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Unit3 Can I have a balloon?,Red,yellow,blue and green,Red,yellow,blue and green Red,yellow,blue and green,Purple,orange and white Purple,orange and white,What color is it? What color is it?,Blue,blue,blue,blue.Its blue! Blue,blue,blue,blue.Its blue!,Can I have an ice cream cone,please?,Yes.Here you are.,Youre welcome. Thank you.,I like balloons. Can I have a yellow balloon,please?,Yes,you can.,May I have a red balloon,a green balloon and a blue balloon,please?,Gogo!Come back!,Here you are. Thank you.,Yes.Here you are.,Can I have an ice cream cone,please?,Thank you. Youre welcome.,I like balloons .Can I have a yellow balloon,please? Yes,you can.,May I have a red balloon,a green balloon and a blue balloon,please?,Here you are. Thank you.,Gogo! Come back!,Can I have a pen?,Can I,can I, Can I have a pen? Sure,sure,sure,sure Heres a pen. Can I,can I, Can I have a book? Sure,sure,sure,sure Heres a book.,Goodbye! Thank you.,
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