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Unit1 How often do you exercise?,Revision,What ?,surf the Internet shop go to the movies exercise (do some exercise) read English books,How ?,once a day twice a day three times a month two or three times a year,exercise v 运动 n. 运动(不可数) n.练习题(可数) do morning exercises do eye exercises do English exercises,1.My father often_. 2.We have lots of _ to do. 3.We do eye_ every day.,exercises,exercises,exercises,sometimes 有时候 some time 一段时间 some times 数次,几次,I love Hong Kong , I have been there (去过) _. 2. He stayed in Dongguan for _. 3.How often do you exercise? -_.,some times,some time,Sometimes,用how often, how long how soon 填空,1.-_ does she surf the Internet? -She surfs the Internet twice a week.,2.-_ did you stay in Beijing? -For about two weeks.,How often,How long,4.- _ is he coming back? -In two days.,How soon,1.Tom is a good student and he works _ every day. 2.Its raining _ outside. Please take your umbrella with you. 3. I could _ hear you. Please say it again.,hard,hard,hardly,hard adv 努力地 hardly adv 几乎不,always usually often sometimes hardly ever never every day once a week twice a month three times a day,总是 通常 经常 有时侯 几乎不 从不 每天 每星期一次 每月两次 每天三次,写出下列表示频率的副词和词组。,1.周末他经常干什么? 2.他有时上网冲浪。 4.他多久运动一次?他一个星期两次。 5.他几乎不看过电影.,What does he usually do on weekends?,How often does he exercise? He exercises twice a week.,He hardly ever goes to the movies.,He sometimes surfs the Internet.,Our goals,Know about healthy lifestyle and unhealthy lifestyle. Improve our reading and writing skills. Learn some useful expressions.,What makes healthy lifestyle?,good sleep, sports .,fruit vegetables milk water,eat healthy food,Healthy food is good for our health.,Healthy Food,fruit,vegetables,eggs,tofu,milk,rice,What makes unhealthy lifestyle?,junk food (unhealthy food) short sleep ,Unhealthy food is bad for our health.,sandwich,hot dog,hamburger,chips,Pizza,chocolate,unhealthy/junk Food,Is Bill healthy? Yes No I dont know Is Katrina healthy? Yes No I dont know,2a Listening,2b Listen again and fill in the blanks in the survey.,hardly ever,sometimes,every day,never,every day,nine,nine,every day,never,two or three times a week,three or four times a week,never,four times a day,Whose lifestyle is unhealthy?,Bills,Lets read Bills letter to know more about his lifestyle.,3b,Look at the information of 2b on Page4 and fill in the blanks in Bills letter.,and I think Im kind of unhealthy. I hardly ever exercise. I eat _ twice a week, but I never eat _. And I _ _ to drink_. Yuck! I love _ _ and eat it _ _ _ _ a week. I love to drink _. So maybe Im not very healthy, although I have one healthy habit. I _ for _ _ every night.,vegetables,fruit,dont like,milk,junk food,three,or four times,coffee,sleep,nine hours,The first reading: skimming,Read Katrinas letter and find out the answer to the following question. Does Katrina think she has a healthy lifestyle? Yes , she does.,Reading 3a,The second reading: scanning,Read it again and find out the answers to the questions in the box on Page 5.,1、How often does she exercise? 2、How often does she drink milk? 3、Does she eat junk food very often? 4、Do you think she has a healthy lifestyle? Why or why not? 5、Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different? What are the differences?,She exercises every day.,She drinks milk every day.,No, she doesnt . Only once a week.,Language points:,区别: different: difference:,形容词 ,不同的 名词,不同点,1.A is different from B 2.There are many differences between A and B.,人和动物不同。 人和动物之间有很多不同点。,People are different from animals.,There are many differences between people and animals.,A is different from B There are many differences between A and B.,3a & 3b key points and questions,The third reading:,Language points: 相当健康 从学校回来 饮食习惯 努力(不)做某事 5.每晚睡眠9个小时 6. 爱护、看管、照顾(好) 7. 健康生活方式,pretty healthy,come back from school,eating habits,try to do sth.,sleep nine hours every night,look after=take care of,healthy lifestyle,8. 取得好成绩 9. 学得更好 10.和一样 11. 和不同 12.与之间的区别 13.有点,一点 14.虽然(不与but连用),get good grades,study better,be different from,be the same as,The differences between A and B,kind of =a little,although=though,Retelling,重难点突破,although/though,用法:although 不能与but 连用在同一句子中;其位置可放句首或句中。,eg. 虽然我不喜欢吃蔬菜,但是我很健康。,Although I dont like vegetables, Im healthy. Im healthy ,although I dont like vegetables. I dont like vegetables, but I am healthy.,health ( n.) 健康 healthy ( adj.) 健康的 unhealthy adj. 不健康的,_ habit helps you to keep _. Do you have a _lifestyle ? My grandpa is in bad _ . Im kind of _(不健康). Sports is good for your_.,Healthy,healthy,healthy,health,unhealthy,health,1.我的饮食习惯相当健康。 2.他尽量吃许多蔬菜。 3.我妈妈照顾她的健康。 4.健康的生活方式帮助我取得好成绩。,My eating habits are pretty healthy.,He tries to eat a lot of vegetables.,My mother looks after her health.,Healthy lifestyle helps me get
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