat fish,A How often do you do this?,ride a motorbike,A How often do you do this?,play the piano,A How often do you do this?,play computer games,Vocabulary,do you know the following words and phrases?,1 achieve: get receive, succeed in doing something 2 accountant: the person (in a company) who looks after the money and keeps the financial records 3 a.m.: in the morning 4 p.m.: in the afternoon 5 assist: help sb. do sth. 6 attend: go to 7 business: a company 8 client: customer; someone who buys sth. or uses a service,Vocabulary,do you know the following words and phrases?,9 discuss: talk about sth. 10 manager: a person who control a business or part of it 11 popular: liked by many people 12 responsible: having the duty to do something 13 run: be in charge of a business; manage 14 sales: selling: the part of a business which tries to sell the product 15 seldom: not often 16 simple: very easy,Vocabulary,Fill in the blanks with the correct words.,1 I must work hard to _my aim: to go to Peking University. 2 Wendy _a family business with her relatives. 3 The sales manager have an appointment with an important _ this afternoon. 4 Lets get together and _the old people. Li Yuchun has been very _ among teenagers in China. 6 The _of our new car are very high.,achieve,runs,client,discuss,popular,sales,Vocabulary,Fill in the blanks with the correct words.,7 You are _for feeding and walking the dog every day. 8 We _go swimming in the winter because the sea water is cold. 9 The headmaster will _the meeting tomorrow morning. 10 The monitor often _ the head teacher with many duties. 11 The _was scolded by the manager because of her careless mistake in counting. 12 The students of _schools dont need to go to school in the afternoon.,responsible,seldom,attend,assist,accountant,a.m.,Synopsis by paragraph,P1: Wendy describes her morning routine and the background to her family computer business.,P2: She is driven to school in her own car.,Reading,Synopsis by paragraph,Reading,P3: She describes her school. She finds some school work easy but boring.,P4: At lunch-time she sometimes has lunch with a business client.,Synopsis by paragraph,Reading,P5: She describes her after-school activities.,P6: In the evenings she works on her computer games.,C2 Find the words in Column A in the article on page 17 and match them with the meanings in Column B.,A B 1 whizz-kid a get, gain 2 simple b a musical instrument 3 achieve c help 4 attend d very easy 5 assist e not often 6 violin f very clever teenager 7 seldom g go to,Complete the list with information that Wendy gives us in her article. Write only notes for each answer.,About Wendy 1 What she writes _ 2 When she gets up _ 3 How she gets to school? _ 4 What she something does on the way _ 5 Her usual grade at school _ 6 When she goes to Computer Club _ 7 When she has dinner _ 8 Her work after dinner_ 9 When she goes to bed _,6 a.m.,computer games,in her car,makes phone calls,D Find the facts,A,On Fridays,at 7 pm,writing computer games,at 11 pm,E Read and think,E1 Yes?(Y)No?(N)Or dont know?(DK) 1 Can Wendy write computer games? 2 Does Wendy have breakfast at 7.30 a.m.? 3 Does Wendy discuss her studies with her parents at breakfast? 4 Does Wendy drive herself to school? 5 Does Wendy like her school friends? 6 Does Wendy pass all of her exams?,N,Y,N,N,Y,Y,7 Does Wendy have lunch with clients every day? 8 Do the members of Computer Club often ask for Wendys help? 9 Is Wendy good at basketball? 10 Can Wendy play the piano? 11 Does Wendy finish her homework after dinner? 12 Does Wendy sleep for about five hours a night?,N,Y,DK,DK,N,N,Listening,Identifying a speakers occupation,Listen to the recording. You will hear six people talking about their daily lives. Write down the numbers 1 to 6 in the circles to show which person is talking.,Identifying a speakers occupation,A guard,B construction worker,C messenger,D dentist,E manager,F accountant,1,2,5,6,4,3,Tapescritp,One . I work in an office. I wear smart clothes. I work for a big business. I am resp
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