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Communication,2019/1/18,Supposedly machine- washable 可机洗的 Preshrunk T-shirt 预缩的 Warranty 保修单 Patter down 拍打 Pasty 替罪羊 The bruising force of hailstones(冰雹) Go through life mad as hell气疯了 Reluctant to do sth Stand up for our right,2019/1/18,公司部门 Repair department Consumer-protection agency The China Consumers Association (CCA,中国消费者协会 顾客 Customer / patron 老顾客/ consumer,2019/1/18,平常的应对措施 Dodge 躲避 Grumble 抱怨 Scowl at 怒视 Choke it down 强咽下去,2019/1/18,维权的应对措施,If you got any problem with the quality of the products, please complain to . Venture to public . She sued the company for racial discrimination. 她以种族歧视为由对公司起诉。 charge sb (with sth/with doing sth) 指控,控告,起诉;指责,谴责;,2019/1/18,slink away 潜逃 Roar away 呼啸而去 Puff up 抬起 The sheer volume of 数量之多 好句 Eye-popping, vein-throbbing state of apoplectic rage Value good relations with your customers Life s annoyances descend on all of us,2019/1/18,Tips for effective complaining Effective complaining is not apologetic and half-hearted. Effective complainers are people who act businesslike and important. -an approach that would tempt anyone to take you down a peg or two -people are generally treated the way they expect to be treated Reasonable request / satisfactory response remedy a problem / grounds for apology If your problem requires an immediate response, try to make your complaint in person.,2019/1/18,-a real, live, in-the-flesh individual -disembodied voice -get a runaround 搪塞 Most importantly, complain to the right person. ( manager / supervisor) -drive you crazy -pass along to the appropriate person Complaining by letter is probably effective when you do not require an immediate response. -back up 支持 - soften up 使软化 -appliances 家用电器,2019/1/18,You make a threata polite threat. Dont be too quick to make one of the most common threat. -Modest amount of money -settle with Be persistent. -Worn out -be rid of -be free of,2019/1/18,舍友交流方式 Established a chatting group Faced their own laptops Sending message Tapping the keyboard Revolutionary changes 猛增 The boom of sth With the prosperity of,2019/1/18,内心交流 Ideas and mutual understanding Soul touching communication and understanding Touch upon the bloggers inside world 相反 On the contrary By contrast Waffle with 闲聊 Separation of form and content Conceal our true feeling,2019/1/18,Mere acquaintance / strangers intimate strangers Bosom friend 绝对自由 Absolute freedom At their will The unrestricted right 滥用 Abuse the modern technology Abuse their right of free expression Scold and flirt / cheat,2019/1/18,Vulgarity 粗俗 Notorious 臭名昭著 Stain ones eyes 玷污眼睛 Sth is not rare on the Net nowadays Resort to 诉诸于 Stab me in the back 背后说坏话 Share the same feeling with 与我持相同观点 Safe from betray Indulging themselves on 沉溺于,2019/1/18,Browse a website Trash information 网络时代 The era of cyberspace 虚拟世界 in the virtual space,2019/1/18,P191第三段下定义 P193 B篇最后一段,2019/1/18,英语写作中培养学生运用语篇衔接手段的途径,写作要达到三个层次上的连贯,即:情景连贯,意义连贯和形式连贯,2019/1/18,章振邦把衔接手段分为三类:第一类是逻辑纽带;第二类是语法纽带;第三类是词汇纽带。,2019/1/18,一) 逻辑衔接手段 逻辑联系语可以表达许多语义关系,早在1976年,Halliday and Hasan就把这些关系分为四类:additive(增补);adversative(转折);cause(原因);temporal(时间)(Halliday, M. A. K. & Hasan,1976:238)。当然这些语义关系还可以被细化成很多种。本文综合各家之长,把常用的逻辑联系语按语义关系分类如下: 1表示空间:above, before me, here, on the left, across from, below, in the distance等。 2. 表示时间:first, second, etc., finally, eventually, in the meantime, at the same time,等。 3表示原因:because, because of, as, since, due to, owing to, as result of , on account of等。 4. 表示条件:given, if, in that case, if not 等。 5 表示让步:although, though, admittedly, it is true but, even though, even if 等。 6表示举例:for example, for instance, in addition, in addition to, as well as, to illustrate等。 7 表示比较:another, furthermore, moreover, equally important, besides, in fact,等。 8表示对比:on the contrary, different from, on the one hand on the other hand,等。,2019/1/18,9表示增补:and, and also, too, andtoo, in addition, in addition to, furthermore, besides, 等。 10. 表示列举:first, second, ; firstly, secondly, ; nest, then, finally, 等。 11. 表示解释或等同: that is to say, namely, in other words, similarly, equally, I mean, 等。 12. 表示替换:again, rather, worse, alternatively, instead of, instead, 等。 13表示总结:to conclude, in conclusion, in short, in brief, on the whole, 等。 14. 表示转折:well, now, by the way, incidentally, 等。 15. 表示结果:So, hence, consequently, therefore, as consequence, as a result 等。 16. 表示强调: chiefly, actually, most important, certainly, of course, as a matter of fact 等。 17.表示转题:by the way, as for, to change the subject, with reference to, concerning等,2019/1/18,二)语法衔接手段 语法衔接手段主要包括以下五种:替代、省略、照应、排比和动词时和体的形式。 1替代 英语中的替代分为名词性替代、动词性替代和小句替代 2省略 英语中的省略也分为名词性省略、动词性省略和小句省略 3 照应 照应关系包括内照应和外照应:内照应之语篇的语言项目之间的照应关系,也就是上下文关系;而外照应指语言项目的意义解释直接依存于语篇外客观环境中的某个事物。内照应指前中照应和后照应(黄国文,1997:91)。根据Halliday 的观点,照应可以分为人称照应、指示照应和比较照应三类。 4排比 排比结构整齐匀称、语义紧密相关,读起来琅琅上口,气势恢宏,具有一种均衡美。排比的语言单位可以是单词、短语和句子,因此既可以说排比是语法衔接手段,也可以说是词汇衔接手段。 5动词时和体的形式 英语中许多动词的时态在语篇中起到句际间的衔接作用。动词时体形式的交替使用可以表明动作发生或状态所处的时间,使受话人容易把握叙述的时间线索,从而更好地理解语篇,这主要体现在叙事语篇中,
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