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, ,Happy,Lets chant,Rainy, rainy, rainy. Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its rainy. Cloudy, cloudy, cloudy. Whats the weather like in Shanghai? Its cloudy. Sunny, sunny, sunny. Whats the weather like in Tianjin? Its sunny.,windy,Whats the weather like today?,Its windy.,cloudy,Whats the weather like today?,Its cloudy.,rainy,Whats the weather like today?,Its rainy.,Rain, rain Go away Come again another day Jim and I want to play,Lets chant,snowy,Whats the weather like today?,Its snowy.,Lets chant,Snow, snow Where do you go? I dont know, I dont know Do you want to go?,London,Moscow,Singapore,Sydney,Whats the weather like in? Its in,Its . and .,London,Moscow,Singapore,Sydney,Whats the weather like in London? Its in,Look at the pictures and talk about the weather.,I show I act,Homework,(1)Listen to and repeat Lets learn. (2)Make sentences using Its . and . (3)Talk about the weather in groups.,Goodbye,
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