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Module 2 Traffic Jam Period 4 Integrating Skills,. 写出黑体单词在句中的含义 1. Have you found a solution to the problem?( ) 2. How did your parents react to your result of the test last week? ( ) 3. At this time every year, there are so many roadworks that cars cant run smoothly on the road. ( ) 4. He didnt pass the exam last week, so he is not in the mood to go to the movies now. ( ),解答,反应,道路施工,心情,5. If they have paid the money, the registration will have been signed. ( ) 6. There was a traffic congestion on the road yesterday, and many cars got stuck. ( ),注册, 登记,拥塞,. 根据汉语释义补全下列短语 1. no _ 没门儿 2. _ cool 保持冷静 3. keep. . . _ _ 使不进入; 使避开 4. switch _ 关上(电灯等); 断掉(电源) 5. suffer _ 遭受 6. whats _ 而且 7. in a good _ 有好心情 8. the _ to 的解决办法,way,keep,out,of,off,from,more,mood,solution,. 阅读文章The London Congestion Charge, 回答下列问题 1. List the names of cities which are mentioned in the passage. _ 2. Why are there traffic jams in London? _,Beijing; Los Angeles; Sao Paolo; Lagos; London.,Because the city of London is planned and built before cars.,3. What are peoples attitudes towards this policy? _ _ _,Most Londoners think the congestion charge is expensive, and limits,their freedom. But there are a few people who think the charge should,be much higher.,4. Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one? The local government decided to take measures to improve the bad situation in central London. _ _ _,The situation in central London, where drivers spent fifty percent of,their time in queues, became so bad that the local government decided,to do something about it.,1. switch off 关闭(电灯、电视等); 断掉(电源) 【读一读 品味语境】 品读例句, 写出switch off的含义。 She switched off the gas and went out. 她_煤气出去了。 You may find youve got so many things to think about that its difficult to switch off. 你会发觉需要考虑的事情太多了, 想_都难。,关上,不考虑,【悟一悟 参透误区】 switch off是及物动词短语, 意为“关上(电灯、电视等); 断掉(电源)”, 相当于turn off, 其反义词为switch on打开(开关)。 switch to 转到 switch over 转换(频道),【练一练 活学活用】 1. 记住离开家之前把电视关上。 Remember to _ _ the TV before you leave home.,switch,off,(2015泰州高一检测)Students are often warned that anyone who leaves the classroom at night must remember to _ all the lights, or he will be fined. A. switch off B. go off C. take off D. bring off,【解析】选A。句意: 学生们经常被警告, 任何人在晚上离开教室时必须记住关掉所有的灯, 否则将被罚款。switch off关掉; go off(灯火)熄灭; take off飞机起飞, 脱下, 事业成功; bring off完成。,2. keep cool 保持冷静 【读一读 品味语境】 品读下面句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。 You should keep cool when driving a car. 开车时你应当_。 Lets sit in the shade and keep cool. 我们坐到树荫下去_。,保持冷静,凉快,【记一记 知识延伸】 cool(sb. )down (使某人)冷静、镇静或降低热情 keep fit 保持健康 keep quiet 安静点; 小点声 keep. . . out of. . . 不卷入; 避开 keep. . . from. . . 阻止, 抑制 keep away(from) 离开 keep out 切勿靠近; 阻止进入 keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系,【练一练 活学活用】 2. 当你的父母生气时, 你最好保持冷静。 Youd better _ _ when your parents are angry. Shes very angry; dont speak to her until shes cooled down a bit. 译: _。,keep,cool,她气极了, 等她消消气再跟她说话,If you want to keep _ , you must take enough exercise every day and keep _ . A. fit; back B. cool; away C. fit; up D. cool; up 【解析】选C。考查keep动词短语。句意: 如果你想保持健康, 你必须每天进行足够的锻炼, 并且还要坚持不懈。keep fit/cool“保持健康/冷静”, keep back“挡住”, keep away“避开”; keep up“继续下去”。根据句意可知选C。,3. react vi. 反应 【读一读 品味语境】 Don treact when others drive badly. 当别人不良驾驶时, 不要受其影响。 How did he react to the bad news?他对那个坏消息如何反应? Copper doesn treact with water. 铜不和水反应。 Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes. 孩子们通常以违背父母的意愿来反抗他们。,【填一填 自我归纳】 react _ 对作出反应 react _ 和反应 react _ 反抗; 反对 【记一记 知识延伸】 reaction n. 反应 reactor n. 核反应堆,to,with,against,【练一练 活学活用】 3. Water doesnt _ _(反应)oil. People _ _(反应)advertisements differently. Do you know what his _(react)will be when he hears the news?(用所给词的适当形式填空),react,with,react,to,reaction,(2015泉州高一检测)How did your mother react _ that thing? She reacted by getting very angry. A. with B. to C. in D. of 【解析】选B。句意: 你妈妈对那件事情如何反应?她很生气。react to对作出反应; react with和反应。,4. solution n. 解答; 答案 【读一读 品味语境】 Theres a simple solution to these problems. 有一个简单的解决这些问题的方法。 With the help of his friends, he finally solved the problem. 在朋友们的帮助下, 他终于解决了问题。 She tried to solve a crossword puzzle. 她试着解答一道纵横字谜。(solve vt. 意为: _),解决; 解答,【悟一悟 参透误区】解决方法要想“to” 表示“的解决办法”时, solution后应用to, 而不能用of。与介词to搭配的还有answer, key, entrance, access, approach等。 The key to success lies in hard work. 成功的关键在于努力工作。,【练一练 活学活用】 4. 用solve, solution的适当形式填空
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