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The Renaissance,Module 2,1.1.1 集合的概念,第一课时 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary,1.1.1 集合的概念,Module 2,.重点单词 1(文艺的)复兴的(n.)_ 2引起烦恼的;令人不安的(adj.)_被打扰的(adj.)_打扰;扰乱(v.)_ 3(绘画,摄影等的)主题(n.)_ 4枯燥的;沉闷的(adj.)_ 5基本上,本质上,大致说来(adv.)_,renaissance,disturbing,disturbed,disturb,subject,dull,basically,6作品(n.)_ 7效果;作用(n.)_ 8(图画等中的)阴影;阴暗部分(n.)_ 9激发,激励(v.)_ 动机,刺激;推动(n.)_ 10有技巧的,熟练的(adj.)_技能,技巧(n.)_,work,effect,shade,motivate,motivation,skilled,skill,.重点短语 1more_多于;不仅仅 2wake_唤醒;醒来 3contrast_与形成对照 4hand_hand手拉手;密切合作 5_the first time第一次;首次 6as_as也;不仅而且 7_short总之;简言之,than up with in for well in,.语篇感知 Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks. The Renaissance,a French word,which means 1.“_”,appeared in the English language in the 19th century.It described a period of 2._and the beginning of the modern world.From Italy,it 3._all over Europe where artists found new ideas for their work in 4._Greece and Rome.They also opened new 5._in the arts such as painters use of 6._and the 7._of light.,The sense of exploration which 8._the artists also developed together with a new type of philosophy.Besides,it was also a time of scientific invention,when Leonardo,the 9._genius,did a lot in the scientific research.In short,the Renaissance made great 10._to the development of Europe. 答案:1.rebirth 2.exploration 3.spread 4.classical 5frontiers 6.perspective 7.effects 8.motivated 9extraordinary 10.contributions,1disturbing adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的 Now and then some disturbing letters made the little girl unsleeping. 骚扰信时不时地使得那个小女孩睡不好觉。,知识拓展 disturb vt.打扰某人,弄乱某物 Im sorry to disturb you with a question. 对不起,打扰你了,我有个问题向您请教。 It is quite wrong for some young men to disturb the peace. 一些年轻人扰乱治安是非常错误的。,辨析 disturbed和disturbing disturbed adj.“受干扰的,心神不安的”,修饰人; disturbing adj.“令人不安的,干扰人的”,修饰物。 I was deeply disturbed by the news. 这消息使我深感不安。 This is a piece of disturbing news. 这是一则令人不安的消息。,即学即用 选词填空 (1)He brought us a piece of_news.(disturbing;disturbed) (2)She was_to hear you had been injured in the accident.(disturb;disturbed),(3)Please dont_me while Im working.(disturbing;disturb) (4)The machine_my sleep every night.(disturb;disturbs) 答案:(1)disturbing (2)disturbed (3)disturb (4)disturbs,2subject n. C(绘画,摄影等的)主题 The subject of the music is a love story. 这首音乐的主题是爱情故事。,知识拓展 (1)subject n. 学科;科目;话题;(语法)主语 What subject did you have yesterday? 你们昨天上的是什么课? What is the subject of that sentence? 那个句子的主语是什么? (2)subjective adj.主观的,辨析 subject,theme,topic,He wrote to me on the subject of changing his job. 他写信给我,主要说他调动工作的事。 The theme of the poem is love and peace. 这首诗的主题是爱情与和平。 We have common topics to talk about. 我们有共同的话题可谈。,即学即用 完成句子 别想改变话题! Stop trying to_! 答案:change the subject,3effect n效果;作用 The brown grass is the effect of the dry weather. 草黄了是天气干旱的结果。 Do you think the medicine will have any effect on your headache? 你认为这种药会对你的头疼病有效吗?,知识拓展 have an effect on/upon 对产生影响 be of no effect 无效,没有作用 bring/put.into effect 实行,实施,使生效 come into effect 开始生效,开始实施 take effect 见效,生效,实施 in effect 实际上;(法律、法规)有效,在实行中 Punishment had little effect on him. 惩罚对他没有什么效果。,辨析 affect,effect,influence (1)affect为动词,指“产生的影响之大足以引起反应”,着重“影响”的动作,有时含有“对产生不利影响”的意思。 (2)effect作“结果;效果;影响”讲时是名词,常见搭配有:have an effect on对有影响;put into effect“实行;实施”;take effect“生效;实行;见效;起作用”。 (3)influence既可作动词又可作名词,指“通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生不易觉察到的、 潜移默化的影响”。,The entire country was affected by the drought. 全国都受到了旱灾的影响。 His speech deeply affected the audience. 他的演讲深深地打动了听众。 What we read will influence our thinking. 我们所阅读的书会影响我们的思想。 The film had quite an effect on her. 这部影片对她影响极大。,即学即用 用effect的相关短语填空 (1)The new regulation shall _ _on June 1st. (2)_ _,well be earning less than we were last year. (3)It wont be easy to_the changes_ _. 答案:(1)take effect (2)In effect (3)put/bring;into effect,4shade nU(图画等中的)阴影;阴暗部分 The artist uses light and shade to good effect. 这位艺术家很会运用明暗效果。 They were sitting in the shade of a tree. 他们正坐在树荫下。 知识拓展 put/throw/cast.into/in the shade使相形失色,图解助记 shade,shadow 在本质上,shade指一个立体空间,shadow指一个平面。,辨析 shade, shadow,即学即用 完成句子 (1)这些树遮住了阳光,很舒适凉快。 The trees give some welcome_from the sun. (2)她把手放在眼睛上方挡住阳光。 She_her eyes from the sun with her hand. (3)她的脸冲着暗处。 Her face was deep in_. 答案:(1)shade (2)shaded (3)shadow,5afford vt. 负担得起(的费用、时间等) 常用结构:afford名词/代词/不定式,并且afford常与can,could,be able to连用,表示“有足够的时间、金钱等条件做某事”。 Now many people cant afford the medical treatment in the country. 现在,在农村许多人看不起病。 Reading affords us pleasure.Reading affords pleasure to us. 阅读使我们快乐。,即学即用 完成句子 你怎么会买得起如此昂贵的汽车? _such an expensive car? 答案:How can you afford,6employ vt. 雇用;利用;忙于 She is employed in a bank.
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