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小学 英语第五册Modle3 Unit2 What did Daming do?教学设计与反思教学重点学习正确的使用动词的过去式表达自己做过的事情,并且初步了解动词的过去式。重点句型是:Where did you go?和 What did you do?句型的问答。The story of Daming and his father.教学难点动词过去式在句子当中的使用。训练学生的口头表述和运用英语的能力,也就是让学生确确实实的开口说英语,以及增加一定量的词汇。字母o; or,a; oo; oo, ou 在单词中常见的发音 Song: the London Eye教学程序:1、热身复习review some words and sentences of Unit 1 ,Module 32、任务呈现与课文导入The teacher should guide the students understand the whole storyabout Daming and his father visiting the Great Wall and helping themwith the new words and expressions .3、课文教学(1)SB Unit活动listen to the tape and let some students explain the sentences.theteacher can write some key words and sentences on the blackboard.the teacher can use some games to practicethe words and keysentences.()SB Unit活动read and answer the questions according to the story .the teachercan give some support if necessary.(3)think and talk about.let the students answer the questions by situations.4、课文学习()语音教学SB 活动。教师出示一些单词卡片,上面的词包括dog, fox, morning, tall, book, football,soup, food。单词划线处的元音字母写成红色。教师出示单词卡片,学生读出单词。学生听录音,思考划线处的发音。教师举起写有dog的卡片,请学生判断字母o在这个单词中的发音。再举一些例子。学生可以两人合作,或小组合作来想单词。以同样的方式来学习其他元音字母及字母组合在单词中的发音。()song教学方法同前。5、课后作业教学板书设计Unit 2 What did Daming do?WordsSentences.Phonetics.
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