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Section Introduction & Reading and VocabularyWarming Up,预习多维感知,Section ,预习多维感知,Step One:Ask and Discussion 1Whats your high school life? _ 2If your senior year is ending,what should you do?And why? _,Step Two:Fast Reading 1Scan the text and do some true (T) or false (F) questions. (1)After learning school,the first thing Im going to do is to take a long vacation.( ) (2)A peer mediator is a person who helps students to settle problems that they have with other students.( ) (3)During the winter vacation,I went on a short school skiing trip to the Rocky Mountains.( ),(4)I was ever elected to the student council.( ) (5)For an American girl,its important that you have a good time at the prom.( ) (6)At the party,Daniel and I danced all the dances together. ( ) 答案:(1)T (2)T (3)F (4)T (5)T (6)F,2Choose the best answer according to the text. (1)The text is mainly about_. AThe author was ever a peer mediator. BThe author was given a car by her parents. CThe author recalled her highlights of her senior year. DThe author looked elegant at the prom.,(2)When the writer graduates from high school,she will firstly_. Atake a vacation Bgo to university Ccollect the wonderful things in high school Dget a job,(3)During the short school skiing trip,the writer had great fun because_. Atwo good friends of her were also on the trip BAmericans are competitive Cit was the Easter vacation DAll of the above,(4)Which of the following is NOT included in the experiences that the writer recalls? AAttending the senior prom. BWorking as a peer mediator. CWorking as an arts editor. DTaking the final exam.,(5)The writer expresses her_feelings about the senior year experiences in the passage. Aregretful Bpassive Cnegative Dexcited 答案:(1)C (2)A (3)D (4)D (5)D,Step Three:Careful Reading 1. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions. (1)Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one? I feel so excited that I cant think clearly. _ 答案:I feel too excited to think clearly!,(2)Why did Joanna enjoy the prom so much? _ 答案:Because she went with Daniel,looked elegant,had a good time with her friends and was elected prom queen.,(3)Translate the sentence into Chinese. Its a great pity that its probably the last time this will happen. _ 答案:真遗憾,这样美妙的夜晚很可能不会再有了。,2Read the text and fill in the blanks.,答案:(1)enjoyed (2)memorize (3)Working (4)journalist (5)going to college (6)competitive (7)is pleased about (8)elegantly (9)sharing (10)unforgettable,Step Four:Summary Highlights of My Senior Year Prom night has come and gone,and Ive received my high school1._.Its a good thing that the exams are finished.2._,I find myself 3._ back at my senior year.,Ive decided to write them down.One of the best things about this year has been4._ as an arts5._.Something else Ive greatly enjoyed is working as a peer 6._.During the Easter vacation,I went on a short school skiing 7._ to the Rocky Mountains.,The 8._ of the year was the senior prom.I found a dress that 9._ me perfectly,and 10._ my hair specially done on the day of the prom.Everyone told me that I looked very 11._.But the big surprise of the evening was when I was elected prom 12._.It was a perfect ending to a perfect school year.,答案:1.diploma 2.Meanwhile 3.looking 4.working 5.editor 6.mediator 7.trip 8.highlight 9.suited 10.had 11.elegant 12.queen,Step Five:Discussion Look back at your highlight of senior 2 and have a talk about it with your partner. _ _,
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