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,Welcome to my class,萍乡二中 胡文香 March 27, 2013,2013年萍乡市一摸,高三(6)阅读表达得分情况,分析: 1、 78题、80题得分比较好,满分占了90%以上; 2、77题做得最差,只有8个同学得满分(占1.8% ), 67%的同学0分,结论:此题还有较大提升空间。,高三英语专题复习,阅读表达专题,2013年江西省普通高考英语科考试说明的阅读表达部分中要求考生阅读一篇短文(一般300字左右) ,并根据所给题目要求在规定的词数内进行作答,超过规定词数的不给分。 题目数量为5个,每小题2分,共计10分。答题参考时间10-15分钟,考纲内容?,五 种 主 要 题 型,主要题型?,2013年阅读表达部分较之2012年的作了一点微调。,根据题目要求,对短文信息进行归纳整合,并作出 合理判断或评价。,根据题目要求,对短文信息进行归纳概括,或作出 合理判断与评价。,2、2013年对此题作了一个更明确的要求,即:要求考生阅读一篇短文,并根据所给题目要求在规定的词数内进行作答,超过规定词数的不给分。,3、 其余基本与2012年意思相同。,2013年: 归纳或推断性问答。,考纲解读:,1、措词更加准确、明了。例如:,2012年:归纳、评价等开放性问答,2011年江西省高考英语阅读表达评分细则 1. 首字母大写、冠词正确、标点符号与否不扣分; 2. 答案内容正确但答案字数超过要求者每小题扣除1分; 3. 答案内容正确但出现语法错误者每小题扣除0.5分; 4. 答案内容正确但是出现拼写错误者每小题扣除0.5分; 5. 抄写无关答案的句子或者题干者不给分。,2012年江西省高考英语阅读表达评分细则 1、超过规定字数不给分(0 分); 2、语法和拼写错误每个小题扣0.5分; 3. 首字母大小写都不扣分; 4. 给两个答案者0分; 5. 表达无意义、无法辨认或无法理解者不给分; 6. 重义不重词:表达意义到位,不在乎用什么词表达。,知彼?,此题要求:根据题目要求就短文内容简要回答问题。 问题多为wh-questions。常见题的提问方式有: What cause? What does the writer really mean by saying? Why does the author mention? Which is the result of? Where in the passage does the author describe ?,一、短文信息简短问答,知识讲评,答题技巧:,1、抓住所提问题的相关信息用自己的语言简要回答;,2、回答问题时必须找准问题在原文中的位置;,注意:,1、要审清楚题目; 2、回答问题时同学们应尽可能用完整的句子回答。,Passage 1,(NMET2012江西),4China issues zodiac animal stamps (十二生肖邮票) every year to celebrate the Lunar New Year. They are extremely popular and a lot of collectors wait patiently for 12 years to collect a full set of them. Hong Kongs Lunar New Year special stamp series began in 2000 with the Year of Dragon and the twelfth and final set was issued in 2011, the Year of Rabbit. Recently some Western countries have issued zodiac animal stamps, which attract a lot of attention as well. 78What should you do if you want to collect a full set of zodiac animal stamps? (no more than 7 words),Answer: we should wait for 12years.,I will wait patiently for 12 years. 2. You should wait patiently for 12 years. 3.Waiting patiently for 12 years to collect. 4. To wait patiently for 12 years. 5. You should spend 12 years collecting it.,以上答案都为正确,2分。,1.collect stamps from 2000 to 2011. 2. you should wait for a long time. 3. began in 2000, end in 2011. 4. Buy stamps every new year. 5. collect a full set of them.,1.5分,1分,0.5分,0分,0(抄问题),答卷中有代表性的答案:,Happy Leap Day(闰日)! Leap Day, you ask? Yes, its February 29 You may notice this date didnt appear on last years calendar, or the year before that, orThats because Leap Day happens once every four years. A leap year has 366 days instead of the usual 365 days that an ordinary year hasAn extra day is added to the calendar in a leap year, and heres why:,Passage 2,Answer: once every four years.,Question:How often does the leap day/ leap year happen? ( no more than 4 words),【Have a try】,此题要求:简要概括短文或某一段落的主旨大意,或指出作者的写作意图和态度。 此类题目的设问方式常见有如下几种: whats the main idea of the article? what does the passage mainly talk about? what is the purpose of the writer writing this passage? whats the best title of the passage?,知识讲评,whats the main idea of the article?,二、概括主旨大意类题型,答题技巧,2、注意选项的表意,要恰如其分地概括文章的主题,注意:,2、如果要求归纳某一段落的主旨大意,则一般 可以把该段的主题句作为答案。,1、首段出现疑问句时,对该问题的解答就是 文章主旨;,3、提出文章主旨时常伴有的文字提示:therefore, thus, but, however, in short等。,1、运用略读、扫读等技巧快速阅读全文,获取 主要信息。搜寻关键词、主题句,并且理清文章 脉络,把握语篇实质。,(首段)Do you want to live another 100 years or more? Some experts say that scientific advances will one day enable humans to last tens of years beyond what is now seen as the natural limit of the human life span.,Passage 3,Question:What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 10 words),Answer:Scientific advances will enable humans to live longer.,【Have a try】,Question: Whats the main idea of the first paragraph? (Please answer within 10 words.),1.To ensure the protection of our global village from pollution for us and for future generations, it is the duty of every individual and people to take an active part in environmental protection.,Answer:Everyone should protect environment.,Passage 4,此题要求:根据上下文要求和行文逻辑,补全短文中空缺的内容。该题型的设问方式一般为:please fill in the blank in the passage with proper words or phrases.,三、补全文章中空缺的内容,答题技巧:,1.把握上下文语境,弄清其间的逻辑关 系,再根据 这些关系猜测出空缺处的内容;确定要填写的是 短语还是句子;,2、答完后要检查一下,看上下文是否通顺, 能否恢复文章作者原本想表达的思想、内容或意图 ,还要看一看有没有注意语法规则以及时态的变化等。,For the new study, the researchers ask 193 healthy adults to complete some standard measures of personalities and feeling styles. Those who tended to be happy, energetic and easygoing were judged as having a positive feeling style, while those _had a negative style. Fill in the blank with proper words. (Please answer within 10 words.),【Passage 5】,Answer: who were often unhappy, tense and depressed,备考建议: 同学们首先理解与掌握我省考试说明对阅读表达题的要求; 2、要对我省高考英语试卷中的阅读表达题的评分标准 进行研究、分析,掌握“游戏规则”; 3、 认真阅读文章,特别要抓住所提问题相关的信息;特别要抓关键词; 4、答案最好自己概括总结,要避免照抄原文。措辞时, 可先整合筛选重要信息,剔除可有可无的字句,然后运用复合词、短语代替句子,用简单句代替复合句等小技巧使得答案完整简洁。 5、书写整洁,不要出现简单的拼写错误,例如:多一个字母或少一个字母等情况; 6、不要出现简单的语法错误; 7、特别不要超过所规定的字数。,1.Review what weve learned this class. 2.Finish the exercises(P59).,Homework,Thanks for your attendance!,
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