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Forgivingness and subjective well-being in adulthood: The moderating role of future time perspective Journal of Research in Personality(2012),Presenter: Pan Xue November 22, 2012,Journal of Research in Personality emphasizing experimental and descriptive research present articles that examine important issues in the field of personality and in related fields basic to the understanding of personality. The subject matter -treatments of genetic, physiological, motivational, learning, perceptual, cognitive, and social processes of both normal and abnormal kinds in human and animal subjects.,-来自journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jrp,来自web of knowledge,注:Q1(前-25%)、Q2(25%-50%)、Q3(50%-75%)、Q4(75%-100%) 来自web of knowledge,苏黎世大学(University of Zurich) 成立于1833年, 瑞士最大的综合大学。 在分子生物学、神经科学、人类学等域享有世界声誉,产生了爱因斯坦等12位诺贝尔奖得主。,Mathias Allemand Department of Psychology, University of Zurich, Switzerland Research Interest: -Personality development and assessment across the lifespan -Forgiveness and forgivingness -Gratitude,Patrick L. Hill Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Specializations Affiliated with the Social-Personality Division Education Ph. D., University of Notre Dame,Pearl Ghaemmaghami Research Interests - current research interests include the psychobiological aspects of stress during pregnancy and related protective mechanisms. - further interest is the topic of forgiveness and its link with physical and mental health. Professor Mike Martin Research areas: - cognitive aging - social development in old age - resources and skills in everyday life - middle adulthood - lifespan development,1.Introduction,Theoretical and empirical work suggests that forgiveness is associated with subjective well-being (McCullough, 2000; Toussaint Orth, Berking, Walker, Meier, & Znoj,2008).,1.Introduction,subjective well-being,forgiveness,forgiveness,subjective well- being.,future time perspective,+,1.1. Forgivingness,Forgiveness can either be considered as a contextualized psychological process of change with respect to a given transgressor and a given transgression or as a disposition (McCullough, Fincham, Brown, 2003) Moreover, forgiving individuals tend to score lower on neuroticism but higher on agreeableness (Steiner, Allemand, & McCullough, in press),1.1. Forgivingness,The primary function of forgivingness thus appears to be down-regulating and reducing these negative affective states and stressful reactions (Brown, 2003; Worthington & Scherer, 2004) Indeed, research has shown that forgiving individuals tend to show high levels of dispositional abilities to down-regulate negative affective states and to disengage from ruminative thoughts as compared to less forgiving individuals (Allemand, Job, Christen, & Keller, 2008).,1.2. The influence of future time perspective,how much time they believe have left open-ended or limited in duration,future time perspective,socioemotional selectivity theory (SST理论) suggests that the subjective perception of time remaining in life has important implications for the selection of goals, activities, and preferences (Carstensen,Isaacowitz, & Charles, 1999),1.2. The influence of future time perspective,limited,open-ended,pursuing information and knowledge-related social goals expand their horizons gain knowledge interested in seeking new social relationships,pursue emotion-focused goals. Maximization of meaningful activities in the present maintain emotional and social well-being keep close relationships while distancing from peripheral social partners,future time perspective,young,old,SST理论 priorities change,1.2. The influence of future time perspective,age is not the only factor that is related to future time perspective such as serious illnesses, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, wars, geographic relocations, or temporary time constraints such as college graduation and retirement can also influence the perception of time horizons. when younger individuals imagine conditions in which time is limited or they experience real-life time constraints they tend to optimize emotional outcomes and to pursue emotional satisfaction similar to older individuals who perceive their time horizon as shrinking (e.g., Carstensen Fung, Carstensen, & Lutz, 1999).,1.2. The influence of future time perspective,Numerous studies have provided empirical evidence for the notion that the perception of future time has important implications for emotion, cognition, motivation, and social relationships (for reviews, see Carstensen, Fung, Scheibe & Carstensen, 2010). - e.g., recent findings suggest that individuals who perceive their future time as open-ended tend to score higher on positive affect and meaning in life but lower on negative affect (Hicks, Trent, Davis, & King, in press),future time perspective,positive affect negative affect,1.2. The influence of future time perspective,More importa
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