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复杂句子的成分分析,复杂句子的成分分析,复杂句子的成分分析,所谓结构复杂的长句有单句与复句之分。单句的复杂一是因为句中定状补等修饰成分由多个递加式短语或复杂短语构成;二是主谓宾等句子主干由复杂短语或复句形式充当。翻译过程中遇到复杂的单句,一个很重要的技巧就是对其进行成分分析。,造成长句的原因,(1)修饰语过多; (2)并列成分过多; (3)语言结构层次多。汉语句子俗称“流水句”,可以on and on and on,而且有“一逗到底”的现象,分句之间的逻辑关系并不言明,复杂长句的主要成分分析,一、主语 1、大约有四分之一的美国青年人没有阅读能力,这简直令人难以置信! 【译文】It is incredible that about 25% young people in the United States cannot read. 【点评】汉语句子主语较长,译成英语时为了防止句子头重脚轻,通常采用it作形式主语的句型,而将真正主语搁置于句末。,2、矿物燃料每年释放52亿公吨二氧化碳进入大气,同时热带森林的燃烧大约释放出18亿公吨二氧化碳这两方面都对二氧化碳的集结产生作用,因而会引发温室效应。 【译文】Fossil fuels set off 5.2 billion metric tons of CO into the air each year, while the burning of tropical forests emits roughly 1.8 billion metric tons of COboth contributing to a buildup of carbon dioxide that will soon trigger the greenhouse effect.,【点评】汉语的主语,即“这”所代表的内容较长,若直接译成英语,同样显得头重脚轻。所以译文将原句中的主语从句分别拆译为两个并列独立的句子,之后运用英语语法中的伴随状语巧妙地将原句中的谓语表达出来。,二、谓语 一定要言行一致,理论与实践密切结合,反对华而不实和任何虚夸,少说空话,多做工作,扎扎实实,埋头苦干。 【译文】Deed and word must match and theory and practice must be closely integrated. we must reject flashiness without substance and every sort of boasting. There must be less empty talk and more hard work. We must be steadfast and dedicated.,【点评】这个汉语句子有一连串的动作。译成英语时若一一译为动词,则句子显得冗长且不地道,所以译文根据原句动作之间的逻辑关系,采用了分译法,通过多变的句式很好地表达了原句的意思,在形式上也颇具英语句子的特色。,晴雯先接出来,笑道:“好啊,叫我研了墨,早起高兴,只写了三个字,扔下笔就走了,哄我等了这一天,快来给我写完了这些墨才算呢!”,【译文1】Qingwen greeted him with a smile, exclaiming” A fine one you are! On the spur of the moment you made me grind ink for you this morning. But you threw down your brush and went away after having written merely three characters. Youve kept me waiting the whole day. You are to use up this ink now. be quick!”(杨宪益、戴乃迭),【译文2】“youre a nice one!” she said. “you made me mix all this ink for you this morning, sat down in a state of great enthusiasm, wrote just three characters, threw down the brush again, rushed out, and left me waiting here all day for you to come back and finish. Now you just sit down here and use this ink up, and perhaps Ill let the matter pass!”(霍克斯 译),【点评】译文1采取的是归化的手法,即基本上按照英语的习惯来组句,把英文进行了拆分,理清逻辑关系,添加了关联词语如but,after等。 译文2却基本上保留了原文的行文习惯和节奏,也连用了动词,读来令人畅快,似乎能感觉到晴雯一口气“爆豆子”般的说话方式,人物的形象也跃然纸上。可以说,两种译文各有千秋,但这种情况下,还是译文2胜出,因为其较好的包流量人物的形象。,因此,我们说在长句翻译的过程中,要多考虑译入语的特点和习惯,但这样的考虑也不是绝对的,还要根据具体情况灵活作出选择。,三、宾语 农学家深知繁育我们今天所能得到的各种玉米花费了(农民们)好几百年的时光。 【译文】farm experts know that it has taken hundreds of breeding different varieties of corn to get the kinds we have today. 【点评】宾语中的主语过长,因此在翻译时采用了形式主语it句型,以免句子结构头重脚轻。 