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Section Introduction & Reading and VocabularyLanguage Study,速效提能演练,Unit 1,重点难点探究,Section ,重点难点探究,1. In the ricegrowing world,the Chinese scientist,Yuan Longping,is a leading figure. 在水稻种植领域,中国科学家袁隆平是一位杰出人物。,品味经典 The central figure in the painting is the artists daughter. 画中间的那个人是画家的女儿。 She does exercise every morning to keep her figure. 她每天早上做运动以保持体形。 The wall was covered with figures of birds and flowers. 墙上满是鸟和花的图案。,I saw a figure approaching in the darkness. 我看见黑暗中有个人影走近。 Write the number in words and in figures. 将这个数目分别用文字和数字表示。,自我探究 figure用作可数名词,意为“人物;体形;图案;画像;数字;隐约可见的人影;轮廓”。,归纳拓展,figure v 计算 figure out 计算出;想出;理解,I couldnt figure out what I had done to annoy my boss. 我不明白自己做了什么事让老板生气。,The listener must hear the sound to _ out what the speaker means. Aput Btake Cdraw Dfigure 解析:选D。句意:聆听者必须听到说话者的声音去弄清楚说话者到底是什么意思。本题考查figure和out的搭配,figure out意为“理解,弄清楚,猜出,估算出,计算出”。put out“熄灭,扑灭,出版”;take out“抽出,取出”;draw out“起草,拟定”,均不符合句意。,牛刀小试,2. Yuan Longping was born and brought up in China. 袁隆平在中国出生并长大。,品味经典 Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt. 她出生后不久父母双亡,是由姑母抚养大的。 She was brought up to be honest. 她从小就被培养要诚实。,自我探究 bring up是及物动词短语,意为“抚养;培养;养育”。代词作宾语时,应放在中间。,归纳拓展,bring up还有“呕吐;提出(建议、主张)”等意思。,He felt sick and brought up what he ate at breakfast. 他感到恶心,吐出了早饭吃的东西。 Why dont you bring this problem up at the meeting? 你为何不在会上提出这个问题?,易混辨析 bring up,educate,grow up (1)bring up表示孩子在家里受到的道德和社交训练; (2)educate表示人们在学校等场所受到的教育,特别是智能和文化方面的训练; (3)grow up表示自然地长大成人。 She was brought up by her grandmother and educated at the local school. 她是由祖母养大的,在当地一所学校上的学。 What do you want to be when you grow up? 你长大后想做什么?,牛刀小试 Practising Chinese kung fu can not only _ ones strength,but also develop ones character. Abring up Btake up Cbuild up Dpull up 解析:选C。考查动词短语辨析。bring up养育,提出;take up占据,开始从事;build up增强,加强;pull up停车,由句意可知选C项。,3. The results of his experiments were published in China in 1966. 1966年,他的试验结果在中国发表。,品味经典 This publishing house publishes childrens books. 这个出版社出版儿童书籍。 When was his new novel published? 他的新小说何时出版的? The news of the accident was published this morning. 那件事故的消息是今天早晨发布的。,自我探究 publish是及物动词,意为“出版;发布”。,易混辨析 come out,bring out,publish 这三个词都有“出版”的意思。注意:come out为不及物动词,bring out和publish为及物动词。 The magazine comes out once a month. 这本杂志每月出一期。 The book was brought out/published in 1980. 这本书出版于1980年。,牛刀小试 How did you know he was the murderer? His pictures were _ in all the daily papers. Apublished Bbroadcast Cpressed Dreported 解析:选A。因主语是pictures,所以不能用broadcast“广播”;report“报道”;press作动词是“挤压”的意思,名词可以有“新闻媒体”的意思。,4.The research was supported by the government. 这项研究得到了政府的赞助。,品味经典 She needs a high income to support a large family. 她养活一大家子需要一份高收入。 Is the bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries? 这座桥禁得住重型卡车通过吗? You have the evidence to support your story. 你有证据证明故事的真实性。,自我探究 support用作及物动词,意为“支持;支撑;供养”。,归纳探究,support n 支持;拥护 in support of 支持;证明,Thanks for all your support at such a difficult time. 谢谢你在如此困难的时刻给予我的帮助。 We had to send a doctors report in support of our claim to the insurance company. 我们得把医生的报告送去,来支持我们向保险公司的要求。,牛刀小试 The majority of people in the town strongly _ the plan to build a playground for children. Aconsider Bsupport Cconfirm Dsubmit 解析:选B。句意:城镇中的大多数人强烈地支持为孩子们建造操场的计划。consider“考虑”;support“支持,拥护”;confirm“证实,确定”;submit“顺从,服从”。答案为B。,5. As a result of Yuan Longpings discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the 1990s. 由于袁隆平的发现,中国的水稻产量在20世纪90年代增长了47.5%。,品味经典 As a result of the fire,thousands of people lost their homes. 由于大火,成千上万的人失去了家园。 About 21 million people died during the 1990s as a result of smoking. 20 世纪90年代约有2100万人死于吸烟。,自我探究 as a result of是介词短语,意为“由于的结果”。 易混辨析 as a result,as a result of She didnt study hard,as a result,she failed in the exam. 她学习不努力,结果没通过考试。,归纳拓展 without result 毫无结果地 result in 造成;导致 result from. 因发生,However,pollution and other serious problems have also resulted from human progress. 但是,人类的发展也产生了污染和其他严重的问题。 His hard work resulted in excellent grades in his exams.他的努力使他在考试中取得了优异的成绩。 They worked without result.他们徒劳无功。,牛刀小试 Jenny nearly missed the flight _ doing too much shopping. Aas a result of Bon top of Cin front of Din need of 解析:选A。考查固定词组辨析。句意为:由于购物时间太长,Jenny差点耽误了航班。as a result of“由于,作为的结果”,符合语境。on top of“在上面”;in front of“在前面”;in need of“需要”。,6. The new rice replaced vegetables in 50 thousand square kilometres. 这种新的水稻取代了5万平方千米的蔬菜。,品味经典 Can anything replace a mothers love? 有什么东西能代替母爱吗? The factory replaced most of its workers with robots. 这家工厂用机器人代替了大多数的工人。 The librarian replaced those books correctly on the shelves. 图书管理员把那些书整齐地放回到了书架上。 Tourism has replaced agriculture as the nations main industry. 旅游业已经替代了农业作为这个国家的主要产业。,自我探究 replace是及物动词,意为“替代”(同义词为take the place of);放回原处”。常用于replace.with用替换;replace sb.as.取代某人担任。take ones place“就座;替代”;in place of“代替(介词)”。,牛刀小试 Many people expect that robots
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