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,外语教学与研究出版社,希望英语 (第二版) 综合教程 1,Unit 5 Food,Unit 5,希望英语(第二版)综合教程 1 Unit 5 Food,Contents,Speaking,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Speaking,Speaking Task 1,Look at the pictures on Page 68 and list words or phrases about them. Then share your work with others.,S-Task 1,Speaking Task 2,Use the following sentence patterns and the words or phrases from Task 1 to describe the pictures on Page 68 to your classmates. A. looks/seems/tastes/smells B. prefer to,S-Task 2,Speaking Task 3,Work in pairs. Take turns asking your partner the following questions and make notes. Organize your notes and report to the class using the given paragraph as a model.,How do you like the food you eat every day? Do you have any favorite food? If yes, what is it? Is there any food you dont like? If yes, what is it and why dont you like it?,Model Report Tony is usually not very particular about food. He seems to be able to enjoy anything served to him. Last week, however, Tony had a taste of something that reminded him of the smell of a worm he used to play with as a kid. Tough everyone else thought it was a delicious dish, for him, it was the worst food he ever had.,S-Task 3,Reading A,Task 2 Text,Task 3,Task 1,Task 4,Task 6,Task 7,Task 8,Task 5,Task 9,Reading,Reading A Task 1,Try to work out the meanings of the highlighted words with the help of other words.,1. This letter is to certify that Mr. Thomas Sinclair worked as sales manager in our company from 1998 to 2001. 2. A group of naughty boys crushed the glass into pieces.,declare that something is correct or true,press with great force so as to destroy the natural shape or condition,A-Task 1-1,Reading A Task 1,3. To make egg fried rice, you should use ingredients such as egg, pork, onion and rice. 4. The young man painted his face and was not recognizable even to his friends. 5. The transformation of tree leaves from green to yellow means that autumn has come.,one of the parts of a mixture,able to be known or identified,change,A-Task 1-2,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音,Pizza Pizza is probably the most globally recognizable food today. Originally a food for the poor, it has now become a dish for everyone. Pizza is the result of a transformation developed over the centuries.,pizza, transformation,1,A-Text-1,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音,The ancestor of pizza is the simple bread. It dominates history as one of the most used foods for the poor who were forced to eat only cereals and the few products that nature was offering. They used their own imagination and fantasy to create something tasteful for their meals. Barley was the most common ingredient used to prepare bread and the first bread to take the form of the pizza.,ingredients, barley,2,A-Text-2-1,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音,The grains were crushed, mixed with water and flattened down on a round thin pan. Then they were cooked over red-hot stones. Later wheat flour substituted the other cereals, becoming the standard grain used.,wheat four,2,A-Text-2-2,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音,Through the centuries pizza took its own course and developed into the dish that we know today. This dish has inspired many writers and artists in our history and its from their documents and notes that we know that pizza has truly old origins. Its existence is certified long before the discovery of the Americas around the year 1000 in the city of Naples. The modern pizza was developed after the introduction of the tomato to Italy in the 16th century.,develop, origin,3,A-Text-3,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音,Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries Naples established itself as the pizza capital of Italy. However, credit for the invention of the truly modern pizza probably goes to a man named Raffaele Esposito. For the 1889 visit of King Umberto I and Queen Margherita, Esposito designed the “Pizza Margherita”, which looked like the Italian flag because of its red, green, and white colors. The Queen loved it, and even today, Pizza Margherita is the world standard.,pizza capital, invention, Margherita,4,A-Text-4,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音,Pizza did not find its way into the United States until after the end of the Second World War. At that time, U.S. soldiers returned home. Along with their return, they also brought back an appetite for the pizza they had eaten and enjoyed in Italy. Pizza parlors began to spring up in more and more places as hungry people started to eat this one-dish food on a regular basis.,United States (after World War II), brought back, pizza parlors,5,A-Text-5,Reading A Task 2 Text,翻译,声音,Today, depending on where you live, you can usually find a pizza parlor near your home. Many pizza parlors will even deliver their food right to your front door! Or, if you prefer, most grocery stores sell frozen pizzas and pizza-making kits as well as the separate ingredients for making your own style of pizza too!,today, deliver, your own style of pizza,6,A-Text-6,Reading A Task 2 Text,比萨饼的历史,比萨饼也许
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