我们在1978年乃至今天,在某种程度上面临的问题仍是:我们两国迥然不同,贵国是地球上历史最悠久的文明古国之一,而我国是最年轻的国家之一;贵国是社会主义国家,而我国致力于资本主义;贵国是发展中国家,而我国是发达国家;像我们这样的两个国家是否能够超越这些差异,并利用它在世界事务中建立一种前所未有的、独具特色的关系呢?,【译文】we faced the question in 1978,as to some extent we still do today: can two nations as different as oursyours one of the oldest civilizations on earth, mine one of the youngest; yours a socialist state and mine committed to capitalism; yours a developing country and mine a developed onecan two nations surmount and indeed draw upon these differences to build an unprecedented and distinctive relationship in world affairs?,【点评】汉语句中的宾语从句都用分号隔开,表并列,在译成英语时,也保留了原文的形式特色,但又把原文中的主谓结构变成了名词短语,这样译文显得更加凝练。,四、定语 (1)有关部门必须对近几年来我国西北地区农业由于水土流失而严重减产的问题作出确切负责的回答。,【译文】The departments concerned must give a definite and responsible answer to the question why the agricultural production in our north-western provinces sharply declined due to severe water loss and soil erosion over the past few years. 【点评】此句汉语中的定语虽含有状语意义,译成英语时仍译为定语。但不同的是,汉语中的定语多位于中心词的前面,而对于较长的定语在进行英译时通常后置,以避免头重脚轻。,(2)我们不但有个农、林、牧、副、渔布局合理,全面发展,能够满足人民生活和工业发展需要的发达的农业,还要有一个门类齐全,结构合理,能够满足社会消费和整个国民经济发展需要的先进的工业。 【译文】We not only need a developed agricultural system with a rational distribution and all-round development of farming, forestry ,animal husbandry, side-line production and fishery, meeting the needs of the peoples life and an expanding industry, but also an advanced industrial system which is complete in range and rational in structure and which meets the needs of consumers and the expansion of the whole national economy.,【点评】原句中存在两个并列宾语,每个宾语前都有较长的定语分别修饰中心词“农业”和“工业”。我们知道,汉语中定语通常前置,而英语则较灵活。分析此例,可以看出中心词前的定语较多,且多为汉语四字词语,如“布局合理”、“全面发展”、“门类齐全”、“结构合理”等。因此,直接按照原句顺序进行翻译显然是行不通的。译文则根据英语结构的特点,将中心词前置,并分别运用了后置定语、分词和定语从句这些英语语法手段将原句意思准确无误地译了出来,同时在表达形式上也完全符合英语读者的逻辑思维。对于长句中多个定语并存的情况动笔前一定要作认真的分析。,五、状语 (1)当真理被埋在地下的时候,它在生长,它感到压抑,它蓄存着这么一种爆炸性力量,一旦冒出,它就会炸破一切! 【译文】When truth is buried under the ground it grows, it chokes, it gathers such an explosive force that on the day it bursts out , it blows up everything with it. 【点评】原文长短句相间,中间并无停顿,一气呵成。但是状语标志很明显,即“当时候”这个表示时间的状语由于其成分并不复杂,所以我们可以如同译文一样按原顺序进行翻译。但是需要主意的是,此处的状语不能放在句末,因为原句中的主语多次重复(“它”即“真理”)所以若将状语后置,则整个句意会变得过于模糊,原句中强烈的感情色彩便会大打折扣。,(2)世界上一些国家发生问题,从根本上来说,都是因为经济上不去,没有饭吃,没有衣穿,没有房住,工资增长被通货膨胀抵消,生活水平下降,大批人下岗和失业,长期过紧日子。 【译文】Basically, the root cause for social unrest in some countries lies in their failure to boost their economy. Consequently they lack food, clothing and shelter, and their wage increases are offset by inflation. With a decline in living standards, wides
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