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第五课时,天津市津南区双桥河第一小学 田 静,Look at the pictures and talk about them.,Guess: Whats this?,elephant,Guess: Whats this?,cow,Guess: Whats this?,horse,Guess: Whats this?,hen,Ask and answer,What are these? They are elephants.,Ask and answer,What are these? They are cows. I like them. I like milk.,Ask and answer,What are these? They are horses.,Ask and answer,What are these? They are hens. I like them. I like eggs.,Look ,listen and read,表演故事对话内容,分小组进行角色表演,然后展示,教师评价。,情景剧表演,S1: Hello.Look at my vegetable garden. S2: So many vegetables. What are these? S1: They are carrots. S2: I like carrots. Do you like them? S1: Yes, I do. ,Make a survey:What do you like?,Homework: (1)Listen and recite the story. (2)Make a new story and act it out in your groups.(结合本课学习内容),
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