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Unit 5,Music,1attach vt.& vi.系上;缚上;附加;连接 attach.to.认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接 attach to sb./sth.与某人/物相关联;属于某人/物 be attached to 喜欢;喜爱,运用,完成句子,(1)信中附有一份文件。 There is a document _ the letter. (2)你认为他的话很重要吗? Do you _ much importance _ his words?,n形式;形状;格式,2form vt.(使)组成;形成;构成 in the form of 以的形式 form up (使)列队 form the habit of 养成的习惯 take the form of 采取/用的形式,attach,to,attached to,运用,完成句子,(1)联合国成立于 1945 年。 The United Nations _ in 1945. (2)我们应当养成经常阅读报纸杂志的习惯。 We should _ reading newspapers and magazines often. (3)雕刻是一种艺术形式。 Sculpture is _.,was formed,form the habit of,a form of art,3earn vt.赚;挣得;获得 earn ones keep 挣钱糊口 earn ones living 谋生 earn a fortunemake a lot of money 赚得很多钱,运用,完成句子,(1)他靠当摩托车司机谋生。 He _ as a motorcar driver. (2)我花了好多年才赢得他们的信任。 It took me many years to _.,earns his living,earn their trust,4perform vt.& vi.表演;履行;执行 performance n表演;演奏 perform a task 执行一个任务,perform ones obligations 履行义务,perform an operation on 对实施手术 perform a part in a play 在剧中扮演一个角色,运用,完成句子,(1)我从未见过奥赛罗演得这么好。 Ive never seen “Othello” _ so well. (2)这位年轻的医生为病人做了手术。 The young doctor _ the patient. (3)在昨天的比赛中,我们队表现出色。 Our team _ in yesterdays game. (4)他非常认真地履行职责。 He is very conscientious in the _ of his duties.,performed,performed an operation on,performed very well,performance,5rely vi.依赖;依靠 rely on/upon sb./sth.(to do sth.)依赖或依靠某人/物(做某事),运用,完成句子,你尽可相信我一定会为你保密。 You can _ keep your secret.,rely on me to,6attractive adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的 attract v吸引;引起注意 attraction n吸引;吸引力;有吸引力的人或事物,运用,用 attract 的适当形式填空,(1)She is even _ than her photos suggest. (2)Our tour party _ several retired couples. (3)Every face was turned toward the center of _.,more attractive,attracted/has attracted,attraction,用本单元所学单词及用法完成下列句子 1这些学生下星期五将演出歌剧。,These students will _ an opera next Friday.,2有明星的音乐会是非常有吸引力的,所以票价也很高。,The concert with pop stars can be very _, so the,price of the ticket is also very high.,3你需要额外找时间练习你的英语口语。,You need to find _ to practise your oral English.,perform,attractive,extra time,4这个月他已经赚了很多钱。,He _ a lot of money in this month.,5打篮球是体育运动的一种形式。,Playing basketball is _ physical exercise.,6这所中学附属于一所师范院校。,This middle school _ a normal college.,7他们只好依靠这条河用水。,They have to _ the river for their water.,8医院进口了一些外科器械。,The hospital imported some surgical _.,has earned,a form of,is attached to,rely on,instruments,1dream of (dream about) 梦见;梦想;设想 dream of/about doing 梦想做 dream away 在遐想中虚度;梦幻似地度过 day dream 白日梦 have a dream 做了个梦,运用,完成句子,(1)他梦见他在电影节上赢得了奖项。 He _ awards at the film festival. (2)人人都不该虚度宝贵的时光。 Nobody should _ his precious time.,dreamed of/about winning,dream away,2to be honest 说实在地;实话说 to be frankfrankly speaking 坦白说 to tell the truth 说实话 to begin with 首先 to be exact 准确地说 to make things worse 更糟糕的是,运用,完成句子,(1)老实说,我 30 岁了。 _, Im thirty. (2)坦白说,当老师不容易。 _, its not easy to be a teacher.,To be honest,To be frank/Frankly speaking,3play jokes on 戏弄;取笑;跟开玩笑,运用,完成句子,马克吐温喜欢开朋友的玩笑。 Mark Twain liked to _ his friends. 4break up 打碎;分裂;解体;解散 break down 破坏;拆散;分解;(机器)损坏;(谈判或计划) 失败,破裂 break away (from) 脱离(政党等);打破(陈规等);挣脱 break out (火灾、战争、疾病等)发生 break in 强行闯入;打断,插嘴(不及物动词短语) break into 闯入;打断(及物动词短语) break off 突然中止;断绝关系 break through 突破,play jokes on,运用,完成句子,(1)现代音乐打破了十九世纪的陈规。 Modern music _ from the 19th centurys rules. (2)据说和谈破裂了。 The peace talks are said to _. (3)警察被召来分散拥挤的人群。 The police were called in to _ the crowded people. (4)他们闯进珠宝店,盗走了几乎所有值钱的项链。 They _ the jewelry shop and stole nearly all the valuable necklaces.,has broken away,have broken down,break up,broke into,用本单元所学短语及用法完成下列句子,1在 4 月 1 日那天,我们可以相互戏弄而且我们都很开心。,On April 1st, we can _ each other and we,all enjoy it.,2我认为你会花大约两周时间康复。,I think it will take you two weeks _ to recover.,3他从童年起就梦想着要成为一个艺术家。,Since his childhood, he has been _ becoming,an artist.,play jokes on,or so,dreaming of/about,4另外,每人每天的交通补贴为 50 美元。,_, the daily travel allowance is 50 dollars each.,5要将房间里的那么多书进行分类是很难的。,Therere so many books in the room that its hard to,_.,6实际上我对当地的法律并不熟悉。,I am not really _ the local laws.,7是警察瓦解了这个打架团伙。,It was the police who _ the fighting crowd.,8说实在地,我真的不喜欢他。,_, I really dont like him.,In addition,sort them out,familiar with,broke up,To be honest,原句1,Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands,of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music?你曾梦想过在音乐会上面对成千上万 的观众演唱,观众欣赏你的音乐并为你鼓掌吗? “介词关系代词”引导定语从句时,关系代词只能用 which(先行词指物)/whom(先行词指人),且不能省略。,精练,根据中文提示,完成下列句子,(1)我梦想着有一天到西湖看看,
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